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EED2601 Assignment 3 2023 (ANSWERS) 2,69 €   In den Einkaufswagen


EED2601 Assignment 3 2023 (ANSWERS)

3 rezensionen
 2427 mal angesehen  52 mal verkauft
  • Kurs
  • Hochschule

EED2601 Assignment 3 2023 (ANSWERS) ACTIVITY 1 1.1 Environmental education (EE) processes need to take into consideration the history and context behind certain environmental issues and their implications for communities and their lived context. 1.1.1 State any three environmental issues f...

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vorschau 2 aus 9   Seiten

  • 17. juni 2023
  • 9
  • 2022/2023
  • Andere
  • Unbekannt

3  rezensionen


von: gkwandisa • 1 Jahr vor


von: Dylan87 • 1 Jahr vor


von: jabulilegeuniceqwabe • 1 Jahr vor

, 1.1. The role players and their responsibilities in ICT integration in the classroom are as

1) ICT Coordinator: The ICT coordinator is responsible for promoting the use of ICT in
teaching and learning within the school. They work closely with teachers to provide
guidance, support, and training in integrating technology effectively. They also coordinate
the procurement and maintenance of ICT resources.

2) Teachers: Teachers play a vital role in integrating ICT in the classroom. They are
responsible for incorporating technology into their lesson plans, using relevant educational
software and applications, and utilizing ICT tools to enhance teaching and learning. They
should continuously update their ICT skills and knowledge to keep pace with technological

3) School Management: School management, including principals and administrators,
should support ICT integration by allocating resources, such as funding for ICT
infrastructure and professional development opportunities for teachers. They need to
create a conducive environment that encourages the use of technology and provides
necessary support.

4) ICT Support Staff: ICT support staff, such as technicians or IT specialists, play a crucial
role in maintaining and troubleshooting ICT infrastructure within the school. They ensure
that computers, networks, and software are functioning properly, provide technical
assistance to teachers and students, and address any issues related to ICT.

5) Curriculum Developers: Curriculum developers or subject specialists are responsible for
incorporating ICT into the curriculum. They identify areas where technology can enhance
learning outcomes and provide guidelines and resources for teachers to integrate ICT

6) Parents and Guardians: Parents and guardians have a role to play in supporting ICT
integration by encouraging the use of technology at home and collaborating with teachers
to reinforce ICT skills and concepts. They can also contribute by providing feedback and
suggestions for improving ICT implementation.

7) Educational Technology Specialists: These specialists have expertise in educational
technology and provide support to both teachers and students. They offer training
sessions, workshops, and professional development programs to enhance teachers' ICT
skills and help them integrate technology effectively into their instructional practices.

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