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Exam 2 - BIOS252 / BIOS 252 (Latest 2023 / 2024) : Anatomy And Physiology II With Lab - Chamberlain 10,67 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Exam 2 - BIOS252 / BIOS 252 (Latest 2023 / 2024) : Anatomy And Physiology II With Lab - Chamberlain

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BIOS252 / BIOS 252 Anatomy And Physiology II With Lab Exam 2 - Chamberlain

vorschau 3 aus 25   Seiten

  • 20. juli 2023
  • 25
  • 2022/2023
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten

2  rezensionen


von: mabeldestiny • 1 Monat vor


von: ntlm92 • 1 Monat vor

BIOS-252 Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOS252 Exam 2 Wernicke area function - Recognition of spoken and written language - Formulates phrases and transmits plan of speech to Broca area Satellite cells function - Surround somas of neurons in the ganglia - Provide electrical insulation and regulate chemical environment of neurons Microglial cells function Phagocytize and destroy microorganisms, foreign matter, and dead nervous tissue Schwann cells function - Form neurilemma around all PNS nerve fibers and myelin around most of them - Aid in regeneration of damaged nerve fibers Ependymal cells function - Line cavitie s of brain and spinal cord - Secrete and circulate cerebrospinal fluid Astrocytes function - Cover brain surface and nonsynaptic regions of neurons - Form supportive framework in CNS - Induce formation of blood -brain barrier - Nourish neurons - Produce growth factors that stimulate neurons - Promote the formation of synapses and neural circuitry - Communicate electrically with neurons and may influence syna ptic signaling - Form scar tissue to replace damaged nervous tissue List and describe the functions of the hypothala mus - Major control center of the endocrine and autonomic nervous systems - Plays an essential role in the homeostatic regulation of nearly all organs of the body - Hormone secretion - Autonomic effects - Thermoregulation - Food and water intake - Sleep and circa dian rhythms - Memory - Emotional behavior and sexual response - Produces orexins: neuropeptides that stimulate wakefulness List and describe the layers of the meninges. - Dura mater - Arachnoid mater - Pia mater Dura mater: - Outer periosteal layer - Most superficial of the three spinal meninges - Thick strong layer com posed of dense irregular connective tissue - Surrounds spinal cord and is separated from vertebrae by epidural space Arachnoid mater: - Middle of the meningeal membranes - Thin, avascular covering comprised of cells and thin, loosely arranged collagen and elastic fibers - Adheres to dura and is separated from pia by fibers spanning the subarachnoid space that is filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Pia mater: - Innermost meninx - Thin transparent connective tissue layer that adheres to the surface of the sp inal cord and brain - Delicate membrane that follows contours of spinal cord - Continues inferiorly as a fibrous terminal filum that fuses with dura to form coccygeal ligament

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