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Exam 3 - BIOS252 / BIOS 252 (Latest 2023 / 2024) : Anatomy And Physiology II With Lab - Chamberlain 10,67 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Exam 3 - BIOS252 / BIOS 252 (Latest 2023 / 2024) : Anatomy And Physiology II With Lab - Chamberlain

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BIOS252 / BIOS 252 Anatomy And Physiology II With Lab Exam 3 - Chamberlain

vorschau 3 aus 30   Seiten

  • 20. juli 2023
  • 30
  • 2023/2024
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten

4  rezensionen


von: rachalgoldman • 1 Woche vor


von: lovejonesxo2272 • 4 Monate vor


von: amandawt24 • 4 Monate vor


von: nertineluma • 4 Monate vor

BIOS-252 Anatomy & Physiology II with Lab BIOS252 Exam 3 Describe the function of the lens Changes shape to help focus light onto the retina Define A daptation If a stimulus is prolonged, firing of the neuron gets slower over time Define M odality Type of stimulus or sensation it produces Define T ransduction The conversion of one form of energy to another Define P erception How the brain interprets a sense is how the stimulus is perceived Describe the function of the growth hormone - Widespread tissue growth, especially i n liver, bone, cartilage, muscle, and fat - Stimulates mitosis and cellular differentiation Compare between the action of a steroidal and non-steroidal hormones Steroidal anti -inflammatory drugs (SAIDs): - Inhibit inflammation by blocking release of arachidonic acid from plasma membrane and inhibit synthesis of eicosanoids Nonsteroidal anti -inflammatory drugs ( NSAIDs): - Do not affect lipoxygenase function or leukotriene production - Useful in treatment of fever and thrombosis - Inhibit prostaglandin and thromboxane synthesis List and describe the photoreceptors Rods : Sense different shades of gray; Responsible for night (scotopic) vision Cones : The cone shaped cells sense color, res ponsible for color, or day vision List all the primary endocrine glands in the human body - Pineal gland - Pancreas - Thyroid gland - Parathyroid glands - Adrenal glands Describe the pineal gland - Regulation of the 24 -hour circadian rhythm s of humans, influenced by the cycle of daylight and night - Secretion: melatonin - Determines the time that a person will fall asleep - May influence mood and sexual maturation Describe the pancreas - Hormones that regulate blood sugar and metabolism from cell clusters found in pancreatic islets (Islets of Langerhans) Hormones: Glucagon : increases the blood glucose level by accelerating liver glycogenolysis (conversion of glycogen to glucose) Insulin : decreases the blood glucose by accelerating the movement of glucose out of the blood into cells, which incr eases glucose metabolism by cells Describe the thyroid gland - Regulation of metabolic processes throughout the body and calcium homeostasis in blood T3 (triiodothyronine) & T4 ( tetra iodothyronine ): Accelerate catabolism (increase the body’s metabolic r ate) Calcitonin (CT): Decreases the blood calcium concentration by inhibiting breakdown of bone, which would release calcium into the blood

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