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UNT SOCI 1510 Final Exam Questions & Answers 2023/2024

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UNT SOCI 1510 Final Exam Questions & Answers 2023/2024 Sociology - ANSWER-The study of scientific ways of thinking about social life. conflict theory - ANSWER-a theoretical perspective that emphasizes the role of power and coercion in producing social order. Critical Distance - ANSWER-De...

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  • UNT SOCI 1510
UNT SOCI 1510 Final Exam Questions &
Answers 2023/2024

Sociology - ANSWER-The study of scientific ways of thinking about social life.

conflict theory - ANSWER-a theoretical perspective that emphasizes the role of power and coercion in
producing social order.

Critical Distance - ANSWER-Debunking requires critical distance

- being able to detach from the situation at hand and view things with a critical mind

- Have the role of strangers in social groups

- Combination of nearness and distance

able to detach

Debunking - ANSWER-Debunking refers to looking behind the facades of everyday life

- Examining Controversial Topics, Peter Berger calls it Debunking.

Diversity - ANSWER-a central theme studied by sociologists.

- It is an important issue in any society, particularly in the United States.

- Racial and ethnic minority groups currently comprise 27% of those living in this country.

- Diversity is a broad concept that includes:

- studying differences in opportunities available to various groups in society

- the shaping of social institutions by different social factors

- the formation of group and individual identity

the process of social change

- Diversity includes the study of different cultural orientations.

Empirical - ANSWER-refers to something that is based on careful and systematic observation.

,Emergence of Sociology - ANSWER-19th Century; Independent field of study of human social creation,
not divinely ordained. It changed the way people think about themselves and society.

Enlightenment - ANSWER-18th - 19th Century; Europe characterized by faith in the ability of human
reason to solve individuals and society's problems.

Enlightenment Thought - ANSWER-Reasons and Rationality; Innate Reason - Able to think about things,
and govern themselves.

Positivism - ANSWER-observation to be the highest form of knowledge.

feminist theory - ANSWER-analyses of women and men in society intended to improve women's lives.

functionalism - ANSWER-a theoretical perspective that interprets each part of society in terms of how it
contributes to the stability of the whole society.

globalization - ANSWER-increased economic, political, and social interconnectedness and
interdependence among societies in the world

issue - ANSWER-affect large numbers of people and have their origins in the institutional arrangements
and history of a society.

- Issues shape the context within which troubles arise.

- Unemployment is seen as rooted in the structure of society

positivism - ANSWER-a system of thought that regards scientific observation to be the highest form of

social change - ANSWER-the alteration of social interaction, social institutions, stratification systems, and
elements of culture over time.

social facts - ANSWER-social pattern that is external to individuals.

,social institution - ANSWER-offers a close-up focus on social interactions in specific situations

- An awareness of the relationship between an individual and the wider society

- The ability to see the societal patterns that influence the individual as well as groups of individuals

social interaction - ANSWER-behavior between two or more people that is given meaning.

- social structure

sociological imagination - ANSWER-Wright Mills coined the term =

· sociology

symbolic interaction theory - ANSWER-a theoretical perspective claiming that people act toward things
because of the meaning things have for them.

troubles - ANSWER-are privately felt problems that spring from events or feelings in a person's life.

Verstehen - ANSWER-the process of understanding social behavior from the point of view of those
engaged in it.

Karl Marx - ANSWER-2 major concepts:

- Capitalism is built on exploiting labor groups for profit,

- Class conflict is embedded in the system of capitalism that then shapes other social institutions.

Merton - ANSWER-saw that social practices often have consequences for society that are not
immediately apparent. He suggested that human behavior has both manifest and latent functions.

Parson - ANSWER-All parts of a social system are interrelated , with different parts of society having
different basic functions.

August Comte - ANSWER-Positivism

, · Early Theorist - ANSWER-:Alexis de Tocqueville: France

:Harriet Martineau: British

content analysis - ANSWER-the analysis of meanings in cultural artifacts such as books, songs, and other
forms of cultural communication.

controlled experiments - ANSWER-a method of collecting data that can determine whether something
actually causes something else.

- Controlled experiments are useful for determining cause and effect patterns.

- Two different groups are created:

- an experimental group, exposed to the factor/variable being examined

- a control group, not exposed to the factor/variable being tested

Correlation - ANSWER-the degree of positive (direct) or negative (inverse) association between two

covert participant observation - ANSWER-the form of participant observation wherein the observed
individuals are not told that they are being studied.

cross-tabulation - ANSWER-a table that shows how the categories of two variables are related.

Data - ANSWER-the systematic information that sociologists use to investigate research questions.

data analysis - ANSWER-the process by which sociologists organize collected data to discover what
patterns and uniformities are revealed.

- Sometimes unexpected or unanticipated findings are made

- These may direct researchers into a new area of study

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