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Test Bank for Sorrentino's Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker, 5th Edition by Wilk 28,96 €
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Test Bank for Sorrentino's Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker, 5th Edition by Wilk

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Test Bank for Test Bank for Sorrentino's Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker, 5th Edition by Wilk. Full Chapters are included 1. The Role and Responsibilities of the Support Worker 2. The Canadian Health Care System 3. Workplace Settings 4. Ethics 5. Legislation: The Client’s Rights a...

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von: tolutope14 • 1 Monat vor


von: jessicaokode95 • 3 Monate vor


von: StepsSol • 3 Monate vor

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von: yangchun2005 • 10 Monate vor

hopeful that is useful,will face to exam

Chapter 1: The Role and Responsibilities of the Support Worker
Wilk: Sorrentino’s Canadian Textbook for the Support Worker, Fifth Edition


1. A support worker works in a live-in facility. Which of the following options describes the
setting and the people who live there?
a. Hospital, patient
b. Home care, client
c. Long-term care, resident
d. Hospital, resident

A Incorrect. Patients are persons receiving care in a hospital setting.
B Incorrect. Clients are persons receiving care or support services in a community
setting; it is also a general term for all people receiving health care or support
services: hospital patients, facility residents, and clients in the community.
C Correct. Residents are persons living in a long-term care facility (also known as
a live-in facility).
D Incorrect. Residents are persons living in a long-term care facility (also known
as a live-in facility).

PTS: 1 DIF: Understanding
REF: People Who Receive Support Services
OBJ: 3: Describe the main responsibilities of the support worker.

2. A support worker works on a surgical unit in an acute care setting and is responsible for 10
clients. Which of the following options best describes this setting and the people it serves?
a. Hospital, patient
b. Home care, client
c. Long-term care, resident
d. Hospital, individual

A Correct. Patients are persons receiving care in a hospital setting.
B Incorrect. Clients are persons receiving care or support services in a community
setting; it is also a general term for all people receiving health care or support
services: hospital patients, facility residents, and clients in the community.
C Incorrect. Residents are persons living in a long-term care facility (also known
as a live-in facility).
D Incorrect. Individuals are single human beings, distinct from a family or group.

PTS: 1 DIF: Understanding
REF: People Who Receive Support Services
OBJ: 3: Describe the main responsibilities of the support worker.

,3. A support worker travels to Mrs. Eaton’s home and must perform the following tasks with the
client: bathing, feeding, laundry, and cleaning the kitchen. Which of the following tasks
represent activities of daily living (ADLs) and which ones instrumental activity of daily living
a. ADLs: Laundry, feeding, bathing for client every day
IADLs: Light housekeeping for client every day
b. ADLs: Feeding and bathing for client every day
IADLs: Laundry and light housekeeping for client every day
c. ADLs: Laundry, feeding, bathing for client some days
IADLs: Light housekeeping for client some days
d. ADLs: Feeding and bathing for client some days
IADLs: Laundry and light housekeeping for client some days

A Incorrect. Laundry is not a self-care activity; it is an instrumental activity of
daily living (IADL). Feeding and bathing are self-care activities; they are
activities of daily living (ADL). Light housekeeping is not self-care; it is an
B Correct. Feeding and bathing are self-care activities; they are ADLs that people
perform to remain independent and to function effectively in society. Laundry
and light housekeeping are not self-care activities; they are instrumental
activities of daily living (IADL).
C Incorrect. Laundry and is not a self-care activity; it is an instrumental activity of
daily living (IADL). Feeding and bathing are self-care activities; they are
activities of daily living (ADL). Light housekeeping is not self-care; it is an
IADL. ADLs are performed daily, not some days.
D Incorrect. Feeding and bathing are self-care activities; they are ADLs that people
perform to remain independent and to function effectively in society. Laundry
and light housekeeping are not self-care activities; they are instrumental
activities of daily living (IADL). ADLs are performed daily, not some days.

PTS: 1 DIF: Analyzing REF: Personal Care
OBJ: 4: Differentiate between activities of daily living (ADLs) and instrumental activities of daily
living (IADLs).

4. A 72-year-old woman is a new admission to a live-in facility. She and her family need an
introduction to the facility and assistance with unpacking her belongings. The support worker
a. Refer the woman and family to the physician for assistance.
b. Assist the woman and family with these activities.
c. Refer the woman and her family to the registered nurse for assistance.
d. Assist the nurse with these activities.

A Incorrect. The physician diagnoses and treats clients with illnesses and injuries.

, B Correct. In many facilities, support workers assist with admissions and
discharges by introducing the client and family to the facility and helping the
client unpack and settle in. Support workers may help clients participate in
social activities.
C Incorrect. The nurse assesses; makes nursing diagnoses; plans, implements, and
evaluates nursing care; tends to clients with unstable health conditions; provides
direct client care; administers medications; and supervises support workers.
D Incorrect. The nurse is not responsible for these activities. Support workers
assist nurses or other health care team members by following the established
care plan for each client.

PTS: 1 DIF: Analyzing REF: Personal Care
OBJ: 6: Describe the importance of understanding the roles and responsibilities of support work.

5. Which statement best describes the aging process?
a. Social and emotional changes always happen with older persons.
b. All older persons eventually move into live-in facilities.
c. Many older persons enjoy good health.
d. Aging is considered an illness.

A Incorrect. Social and emotional changes may occur with aging, but not always.
B Incorrect. Not all older persons move into live-in facilities; some stay in their
own homes.
C Correct. Aging is a normal process and is not an illness or disease.
D Incorrect. Aging is a normal process and is not considered an illness or disease.

PTS: 1 DIF: Understanding
REF: People Who Receive Support Services
OBJ: 8: List the principles of client-centred care.

6. Which statement accurately describes people living with disabilities due to illness, injury, or
conditions present at birth?
a. Many adults with disabilities live in their own homes.
b. All adult disabilities are the result of an illness.
c. All adult disabilities are the result of an accident.
d. Disabilities do not affect mental functions.

A Correct. Many adults with disabilities live in their own homes.
B Incorrect. Disabilities may result from an illness, but not always.
C Incorrect. Disabilities may result from an accident, but not always.
D Incorrect. Disabilities may affect physical functions, mental functions, or both.

PTS: 1 DIF: Understanding
REF: People Who Receive Support Services

, OBJ: 3: Describe the main responsibilities of the support worker.

7. Which of the following statements is true about regulated professions?
a. Support workers belong to a regulated profession.
b. A regulated profession is governed by the Canadian government.
c. A regulated profession has a professional organization called a college.
d. There are no official requirements for education in regulated professions.

A Incorrect. Support workers are unregulated health care providers.
B Incorrect. A regulated profession is self-regulated by its members.
C Correct. The professional organization that regulates a profession is called a
D Incorrect. There are requirements for education and licensing.

PTS: 1 DIF: Applying REF: Regulated and Unregulated Workers
OBJ: 5: Distinguish between regulated and unregulated health care providers.

8. Joanne is a support worker graduate and is not sure of her scope of practice. Which of the
following sources would provide Joanne with information regarding her scope of practice?
a. College of Nurses of Ontario
b. Written policies from her current employer
c. Her co-worker who has been on the job for 25 years
d. Her school classmate who always has the answers

A Incorrect. This is the regulatory body for nurses only.
B Correct. Three sources include educational programs, employer policies, and
C Incorrect. Although her co-worker is potentially a good source of information,
they are not an official source.
D Incorrect. Her school classmate is not a reliable source.

PTS: 1 DIF: Understanding REF: Scope of Practice
OBJ: 6: Describe the importance of understanding the roles and responsibilities of support work.

9. Jenny is a support worker who has been hired directly by Mrs. Shaver to help take care of Mr.
Shaver, her husband. Who does Jenny report to?
a. Dr. Tam, Mr. Shaver’s physician
b. Irene, the registered nurse who works with Dr. Tam
c. Mrs. Shaver, her employer
d. Steve, Mr. Shaver’s respiratory therapist

A Incorrect. Mrs. Shaver hired Jenny and is her employer, so Jenny must report to

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