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Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing, 6th Edition (McKinney, 2022), Chapter 1-55 | All Chapters 15,76 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing, 6th Edition (McKinney, 2022), Chapter 1-55 | All Chapters

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Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing, 6th Edition (McKinney, 2022), Chapter 1-55 | All Chapters

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  • Maternal Child Nursing, McKinney, 6th Edition
  • Maternal Child Nursing, McKinney, 6th Edition

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Maternal-Child Nursing
Emily Slone McKinney, Susan R. James, Sharon Smith Murray, Kristine Nelson, Jean Ashwill
6th Edition Table of Contents
Chapter 01 Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing 1
Chapter 02 The Nurse’s Role in Maternity, Women’s Health, and Pediatric Nursing 8
Chapter 03 The Childbearing and Child-Rearing Family 14
Chapter 04 Communicating With Children and Families 21
Chapter 05 Health Promotion for the Developing Child 28
Chapter 06 Health Promotion for the Infant 35
Chapter 07 Health Promotion During Early Childhood 41
Chapter 08 Health Promotion for the School-Age Child 48
Chapter 09 Health Promotion for the Adolescent 55
Chapter 10 Hereditary and Environmental Influences on Development 61
Chapter 11 Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology 69
Chapter 12 Conception and Prenatal Development 75
Chapter 13 Adaptations to Pregnancy 81
Chapter 14 Nutrition for Childbearing 86
Chapter 15 Prenatal Diagnostic Tests 93
Chapter 16 Giving Birth 99
Chapter 17 Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance 106
Chapter 18 Pain Management for Childbirth 113
Chapter 19 Nursing Care During Obstetric Procedures 120
Chapter 20 Postpartum Adaptations 126
Chapter 21 The Normal Newborn Adaptation and Assessment 132
Chapter 22 The Normal Newborn Nursing Care 138
Chapter 23 Newborn Feeding 143
Chapter 24 The Childbearing Family With Special Needs 149
Chapter 25 Pregnancy-Related Complications 156
Chapter 26 Concurrent Disorders During Pregnancy 163
Chapter 27 The Woman With an Intrapartum Complication 169
Chapter 28 The Woman With a Postpartum Complication 175
Chapter 29 The High-Risk Newborn Problems Related to Gestational Age and Development 181
Chapter 30 The High-Risk Newborn Acquired and Congenital Conditions 187
Chapter 31 Management of Fertility and Infertility 193
Chapter 32 Women’s Healthcare 200
Chapter 33 Physical Assessment of Children 206
Chapter 34 Emergency Care of the Child 212
Chapter 35 The Ill Child in the Hospital and Other Care Settings 218
Chapter 36 The Child With a Chronic Condition or Terminal Illness 225
Chapter 37 Principles and Procedures for Nursing Care of Children 232
Chapter 38 Medication Administration and Safety for Infants and Children 238
Chapter 39 Pain Management for Children 245
Chapter 40 The Child With a Fluid and Electrolyte Alteration 252 Chapter 41 The Child With an Infectious Disease 258
Chapter 42 The Child With an Immunologic Alteration 267
Chapter 43 The Child With a Gastrointestinal Alteration 274
Chapter 44 The Child With a Genitourinary Alteration 280
Chapter 45 The Child With a Respiratory Alteration 287
Chapter 46 The Child With a Cardiovascular Alteration 294
Chapter 47 The Child With a Hematologic Alteration 301
Chapter 48 The Child With Cancer 308
Chapter 49 The Child With an Alteration in Tissue Integrity 315
Chapter 50 The Child With a Musculoskeletal Alteration 322
Chapter 51 The Child With an Endocrine or Metabolic Alteration 329
Chapter 52 The Child With a Neurologic Alteration 336
Chapter 53 Psychosocial Problems in Children and Families 343
Chapter 54 The Child With an Intellectual Disability or Developmental Disability 351
Chapter 55 The Child With a Sensory Alteration 358 Chapter 01: Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Healt h, and Child Health Nursing McKinney: Evolve Resources for Maternal-Child Nursi ng, 6th Edition MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Which factor significantly contributed to the s hift from home births to hospital births in the early 20th century? a. Puerperal sepsis was identified as a risk factor in labor and delivery. b. Forceps were developed to facilitate difficult birt hs. c. The importance of early parental -infant contact was identified. d. Technologic developments became available to physic ians. ANS: D Technologic developments were available to physicia ns, not lay midwives. So in-hospital births increased in order to take advantage of thes e advancements. Puerperal sepsis has been a known problem for generations. In the late 19th c entury, Semmelweis discovered how it could be prevented with improved hygienic practices . The development of forceps is an example of a technology advance made in the early 2 0th century but is not the only reason birthplaces moved. Unlike home births, early hospit al births hindered bonding between parents and their infants. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering OBJ: Integrated Process: Teaching-Learning MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent 2. Family-centered maternity care developed in res ponse to a. demands by physicians for family involvement in chi ldbirth. b. the Sheppard -Towner Act of 1921. c. parental requests that infants be allowed to rem ain with them rather than in a nursery. d. changes in pharmacologic management of labor. ANS: C As research began to identify the benefits of early extended parent-infant contact, parents began to insist that the infant remain with them. T his gradually developed into the practice of rooming-in and finally to family-centered matern ity care. Family-centered care was a request by parents, not physicians. The Sheppard-To wner Act of 1921 provided funds for state-managed programs for mothers and children. Th e changes in pharmacologic management of labor were not a factor in family-cen tered maternity care. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering OBJ: Integrated Process: Teaching-Learning MSC: Client Needs: Psychosocial Integrity 3. Which setting for childbirth allows the least a mount of parent-infant contact? a. Labor/delivery/recovery/postpartum room b. Birth center c. Traditional hospital birth d. Home birth ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing, 6th Edition (McKinney, 2022)
1 | P a g e ANS: C In the traditional hospital setting, the mother may see the infant for only short feeding periods, and the infant is cared for in a separate nursery. While this is slowly changing, to more closely resemble other birthing models, the tr aditional hospital birth still offers the least amount of parent-infant contact. The labor/de livery/recovery/postpartum room setting allows increased parent-infant contact. Birth cente rs are set up to allow an increase in parent-infant contact. Home births allow an increas e in parent-infant contact. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering OBJ: Nursing Process: Planning MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance 4. The maternity nurse should have a clear underst anding of the correct use of a clinical pathway. One characteristic of clinical pathways is that they a. are developed and implemented by nurses. b. are use d primarily in the pediatric setting. c. set specific time lines for sequencing intervention s. d. are part of the nursing process. ANS: C Clinical pathways are standardized, interdisciplina ry plans of care devised for patients with a particular health problem. They are used to ident ify patient outcomes, specify timelines to achieve those outcomes, direct appropriate interven tions and sequencing of interventions, include interventions from a variety of disciplines , promote collaboration, and involve a comprehensive approach to care. They are developed by multiple health care professionals and reflect interdisciplinary care. They can be use d in multiple settings and for patients throughout the life span. They are not part of the nursing process but can be used in conjunction with the nursing process to provide car e to patients. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering OBJ: Nursing Process: Planning MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent 5. A nurse wishes to work to reduce infant mortali ty in the United States. Which activity would this nurse most likely participate in? a. Creating pamphlets in several diff erent languages using an interpreter. b. Assisting women to enroll in Medicaid by their thir d trimester. c. Volunteering to provide prenatal care at community centers. d. Working as an intake counselor at a women‘s shelter . ANS: C Prenatal care is vital to reducing infant mortality and medical costs. This nurse would most likely participate in community service providing p renatal care outreach activities in community centers, particularly in low-income areas . Pamphlets in other languages, enrolling in Medicaid, and working at a women‘s she lter all might impact infant mortality, but the greatest effect would be from assisting wom en to get consistent prenatal care. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Applying OBJ: Nursing Process: Implementation ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing, 6th Edition (McKinney, 2022)
2 | P a g e MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance 6. Which statement is true regarding the “quality assurance” or “incident” report? a. The report assures the legal department that no pro blem exists. b. Reports are a permanent part of the patient‘s chart . c. The nurse‘s notes should contain, “Incident report filed, and copy placed in chart.” d. This report is a form of documentation of an event that may result in legal action. ANS: D An incident report is used when something occurs th at might result in legal action, such as a patient fall or medication error. It warns the lega l department that there may be a problem in a particular patient‘s care. Incident reports are n ot part of the patient‘s chart; thus the nurses‘ notes should not contain any reference to them. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering OBJ: Integrated Process: Communication and Document ation MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent 7. Which woman would be most likely to seek prenat al care? a. A 15 -year-old who tells her friends , “I don‘t believe I‘m pregnant.” b. A 20 -year-old who is in her first pregnancy and has access to a free prenatal clinic. c. A 28 -year-old who is in her second pregnancy and abuses drugs and alcohol. d. A 30 -year-old who is in her fifth pregnancy and delivered her last infant at home. ANS: B The patient who acknowledges the pregnancy early, h as access to health care, and has no reason to avoid health care is most likely to seek prenatal care. Being in denial about the pregnancy increases the risk of not seeking care. T his patient is also 15, and other social factors may discourage her from seeking care as wel l. Women who abuse substances are less likely to receive prenatal care. Some women se e pregnancy and delivery as a natural occurrence and do not seek health care. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance 8. A woman who delivered her baby 6 hours ago comp lains of headache and dizziness. The nurse administers an analgesic but does not perform any assessments. The woman then has a tonic-clonic seizure, falls out of bed, and fractur es her femur. How would the actions of the nurse be interpreted in relation to standards of ca re? a. Negligent: the nurse failed to assess the woman for possible complications b. Negligent: because the nurse medicated the woman c. Not negligent: the woman had signed a waiver concer ning the use of side rails d. Not negligent: the woman did not inform the nurs e of her symptoms as soon as they occurred ANS: A ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing, 6th Edition (McKinney, 2022)
3 | P a g e There are four elements to malpractice, which is ne gligence in the performance of professional duties: duty, breach of duty, damage, and proximate cause. The nurse was negligent because she or he did not perform any ass essments, which is the first step of the nursing process and is a standard of care. By not a ssessing the patient, the nurse did not meet established standards of care, and thus is gui lty of professional negligence, or malpractice. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering OBJ: Nursing Process: Evaluation MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent 9. Which patient situation fails to meet the first requirement of informed consent? a. The patient does not understand the physician‘s exp lanations. b. The physician gives the patient only a partial l ist of possible side effects and complications. c. The patient is confused and disoriented. d. The patient signs a consent form because her husban d tells her to. ANS: C The first requirement of informed consent is that t he patient must be competent to make decisions about health care. Full disclosure of inf ormation is an important element of the consent, but first the patient has to be competent to sign. Understanding is an important element of the consent, but first the patient has t o be competent to sign. Voluntary consent is an important element of the consent, but first the patient has to be competent to sign. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent 10. Which situation reflects a potential ethical d ilemma for the nurse? a. A nurse administers analgesics to a patient with cancer as often as the provider‘s order allows. b. A neonatal nurse provides nourishment and care t o a newborn who has a defect that is incompatible with life. c. A labor nurse, whose religion opposes abortion, is asked to assist with an elective abortion. d. A postpartum nurse provides information about ad option to a new mother who feels she cannot adequately care for her infant. ANS: C A dilemma exists in this situation because the nurs e is being asked to assist with a procedure that she or he believes is morally wrong. The other situations do not contain elements of conflict for the nurse. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding OBJ: Nursing Process: Assessment MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent 11. When planning a parenting class, the nurse sho uld explain that the leading cause of death in children 1 to 4 years of age in the United States i s ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing, 6th Edition (McKinney, 2022)
4 | P a g e a. premature birth. b. congenital anomalies. c. accidental death. d. respiratory tract illness. ANS: C Although the rates have dropped, unintentional inju ry (accidents) are still the leading cause of death for children aged 1 to 19. The other optio ns contribute to morbidity and mortality in children but are not the leading cause. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering OBJ: Integrated Process: Teaching-Learning MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent 12. Family-centered care (FCC) describes safe, qua lity care that recognizes and adapts to both the physical and psychosocial needs of the family. Which nursing practice coincides with the principles of FCC? a. The newborn is returned to the nursery at night so that the mother can receive adequate rest before discharge. b. The father is encouraged to go home after the baby is delivered. c. All patients are routinely placed on the fetal moni tor. d. The nurse‘s assignment includes both mom and bab y and increases the nurse‘s responsibility for education. ANS: D Family-centered care increases the responsibilities of nurses. In addition to the physical care provided, nurses assume a major role in teaching, c ounseling, and supporting families. The other options do not provide family-centered care b ecause they increase family separation or use technology routinely, which may not be needed. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding OBJ: Integrated Process: Caring MSC: Client Needs: Health Promotion and Maintenance 13. Which statement related to nursing care of the child at home is most correct? a. The technology -dependent infant can safely be cared for at home. b. Home care increases readmissions to the hospital for a child with chronic conditions. c. There is increased stress for the family when a sick child is being cared for at home. d. The family of the child with a chronic condition is likely to be separated from their support system if the child is cared for at home. ANS: A ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing, 6th Edition (McKinney, 2022)
5 | P a g e Greater numbers of technology-dependent infants and children are now cared for at home. The numbers include those needing ventilator assist ance, total parenteral nutrition, IV medications, apnea monitoring, and other device-ass isted nursing care. Optimal home care can reduce the rate of readmission to the hospital for children with chronic conditions. Consumers often prefer home care because of the dec reased stress on the family when the patient is able to remain at home. When the child i s cared for at home the family is less likely to be separated from their support system be cause of the need for hospitalization. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding OBJ: Nursing Process: Planning MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent 14. Maternity nursing care that is based on knowle dge gained through research is known as a. nurse -sensitive indicators. b. evidence -based practice. c. case management. d. outcomes management. ANS: B Evidence-based practice is based on knowledge gaine d from research and clinical trials. Nurse-sensitive indicators are patient care outcome s particularly dependent on the quality and quantity of nursing care provided. Case managem ent is a practice model that uses a systematic approach to identify specific patients, determine eligibility for care, and arrange access to services. The determination to lower heal th care costs while maintaining the quality of care has led to a clinical practice mode l known as outcomes management. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding OBJ: Integrated Process: Teaching-Learning MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent MULTIPLE RESPONSE 1. When counseling the newly pregnant woman regard ing the option of using a free-standing birth center for care, the nurse should be aware th at this type of care setting includes which advantages? ( Select all that apply. ) a. Less expensive than acute -care hos pitals b. Access to follow -up care for 6 weeks postpartum c. Equipped for obstetric emergencies d. Safe, home -like births in a familiar setting e. Staffing by lay midwives ANS: A, B, D ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing, 6th Edition (McKinney, 2022)
6 | P a g e Women who are at low risk and desire a safe, home-l ike birth are very satisfied with this type of care setting. The new mother may return to the birth center for postpartum follow-up care, breastfeeding assistance, and family planning information for 6 weeks postpartum. Because birth centers do not incorporate advanced t echnologies into their services, costs are significantly less than those for a hospital settin g. The major disadvantage of this care setting is that these facilities are not equipped t o handle obstetric emergencies. Should unforeseen difficulties occur, the woman must be tr ansported by ambulance to the nearest hospital. Birth centers are usually staffed by cert ified nurse-midwives (CNMs); however, in some states lay midwives may provide this service. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Understanding OBJ: Integrated Process: Teaching-Learning MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent 2. A school nurse is working with unlicensed assis tive personnel (UAPs). What aspects of delegation should the nurse incorporate into his or her practice in this setting? a. The registered nurse is always responsible for asse ssment. b. Uncomplicated medication administration can be perf ormed by the UAP. c. The nurse does not need to supervise UAPs in this s etting. d. The nurse must work within school district policies when delegating. e. Understanding the complexity of the child‘s need s is a consideration when delegating. ANS: A, B, D, E Delegation to UAPs is very common in all health car e settings, including schools. When delegating to a UAP in the school setting, factors for the nurse to consider include that the RN is always responsible for assessment, supervisio n is necessary, the complexity of the child‘s needs must be considered, and policies must be followed. Medication administration by the UAP may be allowed. PTS: 1 DIF: Cognitive Level: Remembering OBJ: Nursing Process: Implementation MSC: Client Needs: Safe and Effective Care Environm ent ______________________________________________________________________________________________
______________________________________________________________________________________________Test Bank - Maternal Child Nursing, 6th Edition (McKinney, 2022)
7 | P a g e

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