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Alberts Molecular Biology of Cell - Chapter 003 Test Quiz Exam with Correct Answers Key 2023/2024 Verified 7,36 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Alberts Molecular Biology of Cell - Chapter 003 Test Quiz Exam with Correct Answers Key 2023/2024 Verified

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  • Alberts Molecular Biology Of Cell

Alberts Molecular Biology of Cell - Chapter 003 Test Quiz Exam with Correct Answers Key 2023/2024 Verified Kinesin correct answers ...propels organelles through cytoplasm Topoisomerase correct answers ...can untangle knotted DNA molecules Protein (polypeptide) correct answers Made from lon...

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  • Alberts Molecular Biology of Cell
  • Alberts Molecular Biology of Cell
Alberts Molecular Biology of Cell - Chapter 003 Test Quiz Exam
with Correct Answers Key 2023/2024 Verified
Kinesin correct answers ...propels organelles through cytoplasm

Topoisomerase correct answers ...can untangle knotted DNA molecules

Protein (polypeptide) correct answers Made from long unbranched chain of amino acids

Polypeptide backbone correct answers Repeating sequence of atoms along core of polypeptide chain is
referred to as...

Van der Waals radius correct answers Atoms behave as if they are hard spheres with a definitive radius

Psi correct answers Rotation around Ca-C bond

Phi correct answers Rotation around N-Ca bond

Cysteine correct answers Disulfide bonds can form between two...side chains

Chaperones correct answers ...often assist in protein folding

Protein domains correct answers Large proteins can contain structural units that fold independently

SH2 correct answers An example of a protein domain in eukaryotes involved in signalling

a helix correct answers Structure found in a-keratin

B sheet correct answers Structure found in fibroin

Parallel correct answers B sheets that run in same direction

Antiparallel correct answers B sheets that run in opposite directions

Coiled coil correct answers a helices wrap around one another to form...

Primary structure correct answers Amino acid sequence is known as...

Secondary structure correct answers Stretches of polypeptides that form a helices & B sheets

Tertiary structure correct answers 3D organisation of polypeptide chain referred to as...

Quaternary structure correct answers Molecule formed from multiple polypeptide chains its structure is
known as...

Protein domain correct answers Substructure of polypeptide that folds independently of rest of protein

, Src correct answers Has 3 domains: SH2 & SH3 (regulatory) & C-terminal domain (kinase catalytic

Serine proteases correct answers Family of proteolytic enzymes inc. digestive enzymes chymotrypsin,
trypsin & elastase

Regulatory proteins correct answers Yeast a2 protein & drosophilia engrailed protein are gene...

Domain shuffling correct answers Evolutionary process through joining of pre-existing domains into new

Binding site correct answers Any region of protein surface that interacts with other molecule non

Protein subunit correct answers A polypeptide chain in a multi-protein complex is known as a...

Dimer correct answers Symmetric complex of two protein subunits

Globular proteins correct answers Polypeptide chain folds into compact shape like a ball

Actin correct answers Globular protein that forms major filament system of cytoskeleton

Fibrous proteins correct answers Are generally elongated 3D structure & are referred to as...e.g. a-

a keratin correct answers Dimer of two identical subunits with long a-helices forming coiled coil

Globular domains correct answers Coiled coil regions are capped at each end by...containing binding

Fibrous proteins correct answers Main components of extracellular matrix

Collagen correct answers Most abundant fibrous extracellular protein in animals

Collagen correct answers A triple helix each containing glycine at every 3rd position

Elastin correct answers Disordered extracellular matrix protein

Loops of polypeptide correct answers Proteins often have...protruding from protein core

Disordered tails correct answers Many proteins have intrinsically...at one end of structured domain

Disordered tails correct answers Predominant function of...is covalent modifications triggered by cell

RNA polymerase correct answers Eukaryotic...that produces mRNA contains long unstructured C-
terminal tail modified during synthesis

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