Personality Psychology: Differences between people (ESSBP1020)
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (38)
, Freud
1 behavior is never accidental
motivational determinism psychologically determined by mental motivational
2 . these causes are outside someone's complete consciousness/awareness
3 Mental PrUCISSIS
conscious we are instantly aware
preconscious we are not aware at the given moment but we can bring them
into awarenes) fairly easy
unconscious these mental activities are kept beyond awareness by a mechanism
of repression that works actively so that we are simply unable to raise them
into consciousness
Freud claimed that in dreams we can find the hidden fulfillment of a desire
that a person is trying to avoid experiencing consciously
free association the patient will say anything that comes to mind Without
mental contents enter the unconscious for motivated reasons
it stores ideas that are so traumatic that they would otherwise cause
Psychological Pain
thoughts in the unconscious influence onquing conscious experiences
this would cause a slip of the tungue
,the road to self-acceptance was the honest recognition of one's instinctual sexuality
and aggressiveness
making the unconscious impulses conscious was the road to health
id the mental agency or psychic structure that contains everything inherited
the basis of personality
the foundation from which the 290 and supergr develop
TOs life or sexual instincts
id instincts are to seek reduction to lower the state of excitation
instinctual drives are biological and inburn but the Objects involved depend on earlier
thanatos death instincts
the unconscious human desire to return to the inanimate state /expressed in
of the consequences or 1091)
Primary process thinking to discharge tension the id forms an internal image of the
desired Obitit
because these mental images cannot reduce tension themselves the 190 develops
190 a direct ontgrowth of the id
in direct contact With the external world
its task is preservation of the organism So it's governed by considerations of
reality principle this requires the 190 to test reality and to delay discharge
of tension until the appropriate Object and environmental conditions are found
the 190 operates between the world and id whitholding from impulses
, superego the agency that internalizes the influence of the curents and their
idea represents the morals and standards of society that have become part
of the internal world of the individual in the course of their personality
people with a well-developed superego resist had temptations
develops around the 999 of 3
Defense Mechanisms
these defense Mechanisms are carried out by the 190 to cope with the socially
unacceptable impulses of the id
1 denial .
-helpful when the traumatic situation cannot be altered
but it can prevent you from taking altion to alter the situation
people defend against the recognition of their own negative qualities by projecting
it OntO Other PROPH
3 Isolation .
the thought impulse or act is denied the normal accompanying emotion
people who use this also often use undring
undres one act or wish with another
5. reaction information
the individual defends against expression of an unacceptable impulse by only recognizing
and expressing its opposite
6 Vationalization
people recognize the excistence of an action but they distort the underlying motive
the e90 constructs a rational motive to explain an unacceptable action caused by id
7 . Sublimation
the original object of gratification is replaced by a higher cultural goal that is far
removed from a direct expression of the instinct
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