Englisch Abitur Vorbereitung
1.1 Textgebundene Sprachproduktion (+ Stilistic Devices) [400 words]
1.2 + 1.3 Textübergreifende Sprachproduktion (Auswerten von Quellen) [400 words]
2. Mediation [250 words]
The media
Definition media
● communication channels
● dissemination of news, entertainment education, data, promotional messages
● ever broadcasting, narrowcasting medium
○ newspaper, magazines, TV, radio, billboards, direct mail, telephone, fax,
Media literacy - key concept
1. media are constructions
● media has purpose
● need to find out what they try to do
● don’t reflect external reality
● many conscious decisions are made before producing media
○ persuade, inform, entertain, sell, scare
2. audience negotiate meaning
● depends on the audience and their opinion, experience, social surrounding, culture,
generation (age)
● different audiences can take away different meanings from the same media
● factors that can influence a person's interpretation of media
○ age, race, gender, social surrounding, political opinion
3. media have commercial implications
● It’s a business, must make money
● Advertising, product placement, merchandising, taxes for public media, sponsoring
● Businesses and corporations influence content
4. media is social and political
● can convey values
● can drive political change
→ There is the need to be conscious when you consume social media
Definition fake news
● false stories
● appear to be news
● spread through media
● create to influence political views or as a joke
,Why is fake news being read? Why is fake news produced?
- grabs attention - to manipulate opinions
- suit opinion - to confuse people
- unaware - to gain control
- interesting headline - as a joke
- gullible people believe them - to grab attention
- confirm their own opinion - to put pressure on people,
- entertainment companies
- to increase media literacy - to ruin people
- investigation - Propaganda
- being rebellious - to scare people
- smt mixed with accurate news - to entertain
quality newspaper
● usually larger formats that have in-depth articles and present facts that are based on
serious research
many pages more text than headlines: informative, critical comments
photos factual, smaller
small print quotations by facts, numbers, statistics, language: educational, formal,
credible people dates, less ads objective
,Consumerism, Advertising
Aida formula
Attention/ Awareness
● How does the ad get your attention?
● consumer gets to know that product X exists
● task: get the reader to leave their boring old life
● How does the ad create interest in the product?
● consumer reads about the product benefits and how it will be useful to him
● task: engage the audience’s mind with unusual, counter-intuitive or fresh information
● How does the ad arouse desire?
● consumer develops a liking for the product
● task: engage their heart so they want what you are offering
● How does the ad make you take action (i.e. buy the product)?
● consumer buys the product
● task: ask them or motivate them to take the next step
Dis-/Advantages of advertisement
advantages disadvantages
consumer - source of information - annoying
- get a better deal - misinformation
- meeting new people/ forming - misunderstanding
tribes - expensive
- entertainment
- motivation
- education
- special draws → winning
advertising - reach out to potential - expensive
customers - attracting the correct target
- binding customers group
- increasing sales - standing out
- being part of lifestyle/ event - adapt to trends
- standing out
● companies attempt to create brands or products with a distinct identity that marks
them off from similar products
● companies can function as brands by representing certain values
● key tool for creating and maintaining a competitive advantage
● encourages loyalty
, USP (Unique Selling Proposition)
● helps standing out from competition
● what is different or better about the products compared to competitors
environmental/ social issues result from materials’ economy
● cooperation has more power over government
● government doesn’t care about people more than big companies
● if you’re not buying stuff you don’t have a value
● people get wasted, cause of working in factories
● pollution
● primary identity is consumers
● 99% is trashed within 6 month
● advertisement tells us we are wrong, so buying makes us better
● don’t have leisure time
● work-watch-spend treadmill
● wasteful overconsumption
● materialism
● destruction of environment
● negative psychological effects
● exploitation
● benefits economy