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Test Bank For Electrical Principles for the Electrical Trades 7th Edition By Bob Harper 30,20 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank For Electrical Principles for the Electrical Trades 7th Edition By Bob Harper

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Multiple Choice Questions 1. The generation, supply and distribution subsector is responsible for electrical power generation, transmission and distribution from electrical power stations to: A. the first user B. the second user C. the end user D. the middle user 2. The generation, supply an...

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vorschau 4 aus 528   Seiten

  • 2. oktober 2023
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, Chapter 08


Multiple Choice Questions

1. The type of units of measurement, mathematical processes and simple mechanics used by electricians is:

A. metric Standard International
B. British imperial
C. American imperial
D. furlong/firkin/fortnight units

2. Base units are not formed from other units, although the SI system defines them as having specific
dimensions which are derived from:

A. time constants
B. mechanical
C. physical
D. torque constants

3. The maths used by electricians works with:

A. base units and the integral units
B. base units and the large
C. base units and the small
D. base units and the derived units

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.

,4. The length of a prototype platinum bar stored in France at standard temperature and pressure, is exactly:

A. 1.5 m long
B. 1.1 m long
C. 1 m long
D. 2 m long

5. Weight is the force caused by:

A. the force of the body
B. the mass of the body
C. the speed of the
D. the torque of the body

6. Candela (cd) is defined as:

A. the luminous efficiency in a given direction of a source
B. the luminous density in a given direction of a
C. the luminous flux in a given direction of a source
D. the luminous intensity in a given direction of a

7. 1 radian (rad) is equal to:

A. 360° divided by 2π or ~57.3°
B. 300° divided by 3π or ~56.3°
C. 320° divided by 2π or ~59.3°
D. 380° divided by 4π or ~58.3°

8. Time is now synchronised to:

A. physical clocks around the world
B. Russian clocks around the
C. atomic clocks around the world
D. American clocks around the world

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.

, 9. Which unit is used in defining the radiation of light and other radiating quantities?

A. Luminance—the candela
B. Angular area—the
C. Plane angle—the
D. None of the given answers is correct

10. There are many more derived units described in:

A. AS/NZS ISO 9000
B. AS/NZS ISO 1000
C. AS/NZS ISO 2000
D. AS/NZS ISO 1001

11. A coulomb is the quantity of electric charge that is nominally equal to:

A. 6.42 × 1018
B. 6.24 × 1018
C. 6.14 × 1018
D. 6.23 × 1018

12. A newton (N) is the force which causes an acceleration of 1 metre per second when applied to:

A. a weight of 1 kg
B. a mass of 1 g
C. a mass of 1 kg
D. a weight of 1 g

13. A force of 1 newton applied to an area of 1 square metre is the:

A. pressure
B. torqu
C. energy
D. power

Copyright 2019 © McGraw-Hill Education. All rights reserved. No reproduction or distribution without the prior written consent of
McGraw-Hill Education.

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