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Test Bank For Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning Fourth Edition By Jacqueline Rhoads And Sandra Wiggins Petersen 17,06 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank For Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning Fourth Edition By Jacqueline Rhoads And Sandra Wiggins Petersen

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Test Bank For Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic Reasoning Fourth Edition By Jacqueline Rhoads And Sandra Wiggins Petersen

vorschau 4 aus 378   Seiten

  • 9. juli 2023
  • 378
  • 2022/2023
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
Test Bank For Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic
Reasoning Fourth Edition By Jacqueline Rhoads And Sandra
Wiggins Petersen
Cha pt er1 I nte rviewa ndHi st
or yTa ki ngSt r a tegie s
1. Th enu rsei sc onduc ti
n ga ni ntervi ewwi thawoma nwhoha srece ntlyl earne dtha tshei s
pregna nta ndwhoha sc omet ot hec linict oda yt ob egi npr enatalc are.Thewoma ns tatesthats he
andhe rhu s banda r
ee x cit
e da bouthep regna nc ybutha veaf ewq uestions .Shel ooksne r
v ous l
athe rha ndsdur ingt hei nte rviewa nds i
ghsl oudl y.Cons ideringt hec onc e ptofc ommuni cation,
whi chs tateme ntdoe sthenur sekno wt obemos ta cur ate?Thewoma ni s:
a.Ex citeda bouthe rpr egna ncybutne rv ousa bouthel abor .
b.Exhi bi t
in gv e rbala ndnon ve rba lbe ha vior st ha tdono tma tch.
c.Ex citeda bouthe rpr egna ncy ,buthe rhus ba ndi snota ndt hisi supset in gtohe r.
No te x cit
e da bouthe rpr egna n cybutbe liev est henu rsewilne ga ti
respon dt ohe rifs hes tatest his .
Communi cationi salbe ha vior s,c ons ciousa ndunc on sc
ious ,v erbala ndnon verba l
.Albe ha viors
haveme a nin g.He rbe ha viordoe snoti mpl yt ha ts hei sne rvousa boutl abor ,ups etb yhe r
hus ba nd ,o rwori eda bouthenur sesr e spons e.
2. Re ceivin gi sapa rtoft hec ommuni cationpr oc es.Whi c hr eceiveri smos tlike l
o mi s i
nt erpre tame sa ges entb yah ealthc arepr of esiona l
a.Wel -ad justeda doles centwhoc amei nf oras por tsph ys i
ca l
b.Re co verin ga lcohol icwhoc a mei nf o raba sicph y sica
le x ami nati
c.Ma nwh os ewi feha sj ustbendi agnos e dwi thl un gc ance r
Ma nwi thahe arin gimpa irme ntwhou s esi gnl an gua get oc ommuni ca t
ea ndwhoha san
e rpr eterwi thhi m
Ther e ceive rat a chesme anin gde termi ne db yhi sorhe re xpe riences,c ulture,s elf-c
onc ept,a nd
cure ntp h ys i
ca la nde mot iona ls tates.Thema nwhos ewi feha sj ustbendi agnos edwi thl ung
canc erma ybee xpe rienc i
n ge mot ionst ha ta ffec thisr eceiving .
3. Th enu rsema keswhi cha djus tme nti nt heph ysic alen vironme ntopr omot et hes uce so fa
n i nte rview?
a.Re du cesnoi seb ytur ningofft e levision sa ndr adi os
b.Re du cest hedi stanc ebe twent hei nte rvie we ra ndt hepa ti
ento2f etorl es
c.Pr ovi de sadi ml i
ghtha tma k e sther oomc oz ya ndhe lpst hepa ti
entr e l
a x
d.Ara n gese atinga crosade skort a blet oal o wt hepa tients omepe rson alspa ce
Thenu rses houl dr educ enoi seb yt urn ingo fft het e levisi
on,r adio,andot he runne cesa ry
equi pme nt,be caus emul ti
pl es timul ia r
ec onf us i
n g.Thei nterviewe ra ndpa tients houldbe
appr ox ima te l
y4t o5f eta pa r
t ;ther oo ms houl dbewel - li
t,ena blingt hei ntervie wera ndpa t i
tos ee achot he rc l
ea r
ly.Ha vin gat ableorde ski nbe t
went het wope oplec re a
te stheide ao fa
bari e r;e qua l-statuse ating ,a te yel ev el,isbet e r

,Test Bank For Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic
Reasoning Fourth Edition By Jacqueline Rhoads And Sandra
Wiggins Petersen
. I
4 nani
i di
Whi c hs tateme ntist ru er
e ga rdi
n gno t
e -t
aki ng?
a.No te-takingma yi mpe det henur sesob s
e rva
tionoft hepa t
ientsno nverba lbehaviors.
Not e-takin gal owst hepa tientoc ontinuea thisorhe rownpa cea sthenur se
record swha tisa id.
Not e-takin gal owst henur set os hiftat entionawa yf romt hepa tie
nt ,r
e sulting
ina ni nc r
e asedcomf or tlev el.
Not e-takin gal owst henur set obr e ake yec onta
c twi tht hepa tient,whi chma y
increa sehi sorhe rl ev elofc omf ort.
Theu seofh istoryf or msa ndnot e-takingma ybeuna voida ble .Ho we ver,thenur semus tbeawa r
thatno t
e -t
akingdur i
n gthei nterviewha sdi sadvanta ges.I tbr eakse yec on tactooof tenands hift
theat entiona wa yf romt hepa tient,whi chdi mini she shisorhe rs enseofi mpor t
anc e.Notetaking
ma ya l
soi nterupthepa ti
e ntsna ra t
lw,a ndi timpe de st heob servati
onoft he
patientsno nverba lbe havior .
5. Th enu rsea s
ks ,Iwoul dl ik
et oa sky ous omeq ue sti
onsa bouty ourhe althandy ourus ualda i
y a c t
ivitiesot ha twec anbet erpl any ours t
ayhe re.Thi sq ue sti
oni sfounda the
phaseoft heintervi ewpr oc es.
a.Summa ry
b.Cl o si
n g
c.Bod y
d.Ope ni ngori ntrodu c t
Whe ng a theringac ompl e tehi story,th enur seshoul dgi v et her easonf ort hei nt
erviewdur ingt he
openi ngori ntrodu ctionpha seoft hei nterview,notdur i
n gora thee ndoft heinterview.
6. Awo ma nha sj us tente redt hee me rgencyde pa rtme nta ft
e rbe i
ngbat e r
e dbyhe rhus band .Th
nursenedst og ets omei nf orma tionf romhe rtobe gint rea t
me nt.Wha tisthebe s
tc hoicefora n
openi ngph aseoft hei ntervi ewwi tht hispa ti
a.Hel o,Na ncy,myna mei sMr s.C.
b.Hel o ,Mr s.H. ,myna mei sMr s.C.I tsureisc oldt oda y!
c.Mr s.H. ,myna mei sMr s.C.Ho wa r
ey ou?
d.Mr s.H. ,myna mei sMr s.C.Ilnedt oa sky ouaf ewq ues t
ionsa boutwha thappe ned.
Addr e st hepe rs
onb yus inghi sorhe rsur name.Thenur ses houl di ntr
oduc ehimorhe r
givet her e as
onf ort hei nte rview.Fr iendlys malt a lki snotnede dt obui ldr apport
7. Du rin ga ninte rview,t henur ses tates,Youme ntionedha vings hor t
ne sofbr eat
e mo rea boutha t.Whi c hv erba lskili su sedwi t
ht hist a t
e me nt?
a.Re fe
b.Fa c i

,Test Bank For Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic
Reasoning Fourth Edition By Jacqueline Rhoads And Sandra
Wiggins Petersen
dq ues

, Test Bank For Advanced Health Assessment and Diagnostic
Reasoning Fourth Edition By Jacqueline Rhoads And Sandra
Wiggins Petersen
Theop en-e nde dq uestiona sksf orna ra ti
v einfor ma tion.I tsta test het opi ct obedi scuse dbut
onlyi ng ene ralt erms .Thenur seshoul dus ei tobe gi nt hei nte rvie w,t oi ntr oduc eane ws ection
ofq ue sti
ons ,andwhe ne vert hepe rsoni ntroduc e sane wt opi c.
8. Ap atientha sfinis
he dgi vin gt henur sei n f
or ma tiona bouther e a sonhei seki ngc are.Whe n
reviewi ngt heda t
a ,thenur sefindst hatsomei nforma tiona boutpa sthos pital i
z at
ionsismi si ng.
Athi spoi nt,whi c hsta teme ntb yt henur sewoul dbemos ta ppr opr iatet og a thertheseda ta?
a.Mr .Y.,a ty oura ge,s urelyy ouha vebenhos pi taliz edbe for e!
b.Mr .Y. ,Ij ustnedpe rmi si ont og etyourme dic a lr ecor dsf romCoun t
yMe dical
Mr .Y. ,y oume ntione dt haty ouh a
v eb enhos pitaliz edons e ve raloca si
ons .
Woul dy out elmemor ea boutha t?
Mr .Y. ,Ij ustnedt og ets omea ddi t
ionali nforma tiona bouty ourpa sthos pi tal
on s.
Whe nwa sthel asti mey ouwe rea dmit e df orc he stpa i
Thenu rses houl dus edi rectq ue sti
onsa f t
e rthepe rs onsope ni ngna ra tivet ofili na nyde tail
ors hel eftout .Thenur sea l
s os houldus edi r
e ctq ue stionswhe ns pe cificfac t
sa renede d,sucha s
whe na skin ga boutpa sthe althpr obl emsordur ingt her e viewofs y stems .
9. I nus i ngv erba lrespons est oa sisthepa tientsna ra tiv e,s omer e spons e sf ocusont hepa tient
s f ra meofr e f
ere ncea nds omef oc usont hehe althc arepr ovi de rspe rspe c t
ive.Ane xampl eofa
ve r
ba lres pons et ha tfoc us esont hehe althc arepr o vi derspe rs pe ctivewoul dbe :
a.Emp athy.
b.Re fe
c.Fa cilit
a ti
d.Con front ation.
Whe nt hehe althc arepr ovide rus e
st her espons eofc onfr onta tion,t hef rameofr e f
erences hif
fromt hepa tientspe r
s pe ctivet ot hepe rspe ctiveoft heh e althc arepr ovi der,a ndthehe althc ar
provid ers tartst oe xpr eshi sorhe ro wnt hou ghtsa ndf el ings .Empa t hy,re flecti
ta t
ionr espons esf oc usont hepa ti
ent sf rameofr efere nc e.
10. Wh e nt aki ngahi storyf r omane wlya dmit e dpa t
ient ,thenur s eno t
ic e st hatheof tenpa us e
ande xp e ctant l
yl ooksa thenur se.Wha twoul dbet henur se sbe stre spons et othisbe havior?
a.Bes ilent,a ndal owhi mt oc ont i
nuewhe nhei sr ea dy.
Smi lea thi ma nds ay
,Dontworya boutaloft his .I ms ur ewec anfindoutwh y
your eha vi ngt he sepa ins .
c.Le a nba cki nt hec ha i
ra nda sk,Youa rel ooki nga tmeki ndofunn y ;the r ei s
nta nythingwr ong,
Standupa nds ay,Ic a ns et ha thi sintervie wi sun c omf or tabl ef ory ou .
Wec a nc ont inuei tano the rtime .

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