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LCSW exam 2023/2024 with 100% correct answers 16,23 €
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LCSW exam 2023/2024 with 100% correct answers

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170 multiple choice questions and 4 hours to answer and no breaks included, however... - correct answer Only 150 questions will actually be counted in your score The test is on the computer and each question needs an - correct answer Answer I will get an unofficial copy of my results that...

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  • 30. november 2023
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  • 2023/2024
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  • Fragen & Antworten
LCSW exam 2023/2024 with 100%
correct answers

170 multiple choice questions and 4 hours to answer and no breaks included, however... - correct
answer Only 150 questions will actually be counted in your score

The test is on the computer and each question needs an - correct answer Answer

I will get an unofficial copy of my results that will be - correct answer Pass or Fail

If I don't pass I will have - correct answer to wait 90 days to retake it

The test is how many hours long - correct answer 4

Remember the time lapse- - correct answer tests will be about 2 years behind in latest research

This test is not geared to test your memory, instead it is - correct answer on your understanding of the
core essentials

KSA - correct answer knowledge, skills, and abilities

Base your answers on the content you studied and what you've learned in the classroom. Do NOT -
correct answer always base this on necessarily your clinical judgement

Ask yourself... - correct answer "what did I study related to this question?" or "Which KSA is being

DO NOT ASK YOURSELF - correct answer "what would i do in this situation" because you will be drawing
on your practice experience rather than the existing knowledge

,Many questions will be focused on me applying information to... - correct answer a particular situation
or scenario.

Do NOT get lost in the scenario, in practice social workers often alter their actions based on many
contextual variables, HOWEVER in this exam - correct answer there is only one right answer and it is
based on the KSAs.

Focus on the content being tested NOT - correct answer the details of the vignette

Do not think about the laws in your state because these questions are the same for every state and
those laws vary, Instead - correct answer focus on the content being tested

The best answers are not always - correct answer the correct ones

Look for qualifying words like... - correct answer "least, most, first, not, best, next"

Put the qualifying word in front of each answer to ensure - correct answer that you are focusing on
what is important.

A theory is a set of - correct answer interrelated concepts that are organized in a way that explain
aspects of everyday life.

A practice model is a way - correct answer in which a theory is operationalized.

A perspective is a point of view - correct answer that is usually broader and at a higher level of

Paradigm - correct answer Theory, model or perspective

Answer the question related to - correct answer the paradigm the question states. For example, "what
theory is used in..." or "what practice", or "what model"


Look for quotations in the question as - correct answer clues for the answer

The lens that you should use is often listed in the - correct answer last sentence of the question

The VERB choices in answers are often clues - correct answer "provide, explore, engage, ignore or wait"

Verbs like provide mean - correct answer what a therapist will do or should do

Verbs like explore or engage mean - correct answer that the SW is relying on the client

Verbs like ignore or wait - correct answer means that a SW is not taking critical information into

Use Maslow's Hierarchy of needs to answer questions about - correct answer what to do First or Next-
ex: a SW should always assess health and safety needs first before relationship needs

Consider the problem-solving process when finding the answer. And focus on the correct order. The
problem-solving process includes: - correct answer ENGAGEMENT, ASSESSMENT, PLANNING,

First session= ENGAGEMENT= - correct answer why is the client there, why they are seeking services
now, the role of the SW, what to expect in treatment, listen to client, explain limits of confidentiality

Reference to a specific session in a question is also a clue to determine what - correct answer stage of
problem-solving they are in

The answer to what the SW would do IS dependent ON - correct answer the PROBLEM-SOLVING STAGE
they are in

, Stages can be identified with clues like - correct answer "when developing rapport" to indicate
engagement, "when gathering information on the problem" to indicate Assessment or "when
developing the contract" to indicate Planning, "when implementing skills" to indicate Intervention,
"when assessing whether ct has reached their goals" to indicate evaluation, "when discussing next steps
after reaching goals" to indicate termination

If the age of the client is in the question - correct answer then it is usually relevant in the answers. For
example, Imaginary friends in childhood are an extension of pretend play and part of Piaget's
preoperational stage.

MANY questions aim to assess if the SW is placing the client as the priority and respecting - correct

Questions might focus on conflicts between meeting a client's needs vesus adhering to practices or
policies created by the agency. - correct answer ALWAYS GO WITH THE CLIENT

A SW never - correct answer offer's advice

Do not dismiss an answer even if it seems difficult - correct answer It should ALWAYS be about the
clients right to self determination and removing barriers

The client is the expert on - correct answer themsevles

When a supervisor is brought up in questions- - correct answer it is to ensure that the client is getting
quality care not treatment and is NOT about adhering to policies

Always look at what is best for the client NOT - correct answer for the agency

The only time we do not determine self determination is when - correct answer clients are a harm to
self or others

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