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Biochemistry Shelf EXAM Questions and Answers

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Biochemistry Shelf EXAM Questions and Answers A Mixture of bacterial DNA solution subjected to spectroscopic studies consists of 38% of adenine base. What apporximate percentage of the bases are guanine 12% are guanine 38% are Adenine 38% are Thymine thus 24% are Guanine and Cytosine What...

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  • 21. januar 2024
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Biochemistry Shelf EXAM Questions and Answers
A Mixture of bacterial DNA solution subjected to spectroscopic studies consists
of 38% of adenine base. What apporximate percentage of the bases are guanine
12% are guanine

38% are Adenine
38% are Thymine
thus 24% are Guanine and Cytosine
What does etoposide do in treating cancer
inhibit DNA topoisomerase II
Which activity of the DNA synthesizing enzyme removes the wrong base
3'-5' exonuclease activity
Nonpolypsosis colon cancer is the result of a mutation affecting what type of
DNA repair system
Mismatch repair
Cystic Fibrosis is caused by the deletion of 3 nucleotides from the coding region
of a gene. This results in the loss of which amino acid in the polypeptide of CFTR
In order to determine the rate of DNA synthesis in various mammalian tissues,
the administration of which of the following labeled substances would be most
specific in labeling DNA
A 6 year old boy was found to have irregular dark spots, excessive dryness and
scaly skin. The mother also noticed the blistering in the skin after minimum
exposure to sunlight. What is the most likely diagnosis
xeroderma pigmentosum
-Failure to repair pyrimidine (thymine) dimers in DNA
DNA Topoisomerase inhibition are effective agents for the treatment of viral
infection and are used in anitcancer therapy because they inhibit

, The transient breakage and rejoining of phosphodiester bonds in the DNA double Helix
Sickle cell anemia is an example of what type of mutation
Point mutation
Viderabine used for viral infections inhibit what
DNA Chain Elongation
Normocytic anemia with boat shaped red cells are what type of mutation
missense mutation
The role of the core enzyme subunit of RNA polymerase is
The enzyme portion is essential for RNA chain elongation
What is the correct name of the sequence on a mRNA which is required in
prokaryotes to facilitate the binding to the 30s ribosomal subunit to correctly
initiate protein synthesis
Shine-Dalgarno sequence
Systemic lupus erythematosus patients produce antibodies against what
Small nuclear ribonucleic protein particles
16 year old girl consumed a mushroom during her lunch develops severe
abdominal muscle cramps and diarrhea. Alpha amanitin inhibits which enzyme
RNA polymerase II
What is the role of small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles
Required for proper RNA splicing
What is the role of RNA Polymerase III
RNA polymerase III synthesizes tRNA
Which modified amino acid is normally part of active blood clotting factors
gamma-carboxy glutamate (Vitamin K dependent)
The diphteria toxin inhibits what part of translation
Prevents the translocation process by inhibiting eEF-2 (Eukaryotic Elongation Factor 2)
Translocation of tRNA - nascent protein complex from A to P site requires what
Guanosine Triphosphate (GTP)
Collagen is an abundant protein in our body. Which amino acid get glycosylated
during chain maturation

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