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LCSW Law & Ethics Practice Exam 2023/2024 with 100% correct answers 15,25 €
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LCSW Law & Ethics Practice Exam 2023/2024 with 100% correct answers

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1. You are treating a family consisting of Sharon, 33, Mike, 36, Carol, 15, and Billy, 12. You receive a subpoena from a lawyer, regarding a lawsuit over an inheritance, for which another family member is suing your clients. The subpoena requests all records for the purpose of showing that this fam...

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  • 30. november 2023
  • 14
  • 2023/2024
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
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LCSW Law & Ethics Practice Exam
2023/2024 with 100% correct answers

1. You are treating a family consisting of Sharon, 33, Mike, 36, Carol, 15, and Billy, 12. You receive a
subpoena from a lawyer, regarding a lawsuit over an inheritance, for which another family member is
suing your clients. The subpoena requests all records for the purpose of showing that this family is not
mentally competent to receive the inheritance. How would you manage this situation?

Content Area: Law: Confidentiality, Privilege, and Consent

This question looks at your legal responsibility when receiving a subpoena for an entire family, not just
an individual client.

A. Get a release from the parents since the parents hold the children's privilege.

B. Contact the lawyer to assert privilege on behalf of the family.

C. Obtain written authorization from the entire family to contact their lawyers and waive/assert privilege
as the family sees fit.

D. Comply with the subpoena since their mental condition has b - correct answer C. Obtain written
authorization from the entire family to contact their lawyers and waive/assert privilege as the family
sees fit.

You would be required to obtain written authorizations from the family in order to contact their lawyers
who would determine whether to waive or assert privilege.

2. Sidney comes to his session with his 80-year-old mother, who uses a walker following a bad fall, that
she reports was caused by a fight with her husband. The mother tells you that the fight was her fault,
and she knew that if she kept goading her husband, he would explode. A social worker in this situation

, Content Area: Law: Limits to Confidentiality/Mandated Reporting. This question tests your knowledge of
laws regarding elder abuse.

A. Call Adult Protective Services and report physical abuse.

B. Call law enforcement within 24 hours and follow-up with a written report to local law enforcement,
licensing agency, and ombudsman.

C. Explore possibilities for alternative living arrangements and address the feelings both she and Sidney
are experiencing.

D. Report domestic violence since the victim was an elder. - correct answer A. Call Adult Protective
Services and report physical abuse.

Social workers are mandated to report physical injury to an elder, inflicted by another person, that
occurs by other than accidental means.

*3. A 17-year-old girl, Janet, is referred to you by her school counselor. Janet's nose, eyebrow, and
tongue are pierced, and her hair is dyed green and yellow. Janet says that recently her twin brother
Michael comes into her room at night and tries to "play sleep-over" with her. Janet tells you that a cute
boy she met at a rave last week wants her to move in with him. She asks you not to tell her parents that
she's seeing you because they're "extremely religious." How would you manage your ethical
responsibilities if you were working with the entire family?

Content Area: Ethics: Therapeutic Relationship/Services

This question test your knowledge of the ethical issues that arise when treating a family unit.

A. Clarify for Janet that, as a victim of abuse, she can consent to her own treatment without her parents'

B. Clarify for the family how your therapeutic work differs from religious counseling.

C. - correct answer B. Clarify for the family how your therapeutic work differs from religious counseling.

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