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Jersey College MedSurg 1 RN FINAL EXAM WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS. 19,35 €   In den Einkaufswagen



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  • Jersey College MedSurg 1 RN


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  • Jersey College MedSurg 1 RN
  • Jersey College MedSurg 1 RN

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von: morgangallagher1 • 1 Monat vor

weight, smoking, sex practices, diet - Answer List four modifiable risk factors. (general health promotion)
age, genetics, sex - Answer List three non-modifiable risk factors. (general health promotion)
cultural assessment - Answer What type of assessment should the nurse preform prior to initiating health teaching?
physiological integrity
safety and security
belongingness and affection
esteem and self-respect
self-actualization -- physiologic needs and life threatening issues are a priority -- confirm that these needs are met in the order listed above - Answer Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs
--what order?
Healthy People 2020 - Answer Organization that identifies health promotion and disease prevention goals and lists strategies along with resources in an attempt to improve the nation's health
The Institute of Medicine's report on the Future of Nursing - Answer Organization that recommends ways to strengthen the practice of nursing in order to improve health care.
The National Patient Safety Goals - Answer The Joint Commission lists the top patient safety concerns and includes medication safety, infection prevention, surgery-related mistakes, patient identification and improving staff communication. What is this list called?
Nurse Practice Acts - Answer This governs nursing practice and is a law that is put into place to protect the public - nurses must follow and comply with their state's regulations
QSEN - Quality and Safety Education for Nurses Institute - Answer Institute that seeks to strengthen the knowledge, skills, and attitudes of nurses in providing continuous quality improvement in health care
whatever the patient says it is - Answer What is pain?
actual or potential tissue damage - Answer Pain is associated with __________________________________.
the patient's self report - Answer The single most reliable indicator of pain is _______. Jersey College MedSurg 1 RN FINAL EXAM WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS.
blood pressure, heart rate, and respirations - Answer Pain stimulates the sympathetic nervous system and could result in an increase in ___________, ___________, and ____________.
increases glucagon production
decreases insulin secretion
depresses immune function
can lead to addictive behaviors - Answer physiologic effects of unrelieved pain (4)
prostaglandins - Answer initiate inflammation and contribute to tissue swelling and pain
NSAIDS - Answer ______ primarily produce pain relief by preventing prostaglandin formation.
Acetaminophen - Answer _____________ does not have anti-inflammatory properties.
tissue damage - Answer ______________ stimulates the inflammatory response and
puts the patient at risk for pain.
local anesthetics, non-opioids or opioids - Answer manage nociceptive pain with?
allodynia - Answer pain that is associated with a noxious stimulus
nerve route injury - Answer ________________ could lead to allodynia.
onset - when it started
duration - where it started
frequency - how often/for how long
type - includes intensity, associated factors
influencing factors - what makes it better/worse
intensity - how bad does it hurt
quality - what does it feel like
location - where does it hurt
effects on function/daily activities - Answer What does a comprehensive pain assessment include? Jersey College MedSurg 1 RN FINAL EXAM WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS.
visual analog scale - Answer 10cm line that represents no pain to worst pain on each
end of the line and the patient places a mark somewhere between the two ends depending on the severity of pain
numeric rating scale - Answer ranges from 0 to 10 with 0 representing no pain
Wong-Baker FACES Scale (ages 3+) - Answer consists of cartoon faces that the patient selects to report their pain
verbal descriptor scale - Answer uses words to help individuals describe the intensity
of their pain
Wong-Baker FACES Scale - Answer should never be used by the provider to match the patient's facial expression
produce a local effect - Answer effect produced by topical analgesics
produces drug absorption into the systemic circulaiton - Answer effect produced by transdermal route of analgesics
provide PCA (patient controlled analgesia) - Answer Provide ____________ to help reduce complications related to pain. Used in postoperative patients as a preventative measure for pain.
around the clock - Answer Provide administration of analgesics __(frequency)__ for chronic and postoperative pain, never wait for chronic pain to reoccur.
aspirin or acetaminophen - Answer given for mild to moderate pain
NSAIDS - Answer given for moderate pain
opioid analgesics (Morphine) - Answer given for severe pain
rectal route - Answer Avoid which medication administration route for patients who are thrombocytopenic?
Acetaminophen - Answer Use of this analgesic could result in hepatoxicity and should not exceed 4,000mg/day.
NSAIDS - Answer analgesic that could result in gastric ulcers or contribute to cardiovascular events such as MI or stroke
NSAIDS - Answer analgesic that could lead to acute renal failure in patients with volume depletion or who take it for chronic pain
prostaglandin - Answer needed for renal blood flow Jersey College MedSurg 1 RN FINAL EXAM WITH COMPLETE SOLUTIONS.
constipation, nausea, pupil constriction, and respiratory depression - Answer undesirable side effects of opioids
could increase absorption and result in lethal complications - Answer Never apply heat over transdermal patches. Why?
antidepressants or anticonvulsants - Answer adjuvant medications used to manage neuropathic pain
metabolic alkalosis - Answer Vomiting can lead to what acid-base imbalance
metabolic acidosis - Answer Diarrhea can lead to what acid-base imbalance
calcium - Answer Mineral that helps to regulate muscle contraction and relaxation
high in calcium and low in phosphorus - Answer In the setting of hypoparathyroidism,
provide a diet that is high in _______ and low in __________.
osmotic pressure - Answer Chloride works with sodium to determine _______________.
hypochloremic metabolic alkalosis - Answer If chloride levels drop, bicarbonate is retained and results in _______________________________.
action potentials weakness or excitability - Answer Changes in electrolytes impair _________________ resulting in ________ or ____________.
fluid volume deficit (FVD) - Answer Small shifts in intravascular volume in children increases their risk for __________________.
albumin - Answer Proteins like _______ create an oncotic pressure.
oncotic pressure - Answer ________________ pulls fluid from the interstitial compartment into the intravascular compartment to maintain volume.
D5W - Answer becomes a hypotonic solution as the cells absorb the dextrose
dextrose - Answer ________ should not be given to patients with a head injury.
low Magnesium - Answer This mineral stimulates parathyroid hormone secretion when low.
Magnesium - Answer This mineral helps with carbohydrate and protein metabolism, affects neuromuscular function, and produces vasodilation.
Magnesium Sulfate - Answer Can be given to relax smooth muscle. Calcium antagonist.

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