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Applied Statistics From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques 2nd Edition Warner - Test Bank 21,57 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Applied Statistics From Bivariate Through Multivariate Techniques 2nd Edition Warner - Test Bank

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Chapter 3: Statistical Significance Testing Multiple Choice 1. Of the following, which is not an issue in null hypothesis significance testing logic: a. disconfirmatory evidence b. convenience sampling c. the likelihood the null hypothesis is correct d. probability of obtaining a valu...

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  • 27. august 2023
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  • Fragen & Antworten
, Chapter 1: Review of Basic Concepts

Multiple Choice

1. A researcher uses a six-sided dice to determine group membership. The sampling method being used
a. random sample.
b. stratified sample.
c. convenience sample.
d. clustered sample.
Ans: a

2.The level of measurement has an absolute 0 as a meaningful value is:
a. nominal
b. ordinal
c. interval
d. ratio
Ans: d

3. The level of measurement for a 10-point pain scale where 1 is no pain and 10 is very painful is:
a. nominal
b. ordinal
c. interval
d. ratio
Ans: c

4.Likert-scaled instruments could be considered all BUT what level of measurement:

5.The Gaussian distribution is also known as the ____________ distribution:
a. normal
b. exponential
c. positively-skewed
d. platykurtic

,6. Approximately two-thirds of all values in the standard normal distribution fall within how many
standard deviations of the mean:

7. This element is not typically included in a behavioral experiment:
a. a treatment or intervention
b. assessment of an outcome.
c. random assignment
d. uncontrolled variables
Ans: d

8. The degree to which a study’s results can be replicated in real world settings is:
a. rival explanation
b. temporal precedence
c. external validity
d. internal validity
Ans: c

9. What type of analysis should be used for a between-S design with more than two levels for the
independent variable group:
a. repeated measures analysis of variance
b.one-way analysis of variance
c. independent samples t-test
d. Friedman analysis of variance
Ans: b

10. A researcher has a categorical independent variable and a quantitative dependent variable. Which of
the following analyses would not be appropriate:
a. paired-samples t-test
b. one-way between S analysis of variance
c. chi-square test of association
d. Wilcoxon signed-rank test
Ans: c

11. Which analysis would be appropriate when comparing subjects scores on a pretest and a posttest:

, a. independent samples t test
b. one-way between S analysis of variance
c. paired-samples t test
d. Wilcoxon rank sum test
Ans: c

12. Assigning individuals to groups based on the study variable of interest is:
a. matching
b. random assignment
c. random selection
d. repeated measures
Ans: a

13.The degree to which a study supports a causal relationship is:
a. criterion validity
b. construct validity
c. internal validity
d. external validity
Ans: c

14. If an extraneous variable is associated with the independent variable and affects the outcome of the
dependent variable, it is considered a:
a. temporal precedence
b. nuisance variable
c. outcome variable
d. confounded variable
Ans: d

15. Which type of analysis would you use a chi-square test of association:
a. both X and Y are categorical variables.
b. X is categorical and Y is quantitative.
c. X is quantitative and Y is categorical.
d. both X and Y are quantitative variables.
Ans: a


1. All members of a population of interest should be identifiable.
Ans: True

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