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Inc3701 Assignment 3 2023 [95% Above Guaranteed]

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The document contains Assignment question Together with answers Distinction Guaranteed Whtsapp

vorschau 3 aus 19   Seiten

  • 8. juli 2023
  • 19
  • 2022/2023
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  • Fragen & Antworten
INC 3701

Identify two (2) words and one (1) phrase used by teachers in the extract from
Jane’s story that suggest that they were still confusing special education with
inclusive education.

Two words are "special" and "frail". The phrase is "in need of very special care."

The question asks us to read Jane's story and answer questions using the Principles of
Inclusive Education. In the excerpt from the story, two words and one phrase used by
the teachers indicate that they were still mixing up special education with inclusive
education. The words "special" and "frail," along with the phrase "in need of very special
care," imply that the teachers perceived Jane as someone who required different
treatment compared to other students. However, this contradicts the principles of
inclusive education, which advocate for treating all students equally.

,How does the story reveal that the physical environment did not accommodate
learners like Jane?

Jane mentions spending "endless hours of physio" and "pushing myself in my
wheelchair down endless corridors." This suggests that the school was not physically
accommodating for her needs as she had to spend a lot of time navigating the school in
her wheelchair which left her tired.

The story demonstrates that the physical environment failed to accommodate learners
like Jane, as evidenced by her struggle to navigate the endless corridors in her
wheelchair, which caused fatigue. This indicates that the school lacked appropriate
facilities to meet the needs of students with physical disabilities.

Highlight the evidence from Jane’s story that suggests that even the school
curriculum did not cater for learners like Jane?

The evidence from Jane's story indicating that the school curriculum did not cater to
learners like her is her recollection of junior school. Instead of memories focused on
learning essential skills such as reading, addition, and multiplication, Jane remembers
spending countless hours on physiotherapy and engaging in extensive art and craft
activities. This suggests that the school lacked an inclusive curriculum that addressed
the specific needs of learners with disabilities like Jane.

Jane states, "My memories of junior school were not learning to read, add or multiply."
This suggests that the curriculum did not cater to her because she was not being taught
basic academic skills.

, Identify the evidence from Jane’s story that suggests that the school system did
not prepare learners like Jane for the world of work.

The evidence from Jane's story that indicates the school system did not prepare
learners like her for the world of work is the absence of any consideration or plan for her
future employment. This suggests that the school lacked programs or initiatives
specifically designed to prepare students with disabilities for the workforce.

Jane says that she did "tons of art and craft (this was recognized as something I could
do and would content me in my adulthood, since no employment was ever envisaged)."
This suggests that the school system did not prepare her for the world of work, as they
never envisaged her being employed.

In two (2) sentences, explain how the school struggled to implement the following
principles of inclusive education:

- Acknowledging that specially trained teachers at special schools teach children
who experience barriers to learning
The school encountered challenges in implementing the principles of inclusive
education in two ways. Firstly, by acknowledging that specially trained teachers at
special schools are responsible for teaching children who face learning barriers, the
school failed to realize that learners with disabilities can be included in mainstream
schools with appropriate support. This overlooked the potential for inclusive education.

The school struggled to acknowledge that specially trained teachers at special schools
teach children who experience barriers to learning because Jane was treated as frail
and needing special care instead of having teachers who understood and could
accommodate her learning needs.

- changing attitudes, behaviour, teaching methods, curricula and the environment
to meet the needs of all learners

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