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LCSW Exam Prep 2023/2024 with 100% correct answers 15,25 €
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LCSW Exam Prep 2023/2024 with 100% correct answers

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Termination Process - correct answer Is most associated with evaluating goals and accomplishments Community Organizer - correct answer Developing and working with groups from a community to improve relationships among the residents DSM-IV-TR - correct answer Most helpful with assessment...

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  • 30. november 2023
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LCSW Exam Prep 2023/2024 with 100%
correct answers
Termination Process - correct answer Is most associated with evaluating goals and accomplishments

Community Organizer - correct answer Developing and working with groups from a community to
improve relationships among the residents

DSM-IV-TR - correct answer Most helpful with assessment interpretation

Borderline Intellectual Functioning - correct answer IQ 71-84

Borderline Intellectual Functioning - correct answer Code on Axis II

Mild MR - correct answer 55-70, considered educable, minimal assistance, may need some supervision
and guidance, live in community or in supervised settings

Moderate MR - correct answer 35-55, considered trainable, able to preform at 2nd grade level,
moderate supervision, can attend to their own personal care, can perform unskilled or semi-skilled
work, can live in the community

Severe MR - correct answer 20-35, considered trainable, generally institutionalize, have little or no
communicative speech, possible group home.

Profound MR - correct answer IQ below 20, generally total care

Mental Retardation - correct answer Deficits in adaptive and social functioning, an IQ of 70 or less,
onset prior to age 18.

,Pervasive Mental Disorders - correct answer Involves multiple functions and behaviors are not
considered normal at any age. Impairment in reciprocal interaction, verbal and nonverbal skills,
imaginative activity, and intellectual skills

Autistic Disorder - correct answer Age of onset requirement is age 3, self-stimulating, self injuring
behaviors often present, such as, rocking, spinning, head banging.

Rett's Disorder - correct answer Only in females, deceleration of head growth, start out normal and 5 to
24 months problems develop, loss of previously acquired hand skills, loss of social engagement,
appearance of stereotyped movements, impaired language functioning generally associated with severe
or profound mental retardation

Childhood Disintegrative Disorder - correct answer Normal development for two years then a drastic
decline followed by a loss of previously acquired skills, and development of autistic like symptoms

Asperger's Disorder - correct answer Autistic like symptoms without language impairment, severely
impaired social interaction, these children often have normal to above normal intelligence

ADHD - correct answer symptoms must persist for atleast 6 months, predominately inattentive,
hyperactivity-impulsivity, combined. Generally before age 7.

Conduct Disorder - correct answer Pattern of behavior that violates rights of others, aggression to
people and animale, deceitfulness or theft, destruction of property, serious violations of rules

Tourette's Disorder - correct answer vocal and motor tics, onset before age 18, symptoms must last for
a at least a year.

Enuresis - correct answer Elimination or urine during day or night, must be age 5 before it can be

Encopresis - correct answer Elimination of feces or soiling in inappropriate places; occurs one time a
month for 3 months, must be at least 4 years of age to diagnose

, Seperation Anxiety Disorder - correct answer Excessive anxiety over separation from home or whom
attached, must last 4 weeks and begin before age 18.

Stranger Anxiety - correct answer A normal reaction experienced by an infant when startled or feeling

Separation Anxiety - correct answer Feelings of anxiety and fear that result after being separated from
a significant other, such as, parent or partner.

Selective Mutism - correct answer At least 1 month in duration, an inability to speak or understand
spoken language

Delirium - correct answer Clouded sensorium, brief duration, can happen in young and old

Dementia - correct answer No clouded sensorium, long duration, must have disturbance in
occupational and social functioning, characterized by multiple cognitive deficits.

Substance Abuse - correct answer Continue use knowing it is causing harm

Substance Dependence - correct answer Needs to take larger amounts with unsuccessful attempts to

Substance Intoxication - correct answer Recent ingestion of psychoactive substance

Substance Withdrawal - correct answer Maladaptive cognitive and behavioral declines due to reduction
of a substance

Substance abuse is considered to be in remission - correct answer 12 months

Schizophrenic, Disorganized Type - correct answer Marked incoherence, lack of systematized delusions,
silly affect

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