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Test Bank for Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 8th Edition Riggio (All Chapters included) 28,93 €
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Test Bank for Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 8th Edition Riggio (All Chapters included)

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  • Kurs
  • Social Psychology
  • Hochschule
  • Social Psychology

Complete Test Bank for Introduction to Industrial and Organizational Psychology, 8th Edition by Ronald E. Riggio, Stefanie K. Johnson ; ISBN13: 9780367699468. (Full Chapters included Chapter 1 to 15)..... Chapter 1: Introduction to I/O Psychology: Our History and the Important Role We Play in Ensu...

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vorschau 3 aus 228   Seiten

  • 18. dezember 2023
  • 228
  • 2022/2023
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Social Psychology
  • Social Psychology

Introduction to Industrial and
Organizational Psychology
8th Edition by Ronald E. Riggio

Complete Chapter Test Bank are
included (Ch 1 to 15)

** Immediate Download
** Swift Response
** All Chapters included

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CHAPTER 1: Introduction to I/O Psychology: Our History
and the Important Role We Play in Ensuring Workplace
Chapter 1 Test Bank

Multiple Choice Test Questions

1. FACTUAL: What is Industrial/Organizational Psychology?

Industrial/organizational psychology is defined as

a. the study of work in industry.
b. the study of human behavior in work settings.
c. a combination of management principles and work efficiency methods.
d. the process of analyzing communication between managers and subordinates.

2. FACTUAL: The Science and Practice of Industrial/Organizational Psychology

The scientific objective of I/O psychology involves

a. applying psychological principles to observing work behavior.
b. applying research results in attempts to improve work behavior.
c. the study and understanding of all aspects of behavior at work.
d. the discovery of general laws of human behavior.

3. FACTUAL: The Science and Practice of Industrial/Organizational Psychology

The applied objective of I/O psychology involves

a. examining and describing human work behavior.
b. the application of psychological principles to work behavior.
c. the discovery of general laws of human behavior.
d. conducting research and publishing it in scientific journals.

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4. FACTUAL: The Beginnings

The engineer who is credited with stimulating the beginning of the field that would
develop into I/O psychology is

a. Hugo Munsterberg.
b. Walter Dill Scott.
c. Frederick W. Taylor.
d. Elton Mayo.

5. CONCEPTUAL: The Beginnings

An efficiency expert is studying jobs carefully, making detailed assessments of how long
it takes workers to perform tasks. Likely, the expert is using the scientific management
method of

a. ergonomics.
b. time-and-motion studies.
c. scientist-practitioner model.
d. job specialization.

6. APPLICATION: The Beginnings

Suppose that a manager wants to increase the output of a staff of word processors/typists.
Which of the following strategies would be consistent with the principles of scientific

a. Giving the typists pep talks every morning.
b. Instituting an Employee of the Month program.
c. Firing the least productive typists and hiring new ones.
d. Designing workstations that increase the efficiency with which workers can perform
their jobs.

7. CONCEPTUAL: The Beginnings

One reason that scientific management is no longer as applicable in the workplace as it
was at one time is that

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