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NBME Practice Shelf Exams (5-8) Questions And Answers Updated 7,37 €   In den Einkaufswagen


NBME Practice Shelf Exams (5-8) Questions And Answers Updated

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NBME Practice Shelf Exams (5-8) Questions And Answers Updated A cyst that occurs in the spinal cord syringomyelia An inflammatory condition of apocrine tissue Hidradenitis suppurativa NBSIM for recurrent hidrandenitis suppurativa surgical excision of apocrine tissue When melanoma is suspec...

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  • 21. januar 2024
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  • 2023/2024
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  • Fragen & Antworten
NBME Practice Shelf Exams (5-8) Questions And
Answers Updated
A cyst that occurs in the spinal cord
An inflammatory condition of apocrine tissue
Hidradenitis suppurativa
NBSIM for recurrent hidrandenitis suppurativa
surgical excision of apocrine tissue
When melanoma is suspected, what biopsy is appropriate?
a full-thickness biopsy
The most common intrinsic cause of sick sinus syndrome (abnormality in SA
node causing bradycardia)
Fibrosis of SA node (occurs in elderly)
The most common extrinsic cause of sick sinus syndrome (abnormality in SA
node causing bradycardia)
How to diagnose sick sinus syndrome or symptoms of near-syncope
ambulatory ecg monitoring to confirm bradycardia
Biggest risk factor for cardiovascular disease
UFH (heparin) or LMWH is contraindicated in patients with renal disease
LMWH; it is excreted renally therefore heparin is a safer option
What is the most likely diagnosis? + aspergillus on sputum culture, combined
with asthma and fixed infiltrate on CXR
Allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA)
Lab finding in ABPA
elevated IgE
The primary mechanism for development of pulmonary hypertension due to

, Postexposure HIV prophylaxis
3-drug antiretroviral therapy for 4 weeks

* start ASAP!
Inflammation or infection of lymphatic channels
The most common bacterial vs. fungal cause of lymphangitis
bacterial: strep pyogenes

fungal: sporothrix
left shift leukocytosis
Increased production of immature cells, denoting infection
Infection of deep skin layer with mixed flora (anaerobic and aerobic) at a site of
prior trauma or surgery. Evidence of crepitus (gas production), bullae, and severe
Fasciitis (Necrotizing)
Pruritus d/t polycythemia vera is induced by
mast cell production
Febrile reaction that occurs during the administration of blood transfusions
secondary to preformed CYTOKINES in the transfused blood.
acute febrile transfusion reactions
acute febrile transfusion reaction is treated with
IV fluids + acetaminophen
Which spinal cord tract carries fine touch (pinprick), pain, and temperature?
anterolateral spinothalamic tract
Motor function is carried by what spinal cord tract?
lateral corticospinal tract (CST)
Vibration and proprioception is carried by what spinal cord tract?
dorsal column-medial lemniscus pathway (DC-ML)
Injury to anterolateral spinothalamic tract will result in
contralateral loss of fine touch, pain, and temperature

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