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Use this time-saving lesson plan designed specifically for TEFL business English assignments. This is a comprehensive document on the topic of hosting meetings in business English lessons. It is distinction-worthy and will help you excel in your assignment. All materials and references are included...

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Name of the Teacher Date Level of the class Length of lesson
28.08.2023 Upper-intermediate (B2) 60 minutes

Lesson Type: Speaking Skills

Lesson Topic: Hosting a meeting – A problem-solving meeting

Lesson Aims: Lesson Outcomes:
By the end of the lesson, students will be better able By the end of the lesson, students will have…
 Acquired a thorough understanding of essential language structures and
phrases relevant to hosting problem-solving meetings, covering meaning,
 Understand the meaning, form, pronunciation, and function of
form, pronunciation, and function, enhancing their ability to employ this
common phrases and key language structures relevant to hosting
language professionally when leading and participating in business meetings.
a problem-solving meeting, ensuring appropriate and
 Demonstrated the capacity to encourage active participation, collaboration,
professional communication throughout the discussion.
and the exchange of ideas among team members as well as cultivated
 Utilize functional language to encourage active participation,
diplomatic communication skills, enabling them to express opinions, reach
maintain focus, and manage discussions during a problem-
consensus, and handle disagreements diplomatically in a business context.
solving meeting.
 Practiced problem-solving meeting skills in a simulated scenario relevant to
 Skilfully summarize key points, decisions, and action items at
their roles in the telecommunications company, allowing for practical
the conclusion of a problem-solving meeting in a clear and
application of the lesson content.
concise manner.
 Acquired the skills and confidence to host problem-solving meetings
 Fluently communicate with international clients when hosting a
effectively in English, including initiating, managing, and concluding
meeting, demonstrating the use of accurate language and
communication skills.

pg. 1 Lesson Plan 150823

, Anticipated difficulties: Suggested solutions:

1. Gender Imbalance 1. To address the gender imbalance, it's crucial to foster an inclusive learning
 In this class, there is a significant gender disparity, with environment where all students feel valued and heard. Actively promote
more male students than female. This gender imbalance equal participation by assigning roles or responsibilities that rotate among
could potentially cause some female students to feel students. This ensures that each student has a chance to contribute and lead
intimidated and lacking confidence when speaking in discussions. Create group activities that require collaboration. Assign
front of their peers, leading to participation challenges. groups with a mix of genders to encourage diverse interactions and
2. Native Language (L1)
 As a monolingual class, students may revert to using their 2. Foster an English-only policy during class time to encourage students to use
native language when they encounter difficulties or English consistently. Provide strategies for overcoming language barriers,
encounter complex material during the lesson. such as using circumlocution when faced with unfamiliar words or phrases.
Create a non-judgmental atmosphere where students feel comfortable
3. Motivation expressing themselves in English.
 Some students may feel pressured or lack intrinsic
motivation because they are taking the course primarily 3. To address motivation issues, it's essential to help students see the
because their boss mandated it. This external motivation connection between the course and their personal and professional growth.
might not always align with their personal learning goals. Encourage students to set personal language learning goals that align with
their career aspirations. This empowers them to take ownership of their
4. Cultural Considerations learning. Highlight how the language skills they are acquiring can directly
 Given the shared Japanese background of the students, benefit their professional development, such as improved communication
there may be cultural differences in communication styles with international clients or career advancement opportunities.
compared to Western business norms.
4. To address cultural considerations, emphasize the importance of cultural
awareness and adaptation. Encourage open discussions about cultural
5. Varying roles differences and their potential impact on international business
 The students come from different departments within the communication. Teach students the skills to adapt their communication
telecommunications company, so their specific roles and styles to international business norms while respecting their cultural values.
responsibilities may differ significantly.
5. Tailor the lesson content to be adaptable to various business contexts. Use
scenarios and role-plays that encompass a range of departmental situations,
allowing students to apply the language skills to their specific roles.

pg. 2 Lesson Plan 150823

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