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Summary Wirtschaftsenglisch

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A summary for an upcoming oral exam in April with the following topics: 1. Complaint Management 2. Advertising 3. Globalization 4. Charts and their functions 5. Product-Life-Cycle 6. Costumer Relationship Management 7. Qualities of a good chairperson in meetings 8. Negotiations 9. Handling of late ...

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vorschau 2 aus 9   Seiten

  • 16. märz 2018
  • 9
  • 2017/2018
  • Zusammenfassung
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (2)
Summarise of Economic English topics:

1. Complaint Management:
a) reasons:
• poor quality of products/services – ensure, that the quality of the products/services
come up to the delivered quality  consequence: customer will share bad
experiences publicly in social media networks
• missing inaccessibility – difficulties to contact the company or the enterprise
doesn’t provide enough information  unanswered emails and not returned calls
• not keeping promises – If promises have not been kept this may leads to
complaints, distrust and switching to competitors
• not listening to customers – one of the biggest mistakes: ignoring customers and
not listening to them
• wrong delivery – keep the product back at the expense of the company (return
authorization), try to negotiate a discount with the customer

Further reasons:
- late delivery
- incomplete delivery
- wrong color, size, material
- incorrect invoice
- broken or damaged product because of poor packaging  full refund and replacement

b) steps of complaints processing by supplier:

1. Listen carefully - thank the customer for complaining
- sorry that the problem has happened  demonstration
of respect for the customer
- taking notes of all the information to fully understand
the situation
- showing empathy in the face of emotional customer

2. Acknowledge - verification of complaints  decide, whether the
complaint is justified or not
- explain reasons for the problem but don’t take the
- making a proposal how handling the problems
- giving a refund, discount or replacement for taking
 corrective action = putting things right

3. Solve the problem - promise to put things right as quickly as possible
- looking in the processes and searching potential
reasons for the same complaint
- identify staff members who need more training
- check where current policies are unclear or simply
not needed

c) Polite language for handling complaints:
- usage of Passive voice  A mistake was made/A Mistake had happened due to …

promising action - I’ll resolve the problem immediately.
- Of course, we investigate this matter and let you know our

, asking for information - What seems to be the problem?
- What do you want us to do in this case?
- May I help you?
saying sorry - I’m afraid
- I’m so sorry to hear that …
- I’m really sorry about this …
- I do apologize for …
- We do apologize for any inconvenience
you may have suffered.
sympathizing - I’m appreciate your call …
- Thank you for calling
- If you’d like to bear with me for a moment.

2. Advertising:
a) definition of advertisement:
= means of communication between an organisation and its target group using space or time
purchased in the media (TV, radio, magazines, newspapers, websites, etc.)

b) Reasons for advertising:
brand-building activity - presentation of a product in an advertisement conveys
images, ideals and a personality
- consumers better relate to the product
increase awareness of - inform the consumer about a product's features, purpose and
the brand functionality
- especially important for companies introducing new and
innovative products in the market
boost sales and - advantages of increasing the number of loyal consumers:
increase market share company has flexibility with the product's price elasticity
- company can raise prices with less reaction from customers
adds credibility to your - advertising is often to sell and resell prospects
message - customers makes it easier to get attention for the entire whole

c) Effectiveness of advertising:
- customers still enjoy ads that are creative and entertaining
- central question: Does it actually sell any more chocolates or cars?
- reasons for the difficulty of recognition of the effectiveness:

1. people tend only be able to remind a particularly good commercial
2. customers cannot remember the product it featured
3. most time, they try to avoid the rising barrage of ads  increasing difficulty to get
their attention (reason: different usage of kinds of media)
4. consumers have become more skeptical about the claims made for products
 power to choose as never before
 ability to get information about whatever and whenever you want, has given
shoppers unprecedented strength
5. highly transparent prices  If the retailer changes prices on its website, its
customers buying patterns change quickly

e) Promotional activities for Leitermann:

activity explanation
distribution of - weekly advertising material, that informs about new offers in the
advertising subsidiaries and the online-shop
material - consist of around 20 sites in A4-size

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