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Unit 11 LA: D (Explore basic DNA techniques and the use of genetic engineering technologies) 6,17 €
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Unit 11 LA: D (Explore basic DNA techniques and the use of genetic engineering technologies)

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  • Hochschule

This assignment has achieved DISTINCTION grade and was written in detail this assignment should help you to complete your assignment as it contains all of the necessary contents such as method for DNA extraction from Strawberries, Carry out Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR, and Cutting DNA with restri...

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vorschau 3 aus 16   Seiten

  • 30. november 2023
  • 16
  • 2022/2023
  • Essay
  • Unbekannt
  • A+
Mohammed Salam Unit 11 LA: D

Explore basic DNA techniques and the use of genetic engineering technologies.

DNA extraction from Strawberries:

1. Ensure that there is no excess air in the plastic bag where the strawberries are contained.
2. Add 5ml of detergent into the beaker.
3. Ensure to add half tsp salt and add 25ml of water in a beaker.
4. Ensure to mix these solution.
5. Make sure that there are no bubbles formed.
6. When filtering ensure that there is no pulp.
7. Keep the test tube straight by placing it on the test tube rack and add ethanol to the test tube.
Ensure that the ethanol goes down the side of the test tube.

This image shows that it has been successfully isolated DNA from the strawberries as the above white
cloudy layer is DNA.


,Mohammed Salam Unit 11 LA: D

Carry out Polymerase Chain Reaction PCR:

1. Calibrate the balance before placing the extracted DNA from biological samples.
2. Micropipette should be skilfully used in order to add primer mix and ultrapure water.
3. Ensure to change the micropipette tip when transferring the substance between those samples.
4. Mixing the sample should be achieved by gently tapping the tube.
5. Ensure that all Edvobead is placed into the Eppendorf tube by using forceps to complete the
6. The Eppendorf tube should be tapped on the desk, this is to ensure sure that the Edvobead
remains at the bottom of Eppendorf tube.
7. The sample should be loaded into the centrifuge and operate the centrifuge correctly.
8. The Eppendorf tube should be mixed by tapping it.


, Mohammed Salam Unit 11 LA: D

The mass increased from 0.229g to 0.238g, and 0.009g of DNA was created in the PCR process,
indicating that this technique produced more DNA.

Cutting DNA with restriction enzymes and carrying out gel electrophoresis:

1. Pipette 10μl reaction buffer, 15μl of DNA should be pipetted and pipette 15μl enzyme into
Eppendorf tube.
2. Ensure to mix the solution by tapping.
3. The sample should be incubated by placing it in the water for approximately 15 minutes.
4. 5μl Gel loading solution should be added by tapping.
5. 40μl of sample should be pipetted into the electrophoresis well. The sample should be
cautiously pipetted to ensure that the agarose gel is not damaged during the procedure.
6. Perform the gel electrophoresis.


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