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Zusammenfassung - Englisch

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Das Dokument behandelt Abiturthemen im Fach Englisch. Es geht um Great Britain, USA und allgemeinen Themenschwerpunkten

vorschau 4 aus 57   Seiten

  • 4. juli 2023
  • 57
  • 2020/2021
  • Zusammenfassung
  • Mittelschule
  • Gymnasium
  • Englisch
  • 1
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (293)
Englisch Themen
Great Britain............................................................................................................................................. 1
The British Empire.............................................................................................................................. 1
The British Monarchy ......................................................................................................................... 5
Immigration......................................................................................................................................... 6
Multicultural society ......................................................................................................................... 10
Brexit................................................................................................................................................. 11
USA........................................................................................................................................................ 13
The American Dream........................................................................................................................ 15
Civil Rights Movement..................................................................................................................... 18
Immigration....................................................................................................................................... 20
Multiculturalism................................................................................................................................ 25
Gun culture........................................................................................................................................ 29
America after 9/11 ............................................................................................................................ 33
General topics......................................................................................................................................... 35
Globalization..................................................................................................................................... 35
Social media...................................................................................................................................... 42
English as a lingua franca / Globish ................................................................................................. 42
environment ...................................................................................................................................... 44

Great Britain
comprises England, Scotland & Wales
head of state & Church (England) = the monarch
mixture of tradition & modernity
Queen Elizabeth ǿǿ: head of the United Kingdom (GB + Northern Ireland)
constitutional monarchy governed by a parliamentary system
British parliament: legislative power (makes the laws)
government: executive power (administers the laws)
Supreme Court: judiciary power (makes sure that the laws are applied correctly)

The British Empire
greatest colonial empire in history
empire= group of countries ruled over by a single monarch or ruling power
comprised (=bestand) of Britain, Äthe mother country³ & colonies, countries ruled to some
degree by & from Britain
16th century: British began to establish overseas colonies ĺ1783: large empire with
colonies in America & West Indies
ended after the American Revolution (§1783)
19th century: British built a second worldwide empire
based on British sea-power


, made up of India & huge conquests in Africa
how big?
largest in world history, covering a quarter of world's land surface
worlds foremost & most powerful global power
encompassed (=umfasste) large areas of North America, Australia, Africa, Asia
how did such a small country come to rule so much territory?
deserved result of Britains technological & moral superiority
powerful & wealthy nation which defeated other European countries & conquered
indiginous people thanks to its army & navy
rapid technological advances in 19th century aided expansion
inventions (telegraph, railroads, steamships) advantages over local people who didn't
have access to such things
trade: desire to benefit British companies & secure trade routes
economics: desire to increase Britain's wealth
politics: urge to prevent other European countries from becoming too powerful
ambition: Raj was founded not on consent but on conquest
religion: desire to spread Christianity
adventure & curiosity: longing (=Sehnsucht) to explore/ learn about new countries &
changes it did bring about:
improve welfare of indigenous people
better medical care, education & transport systems
eliminate practices that they considered barbaric (suttee, cannibalism, slavery)
treated indigenous people as Ächildren³ in need of education, tried to turn them into
loss of their lands, culture & met with prejudice, discrimination
reasons for its break-up:
World War 1 & 2:
decline in Britain's wealth & prestige
lessened the political impact of Empire
British were more interested in rebuilding their own country than in concentrating on
far- away places
no longer feasible to run such a large empire


, demand for the right to self-government (Australia, New Zealand, Canada)
Great Rebellion or Indian Mutiny (India's First War of Independence)
passive resistance under Gandhi, starting 1920
demand for independence & growing sense of nationalism in some states
new challenges for the colonies:
- people felt utterly displaced & rootless
- had to tackle the problem of finding their own identity as a nation & recreating their
own values & traditions (assimilated British values)
formation of Commonwealth most of former colonies still have links with Britain
many of them:
legal system based on British law, military
military, police, civil service system based on British models
English is still the main or secondary language
group of 53 countries (Britain, Canada, Australia, India)
all used to be part of the British Empire
they interact on an informal level
founded in 1926
after WW ǿǿ (break-up of the Empire) it served as a way to maintain ties with former
colonies or dependencies
English: common language
university exchange programmes
principles of the Commonwealth:
1971: peace, equality, fight against racism, economic & social development
1991: democracy, human rights & social justice
violation punishment, economic sanctions, expulsion, suspension
membership is voluntary
extensive use of slavery (17th-18th century)
loss of land & culture of the native people (Aborigines in Australia)
deaths caused by famine (India 1943), violence (Kenya 1950s)
Britain regarded itself as Äruler of the waves³ ÄRule Britannia³


, Advantages Disadvantages
Infrastructure - Britain gave its colonies Culture - British culture forced on to the
better developments to the country (better colonists original culture was banned,
roads & railways) ignored & forgotten
Language - Through the Empire, the English Economies - The colonies' economy was
language spread, allowing people to falling because most of the profit of goods
communicate using one language go back to Britain
Culture - trade system allowed people to Soldiers - colonies had to provide soldiers
come to Britain, bringing their culture with who fought & died for Britain soldiers
them, making Britain's more diverse wouldn't have had to fight and die without
Democracy - Britain brought the idea of the Empire.
democracy to its colonies & helped them to Religion - The missionaries sent with the
build their own Empire forced Christianity to the colonists,
Commonwealth - The Commonwealth stopping the practice of other religions
provided the old colonies with help & Disease - The British brought with them new
support after the Empire era diseases to the faraway colonies, killing lots
Law and Order - Empire brought their law of people as they are unused to it
system with them, improving the colonies' Theft - The Empire just took the land and
systems, even up to now resources from the colonies, leading to the
Education - Empire brought their education near-extinction of many indigenous tribes,
system with them, improving the children's such as the Aborigines
education, they built schools Slavery - African slaves were taken to
Slavery - they banned the slavery America to be sold
Health - they brought better medical care Exploitation - Natives were used as servants
Technologies & cheap workers, they took their resources
& raw materials
Superiority - British felt superior Rule
Language - forced their language on the
Deaths - many deaths caused by famine,
Discrimination - treated indigenous people as
Ächildren³ in need of education, prejudices
The British have to stop feeling bad for their Empire-history, it was not only horrible, it
also brought progress and shaped today¶s world in a positive way


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