First Examiner: Prof TE Motaung
Second Examiner: Mss L. Bendade
External Examiner: Prof C Zvinowanda
Closed book examination
Answer ANY FOUR questions.
Each question counts 25 Marks.
Connectivity to the internet and the IRIS invigilation system is compulsory.
The use of non-programmable pocket calculator is permissible
This paper consists of 9 pages.
Supplementary information/data as APPENDIX A are on pages 6 and 7.
The instructions for the uploading of the examination paper can be found in
APPENDIX B on pages 8 and 9.
Tick the honour pledge box before submission, if it appears on the screen.
, ACH3701
1.1 Give 3 types of fuels and their explanations. (6)
1.2 Mention 5 fuel sources and example of industries that consume the technology in
south Africa. (5)
1.3 Define the law of conservation and make two examples. (4)
1.4 Define Heat in thermodynamics and make two illustrations. (5)
1.5 Mention and explain 5 ways in which energy is presented in nature. (5)
2.1 Mention and explain 5 forms of energy [5]
2.2 Mention and explain 5 forms of energy [5]
2.2 Give three types of heats involved during the process of heat transfer and give
a practical example for each [5]
2.4 Proximate analysis of a wood (See table below) containing 15 % of lignin sample
is given below. Calculate the percentage of hemicellulose if cellulose shares the
same percentage as volatile matter
Sample Average Average Average Ash Average Fixed
moisture Volatile content/% Carbon/%
content/% matter/%
Wood 10 65 5 20
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