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Canadian Citizenship exam 2024 with 100% correct answers 15,31 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Canadian Citizenship exam 2024 with 100% correct answers

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What/who is the oath professed to? - correct answer The Monarch. Not a document (e.g. constitution), a banner (e.g. flag), or a geopolitical entity (e.g. country). What is the Magna Carta also known as? - correct answer The Great Charter of Freedoms (created in 1215) What does the Magna C...

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Canadian Citizenship exam 2024 with
100% correct answers

What/who is the oath professed to? - correct answer The Monarch. Not a document (e.g. constitution),
a banner (e.g. flag), or a geopolitical entity (e.g. country).

What is the Magna Carta also known as? - correct answer The Great Charter of Freedoms (created in

What does the Magna Carta include? - correct answer Freedom of conscience and religion; of thought,
belief, opinion and expression, including of speech and of the press; of peaceful assembly; and of

What is the Habeas corpus? - correct answer The right to challenge unlawful detention by the state. It
comes from English common law.

When was the Constitution of Canada amended? - correct answer 1982

What does the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms include? - correct answer Mobility Rights,
Aboriginal Peoples' Rights, Official Language Rights and Minority Language Educational Rights, and
Multiculturalism. It also attempts to summarize fundamental freedoms.

What are the Mobility Rights? - correct answer Canadians can live and work anywhere they choose in
Canada, enter and leave the country freely, and apply for a passport.

What are the Aboriginal Peoples' Rights? - correct answer The rights guaranteed in the Charter will not
adversely affect any treaty or other rights or freedoms of Aboriginal peoples.

What are the Official Language Rights and Minority Language Educational Rights? - correct answer
French and English have equal status in Parliament and throughout the government.

,What is Multiculturalism (with respect to the charter)? - correct answer A fundamental characteristic of
the Canadian heritage and identity. Canadians celebrate the gift of one another's presence and work
hard to respect pluralism and live in harmony.

What are the Citizenship Responsibilities? - correct answer Obeying the law, Taking responsibility for
oneself and one's family, Serving on a jury, Voting in elections, helping others in the community,
protecting and enjoying our heritage and environment.

What is the name of Canada's original constitutional document? - correct answer The British North
America Act. It is also known as the Constitution Act.

When was the British North America Act created? - correct answer July 1, 1867.

What is the key phrase in Canada's original constitutional document in 1867 (the British North America
Act)? - correct answer Peace, Order and Good Government. The act officiated the Dominion of Canada.

What is Canada's three founding peoples? - correct answer Aboriginal, French and British

When were Territorial rights first guaranteed? - correct answer 1763 in the Royal Proclamation by King
George III. Unfortunately, treaties that were not always fully respected.

During what time period did the federal government place many Aboriginal children in residential
schools to educate and assimilate them into mainstream Canadian culture? - correct answer From the
1800s until the 1980s

When did the federal government formally apologize to the former (Aboriginal) students? - correct
answer 2008

What are the three distinct groups referred to by the term Aboriginal peoples? - correct answer First
Nations (formerly Indian), Inuit, and Metis.

Who are the Inuit? - correct answer The Inuit, which means "the people" in the Inuktitut language, live
in small, scattered communities across the Arctic.

, Who are the Metis? - correct answer The Metis are a distinct people of mixed Aboriginal and European
ancestry, the majority of whom live in the Prairie provinces. They come from both French- and English-
speaking backgrounds and speak their own dialect, Michif.

What is the approximate geographic distribution of the First Nations people? - correct answer About
half live on reserve land in about 600 communities while the other half live off-reserve, mainly in urban

What is the approximate population distribution of the Aboriginal people? - correct answer About 65%
are First Nations, while 30% are Metis, and 4% are Inuit.

Who was John Buchan? - correct answer A popular Governor General of Canada (1935-40).

Approximately how many Francophones are there in Canada? - correct answer 7 million, mostly in
Quebec. One million in Ontario, New Brunswick and Manitoba.

Which province is officially bilingual? - correct answer New Brunswick

Who are the Acadians? - correct answer Descendants of French colonists who began settling in what
are now the Maritime provinces in 1604.

What is known as the "Great Upheaval"? - correct answer The deportation of two-thirds of the
Acadians during the war between Britain and France from 1755 to 1763.

In what year did the House of Commons recognize the Quebecois as a nation within a united Canada? -
correct answer 2006

What is the name of the descendants of 8,500 French settlers from the 1600s and 1700s whom maintain
a unique identity, culture and language? - correct answer Quebecers. They are the people of Quebec,
the vast majority French-speaking.

Since the 1970s, which continent do most immigrants come from? - correct answer Asia

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