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Employee Reflection Report - International Business Parttime 8,49 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Employee Reflection Report - International Business Parttime

 31 mal angesehen  2 käufe
  • Kurs
  • Hochschule

Here is my employee reflection report, which is a required part during the 1st year of the course International Business, the part-time program. In this report I apply relevant subjects such as Marketing Research I, Management and Organization I, Law I, Human Resource Management, Marketing I, Ac...

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vorschau 3 aus 27   Seiten

  • 31. juli 2023
  • 27
  • 2017/2018
  • Andere
  • Unbekannt
Employee Reflection
2017 - 2018

Program: International Business &
Management Studies (Evening program)
Year: 1

,Table of content:
Subject Pages:

 Disclaimer 3
 Foreword 4
 Marketing Research I 5–9
 Introduction 5
 Company culture 5–6
 What can be researched 6–7
 Research design alternatives 7
 Information types and resources 8
 Measurement scales 8
 Conclusion 9 - 10
 Management & Organization 11 – 13
 Introduction 11
 Organization behavior 11
 Approaches towards management 12
 The nature of context of organizations 12
 The individual 12
 The nature of learning 12 – 13
 Perception 13
 Work motivation and job satisfaction 13
 The nature of work groups and teams 13 – 14
 Conclusion 14
 Human Resource Management 15 – 16
 Introduction 15
 Mergers 15
 Strategic HRM 15
 Personal planning 15
 Recruiting 15 – 16
 Training and development of employees 16
 Managing HRM globally 16
 Conclusion 16
 Marketing I 17 - 20
 Introduction 17
 Marketing environment 17
 Consumer behavior and the buyers decision process 18 – 19
 Segmentation and position 19
 Integrated marketing communications strategies 20
 Conclusion 20
 International / European law 21 – 24
 Introduction 21
 Regulations regarding food issues and defective products 21 – 22
 Legal regulations administration and justices 22 – 23
 Harmonization of product standards 24
 Competition law 24
 Conclusion 24
 Accounting 25 – 26
 Introduction 25
 Financial statements 25
 Accounting principles 25
 The income statement 25
 Statement of owner’s equity 26
 Analyzing and recording business records 26
 Completing the accounting cycle 26
 Foundations of financial reporting and analyzing 26
 Conclusion 26
 Epilogue 27


, Disclaimer:

This report contains information based on the personal experience of the author
and is only for educational purpose. This report is only intended for the
instructors, study advisor and program manager of the International Business
Management Studies program.

All information in this report is confidential and may not be distributed to external
parties or used for other purposes besides reflection.

The content of this report will be, under no circumstances, shared with the
relevant companies and their employees.

Neither is the author liable for any negative review about the concerning
companies in public and other (social media) communication channels.

External links and sources:
For the content of this report the website and employee contract of the author
have been used. Furthermore the content of this report is based on the
observations of the author.


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