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NBME Shelf Exam - THE LIST Questions And Answers 8,29 €   In den Einkaufswagen


NBME Shelf Exam - THE LIST Questions And Answers

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NBME Shelf Exam - THE LIST Questions And Answers Exaggerated over-curvature of thoracic area of vertebral column Kyphosis Lateral deviation of vertebral column Scoliosis Major feature of cervical vertebrae Transverse foramina Vertebra located at level of iliac crest L4 Ligament that conn...

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  • 21. januar 2024
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NBME Shelf Exam - THE LIST Questions And
Exaggerated over-curvature of thoracic area of vertebral column
Lateral deviation of vertebral column
Major feature of cervical vertebrae
Transverse foramina
Vertebra located at level of iliac crest
Ligament that connects internal surface of laminae of vertebrae
Ligamentum flavum
Ligament that checks hyperextension of vertebral column
Anterior longitudinal
Ligament affected by whiplash injury
Anterior longitudinal
Ligament which limits skull rotation
Defective portion of vertebra with spondylolisthesis in cervical area
Defective portion of vertebra with spondylolisthesis in lumbar area
Pars interarticularis, Lamina
Common direction of all superior articular facets of vertebrae
Structure in contact with posterior surface of dens
Transverse ligament of atlas (part of cruciate)
Most commonly herniated intervertebral disc

,Most common nerve compressed with herniated intervertebral disc
Spinal nerve affected by protrusion of the disc between C5/6
Thoracic intercostal space located deep to triangle of auscultation
Vertebral level of lumbar puncture
Innervation of suboccipital muscles
Suboccipital nerve
Roof of suboccipital triangle
Semispinalis capitis
Floor of suboccipital triangle
Posterior arch of atlas; posterior atlanto-occipital membrane
Major vessel within suboccipital triangle
Vertebral artery
Synonym for dorsal ramus of C2
Greater occipital nerve
Inferior extent of dura-arachnoid sac
Inferior extent of spinal cord
Location of internal vertebral plexus
Epidural space
Most frequently fractured bone of body
Most frequently dislocated carpal bone
Most frequently fracture carpal bone
Name of fracture of distal radius that produces "dinner fork" appearance

, Colle's fracture
Nerve injured with fracture of surgical neck of humerus
Nerve injured with fracture of medial humeral epicondyle
Nerve injured with fracture of shaft of humerus
Nerve injured in wrist drop
Muscle that is chief flexor and chief extensor at shoulder joint
Muscles innervated by axillary nerve
Deltoid and teres minor
Muscle that initiates abduction of arm
Most commonly torn tendon of rotator cuff
Two muscles that rotate scapula for full abduction of arm
Trapezius and serratus anterior
Tendon that courses through shoulder joint
Long head of biceps
Chief supinator muscle of hand
Biceps brachii
Injury to what nerve causes winged scapula
Long thoracic nerve
Spinal levels of axillary nerve
C5 and C6
Spinal levels to muscles of the hand
C8 and T1
Dermatome of thumb

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