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Solutions for Principles of Physics, Extended, International Adaptation, 12th Edition Halliday (All Chapters included) 28,94 €
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Solutions for Principles of Physics, Extended, International Adaptation, 12th Edition Halliday (All Chapters included)

5 rezensionen
 20 mal verkauft
  • Kurs
  • Physics - General Relativity
  • Hochschule
  • Physics - General Relativity

Complete Solutions Manual for Principles of Physics, Extended, International Adaptation, 12th Edition by David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker ; ISBN13: 9781119820628. (Full Chapters included Chapter 1 to 44)....1. Measurement. 2. Motion Along a Straight Line. 3. Vectors. 4. Motion in Two...

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vorschau 3 aus 1340   Seiten

  • 18. januar 2024
  • 1340
  • 2023/2024
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Physics - General Relativity
  • Physics - General Relativity

5  rezensionen


von: seprayanh07 • 3 Monate vor


von: mizhouubcca • 3 Monate vor

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von: baptistegoo • 2 Monate vor


von: mizhouubcca • 2 Monate vor

Thank you for your kind review! I’m glad you found the information useful. I look forward to your next visit!


von: baptistegoo • 2 Monate vor

Thanks. You are my savior for this semsester :)


von: seunghyunmin • 6 Monate vor


von: mizhouubcca • 5 Monate vor

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von: mikkelt • 7 Monate vor


von: mizhouubcca • 5 Monate vor

Thank you for your positive feedback! I’m glad you found the information useful. I look forward to your next visit!


von: consulting1004 • 10 Monate vor


von: mizhouubcca • 5 Monate vor

Thank you for your positive feedback! I’m glad you found the information useful. I look forward to your next visit!

Principles of Physics, 12e, International Adaptation Solutions Manual

Solutions Manual
Principles of Physics
Twelfth Edition
David Halliday, Robert Resnick, Jearl Walker


Complete Chapter Solutions Manual
are included (Ch 1 to 44)

** Immediate Download
** Swift Response
** All Chapters included

,Principles of Physics, 12e, International Adaptation Solutions Manual

1. From Fig. 1.1, we see that 212 S is equivalent to 258 W and 212 – 32 = 180 S is
equivalent to 216 – 60 = 156 Z. The information allows us to convert S to W or Z.

(a) In units of W, we have
 258 W 
75.0 S = ( 75.0 S)   = 91.27 W
 212 S 

(b) In units of Z, we have
 156 Z 
75.0 S = ( 75.0 S)   = 65.0 Z
 180 S 

2. THINK In this problem we’re given the radius of Earth, and asked to compute its
circumference, surface area and volume.

EXPRESS Assuming Earth to be a sphere of radius

RE = ( 6.37  106 m )(10−3 km m ) = 6.37  103 km,

the corresponding circumference, surface area and volume are:

4 3
C = 2 RE , A = 4 RE2 , V= RE .

The geometric formulas are given in Appendix E.

ANALYZE (a) Using the formulas given above, we find the circumference to be

C = 2 RE = 2 (6.37  103 km) = 4.00 104 km.

(b) Similarly, the surface area of Earth is

( )
A = 4 RE2 = 4 6.37  103 km = 5.10  108 km2 ,

(c) and its volume is

4 3 4
( )
V= RE = 6.37  103 km = 1.08  1012 km3 .
3 3

, Principles of Physics, 12e, International Adaptation Solutions Manual

LEARN From the formulas given, we see that C RE , A RE2 , and V RE3 . The ratios of
volume to surface area, and surface area to circumference are V / A = RE / 3 and
A / C = 2RE .

3. The metric prefixes (micro (), pico, nano, …) are given in Table 1.1.2.

 100 y   365 day   24 h   60 min 
(a) 1  century = 10−6 century  )     = 52.6 min.
 1 century   1 y   1 day   1 h 

(b) The percent difference is therefore

52.6 min − 50 min
= 4.9%.
52.6 min

4. THINK This problem deals with conversion of furlongs to rods and chains, all of which
are units for distance.

EXPRESS Given that 1 furlong = 201.168 m, 1 rod = 5.0292 m and 1 chain = 20.117 m ,
the relevant conversion factors are
1 rod
1.0 furlong = 201.168 m = (201.168 m ) = 40 rods,
5.0292 m
1 chain
1.0 furlong = 201.168 m = (201.168 m ) =10 chains .
20.117 m

Note the cancellation of m (meters), the unwanted unit.

ANALYZE Using the above conversion factors, we find

40 rods
(a) the distance d in rods to be d = 3.0 furlongs = ( 3.0 furlongs ) = 120 rods,
1 furlong

10 chains
(b) and in chains to be d = 3.0 furlongs = ( 3.0 furlongs ) = 30 chains.
1 furlong

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