-> Es geht um die englische Sprache und deren analysation
What is linguistics: What is „INPUT“ ?
• linguistic is the scientific study of human language, its -> Linguistic material
structure, its history, its acquisition and its use in (everything that the students read and
communication. hear about the topic/ language
The origins of language
The divine source :
Growing up without learning & hearing any language, you develope a own (God given) language
Beispiel: Growing up isolated (Wolf child, girl kept in seller)
The natural source :
Sounds produced by non humans (Eco of natural sounds= Boom, Splash, bow, buzz) = Bow - Wow Theorie
-> Words echoing natural sound are called onomatopoeic
When our ancestors began
imitating animal sounds
The musician source :
Based on musical sounds (melodically part of language)
Beispiel: Mother & Child
The social interaction source :
Combines Soziologie & Biologie / Social interaction with language (Using language to interact with each other)
Beispiel: children learn language out of a desire to communicate with the world around them
The physical adaption source :
Pronouncing of certain sounds developed throughout centuries because of physical changes of the human body
The tool making source :
Using the brain as a tool of communication throughout language (putting words together)
The genetic source :
Genetic mutations (being born deaf (Speaking fluently throughout sign language)
Property of human language =Eigenschaften
1. Reflexifiti = sprachliche Reflexion
= Using language to talk and think about language itself
Syntax ?
2. Displacement = Verschiebung
Study’s the structure of a sentence
= the language works independently of space & time -
reverences to past future and other locations, fantasy
Grammar ? worlds (animals can’t)
Study’s the structure of phrases and sentence
3. Arbitrariness = Willkür
= no natural (iconic) connection between a linguistic form
Morphology ? and its meaning (the connection is arbitrary) sound and
The study of how words are put together look no connection (look and how we name it)
4. Cultural transmission = Kulturelle Übertragung
Phonetics / Phonology ? = language is not inherited but acquired, input is essential,
The study of how to pronoun words innate disposition + learn signals (passed from one
generation to an other)
5. Productivity / creativity / open endness
= Cavity to coin new words, the human language is infinite
Neue Wörter bilden
6. Duality (double articulation)
= Human language has a dual structure, sounds do not
have meaning in isolating structure, combination of sounds
and words have a meaning (Kombi Wörter & klänge)
, Thema: Phonetics 25.04.2023
Phonetics => the scientific study of how humans produce, transmit & receive speech sounds.
1) Articulatory Phonetics: Produce of organs (physically)
• the study of how vocal organs are used to produce speech sounds / Die Verwendung von Stimmorganen um Sprechdauer zu erzeugen
2) Acoustic Phonetics: Transmit (speaking)
• the study of the physical properties of speech sounds / Die physikalische Eigenschaft von Stimmlauten
3) Auditory / Perceptual Phonetics: Listening (receive)
• the study of the way humans perceive (wahrnehmen) speech sounds / Die Wahrnehmung von Sprachlauten
Number of letters does not necessarily correspond with number of sound: (Beispiele) Beispiel: Aussprache & Wort
Words have… „Ghoti“ means Fish
• Less sounds than letters -> fill, bitter, phone, sing
• Exactly as many sounds as letters -> drunk gh > as in enough
• More sounds than letters -> Cuba o > as in women
• Relationship between sounds & letters can be opaque -> cute, tube, cube
ti > as in nation
-> Long U= to, too, two, through, threw, clue, shoe
Hard palate
-> A sound= dame, dad, father, call, village, many Alveolar ridge
• two letters represent a single sound -> shoot, theatre, character, physics, rough Nasal cavity
Soft palate / velum
• one letter my represent two sounds -> extra (x, k)
• some letters are silent -> whole, resign, know, island, psychology Uvula
Blade Back
Lips Pharynx
Tip Root
Speech production: Glottis
vocal cords
1) Initiation -> its the action by which an air-flow is created through the vocal
tract. (Breath work / Lungs)
(pulmonic egressive, where the air is pushed out of the lungs)
Organs of speech Placement of articulation
2) Phonation -> its the position of the vocal cords when the airstream passes
• Lips
through the larynx (different glottal states) • Teeth (lip & Teeth
• labial
• dental (labio - dental)
Voiceless= vocal cords are pulled apart (no vibration) / Voiced= vocal cords are
• alveolar ridge • alveolar
half closed together (vibration) (Throat)
• hard plate • palatal
• Soft plate • velar
3) Articulation -> its how the different structures of the vocal tract • Glottis • glottalised
(articulators) = tongue, lips, jaw, palate, teeth etc.), interact to create the
specific sounds (mouth & moving parts - teeth, lips etc)
Consonants: - > Group of sounds in englisch
Stops / Plosives: Fricatives: Affricates:
=> Sounds that are produced by closing the => It’s produced by bringing mouth => Combination of plosive & fricative
airstream off completely & then releasing into position to block the passage of Voiceless= /tʃ /
built up air quickly. airstream, not making complete closure. Voiced= /dʒ/.
(Pet, talk, bed, dog) Approach Hold
Voiceless= (/f/, /θ/, /s/, /ʃ/ & /h/)
Voiceless= P/T/K Voiced= (/v/, /ð/, /z/ & /ʒ/).
Voiced= B/D/G
Nasals: Approximants: Vowels:
Produced by closing the vocal => Free flow of air
tract & releasing air through Voiced: ! Always voiced !
nose /L /W/ R / Y
Ask in class ?
M / N / NJ