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Test Bank for Recognizing Race and Ethnicity, 4th Edition Fitzgerald (All Chapters included) 27,20 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank for Recognizing Race and Ethnicity, 4th Edition Fitzgerald (All Chapters included)

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  • Humanities

Complete Test Bank for Recognizing Race and Ethnicity: Power, Privilege, and Inequality, 4th Edition by Kathleen J. Fitzgerald, Kathleen J. Fitzgerald ; ISBN13: 9781032304755. (Full Chapters included Chapter 1 to 13)..... 1 Taking Account of Race, Racism, and Privilege 2 White Privilege: The Other...

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vorschau 3 aus 83   Seiten

  • 20. dezember 2023
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  • 2023/2024
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Humanities
  • Humanities

Recognizing Race and Ethnicity
4th Edition by Kathleen J. Fitzgerald

Complete Chapter Test Bank
are included (Ch 1 to 13)

** Immediate Download
** Swift Response
** All Chapters included

,Chapter One – Taking Account of Race, Racism, and Privilege

Multiple Choice Questions

1. This refers to the everyday business practices and policies which disadvantage minorities and offer
advantages to dominant group members; it is often written off as “just the way things are.”
a. Aversive racism
b. Modern racism
c. Internalized racism
*d. Institutional racism

2. This is a term that refers to a group of people that share a culture, nationality, ancestry, and/or
*a. Ethnic group
b. Racial group
c. Minority group
d. Subordinate group

3. Which of the following types of racism is the most pervasive today?
*a. Institutional discrimination
b. Prejudice
c. Individual discrimination
d. Ideological racism

4. This term refers to Mexican Americans and originated out of their activism in the post- World War II
a. Chicanismo
b. Latino
c. Hispanic
*d. Chicano

5. This refers to the idea, formerly legally enforced and later a U.S. cultural norm, that if a person has
any Black ancestry, they are considered to be Black.
a. Drapetomania
*b. One-drop rule
c. Rule of ethno-descent
d. Biracialism

6. This refers to anxiety, self-doubt, and in extreme cases, self-hatred felt by some members of
stigmatized groups because of the pervasiveness of derogatory stereotypes, ethnocentrism, and other
forms of racism.
a. Systemic racism

, b. Aversive racism
c. Symbolic racism
*d. Internalized racism

7. This refers to the discrimination that darker-skinned Latinos and African Americans face within their
own group compared to lighter-skinned group members.
a. Internalized racism
b. Institutional racism
*c. Colorism
d. Pigmentism

8. This was a term that was found on several censuses during the mid-to-late 1800s. It referred to
someone that had one Black great-grandparent.
*a. Octoroon
b. Mulatto
c. Quadroon
d. Creole

9. In 1988, African American leader Jesse Jackson announced that ______ was the acceptable term for
Black Americans.
a. Creole
*b. African American
c. Afro-American
d. Negro

10. This specifically refers to a group of people that share some socially defined physical characteristics,
for instance, skin color, hair texture, or facial features.
*a. Race
b. Ethnic group
c. Majority group
d. Dominant group

11. When sociologists speak of a minority group, they are referring to
*a. A group that has less than their proportionate share of society’s goods and resources
b. A group that is statistically smaller than other groups
c. A group that holds disproportionate power in society
d. A dominant group

12. When sociologists describe race as being socially constructed, which of the following pieces of
evidence can NOT be offered to support that statement?
a. Mapping of the Human Genome has found that human beings are 99.9 percent similar genetically
*b. Societal racial categories have a biological or genetic basis

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