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UA Local 469 Foreman Certification Practice Test | 2023 | 125 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Updated & Verified | 20 Pages 15,40 €
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UA Local 469 Foreman Certification Practice Test | 2023 | 125 Questions with 100% Correct Answers | Updated & Verified | 20 Pages

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  • UA Local 469 Foreman Certification
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  • UA Local 469 Foreman Certification

If a foreman from a different trade approaches you claiming that one of your crew members has been injured while working outside of his scope of work, what would be the FIRST action you should take? - Get the crew member medical attention. Which of the following is a true statement with respect ...

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  • UA Local 469 Foreman Certification
  • UA Local 469 Foreman Certification

1  bewertung


von: behlermike • 5 Monate vor

UA Local 469 Foreman Certification Practice Test If a foreman from a different trade approa ches you claiming that one of your crew members has been injured while working outside of his scope of work, what would be the FIRST action you should take? - ✔✔Get the crew member medical attention. Which of the following is a true statement with respect to a foreman 's responsibility related to his or her crew? - ✔✔The foreman is responsible for anything that occurs at the jobsite from the beginning of the work day/shift to the end of the work day/shift. Why is preparation so important in a negotiation? - ✔✔Having time to prepare and having a plan makes it easier to keep emotions in check. The piping specifications required all wall penetrations to have a steel pipe sleeve.The steam piping size is 4 inches SCH 80 carbon steel with 1 inch of fiberglass i nsulation. What diameter of SCH 40 carbon steel sleeve is the minimum that you can use? - ✔✔8 inches A member of your crew is being excessively loud and using inappropriate language. As a foreman, what is the MOST effective course of action to take? - ✔✔Explain to them that their behavior is inappropriate and may be considered harassment by fellow crew members and by management What is the purpose of a separation notice? - ✔✔The purpose of a separation notice is to identify the circumstances surrounding a termination. With which of the following costs should a foreman be MOST concerned? - ✔✔Labor A(n) ________________ occurs when any condition or document modifies the work as defined in the contract documents during the bidding process. - ✔✔Change Order On a project that requires 100% tie -off for elevated work, how many lanyards are required on a full body harness? - ✔✔2 The client is not happy with part of the project and wants to make a change. What actions should you take to ensure the client is happ y while ensuring that progress on your job continues? - ✔✔Stop working on that portion of the job that is at issue and contact your supervisor. Using drawing, what is the elevation of the top of the 24 x 18 duct? - ✔✔31 feet and 10 inches. On the project blueprint there is a bank of four pipe runs with each pipe measuring three inches in diameter which measure 12 inches in length on the blueprint. The scale used on the blueprint is 1/4 inch equals 1 foot. How many feet of 3 inch pipe should be ordered to complete the runs? - ✔✔192 feet Using the formula below, what is the correct 45 offset when you have a rolling offset where the roll is 8 inches and the rise is 6 inches? Formula: Offset = roll 2 + rise2 - ✔✔10 inches. What is the first rul e of negotiation? - ✔✔Understand the other person's needs. Assume that you need to purchase 1,000 feet of pipe for your assigned project. If pipe costs $1.25 per foot, what is the cost of purchasing 40% of the total pipe needed? - ✔✔$500 Which of the fol lowing describes the purpose of "Short Interval Planning? " or "Look Ahead Planning"? - ✔✔Breaking the job into small manageable pieces. Which of the following correctly identifies what is included in legitimate labor costs? - ✔✔Hourly wages, fringe benef it packages, payroll taxes, insurance and safety costs,and small tools and consumables. Calculate the number of hangers needed to support 275 feet of pipe if you need a hanger placed every 8 feet? - ✔✔35 hangers The bid documents associated with your pro ject state, "Do not remove or disturb any asbestos containing material (ACM). " You have three days before a planned outage/shutdown to remove a 12-inch insulated gate valve that you suspect has an asbestos covering. What should you do? - ✔✔Contact your su pervisor for proper procedures and instructions on how you should proceed.

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