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AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam #2024 | Questions Solved 100% Correct Answers 12,81 €
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AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam #2024 | Questions Solved 100% Correct Answers

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  • AWS Cloud Practitioner

Which of the following AWS services allows a database to have flexible schema and supports document data models? - Amazon DynamoDB A data analytics company has some data stored on Amazon S3 and wants to do SQL based analysis on this data with minimum effort. As a Cloud Practitioner, which of t...

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  • 25. januar 2024
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  • AWS Cloud Practitioner
  • AWS Cloud Practitioner
AWS Cloud Practitioner Exam #2024 |
Questions Solved 100% Correct Answers
Which of the following AWS services allows a database to have flexible schema and supports document
data models? - ✔✔Amazon DynamoDB

A data analytics company has some data stored on Amazon S3 and wants to do SQL based analysis on
this data with minimum effort. As a Cloud Practitioner, which of the following AWS services will you
suggest for this use case? - ✔✔Amazon Athena

Which of the following is the correct statement regarding the AWS Storage services? - ✔✔S3 is object
based storage, EBS is block based storage and EFS is file based storage

Which of the following AWS services are always free to use (Select two)? - ✔✔Identity and Access
Management (IAM)

AWS Auto Scaling

A developer has written a simple web application in PHP and he wants to just upload his code to AWS
Cloud and have AWS handle the deployment automatically but still wants access to the underlying
operating system for further enhancements. As a Cloud Practioner, which of the following AWS services
would you recommend for this use-case? - ✔✔AWS Elastic Beanstalk

The engineering team at an IT company wants to monitor the CPU utilization for its fleet of EC2
instances and send an email to the administrator if the utilization exceeds 80%. As a Cloud Practitioner,
which AWS services would you recommend to build this solution? (Select two) - ✔✔SNS


As per the AWS shared responsibility model, which of the following is a responsibility of the customer
from a security and compliance point of view? - ✔✔Managing patches of the guest operating system on
Amazon EC2

Which of the following use-cases is NOT supported by Amazon Rekognition? - ✔✔Quickly resize photos
to create thumbnails

, Which AWS service enables users to find, buy, and immediately start using software solutions in their
AWS environment? - ✔✔AWS Marketplace

Which AWS service helps you define your infrastructure as code? - ✔✔AWS CloudFormation

What is the primary benefit of deploying an RDS database in a Multi-AZ configuration? - ✔✔Multi-AZ
enhances database availability

Which AWS service should be used when you want to run container applications, but want to avoid the
operational overhead of scaling, patching, securing, and managing servers? - ✔✔AWS Fargate

A customer has created a VPC and a subnet within AWS Cloud. Which of the following statements is
correct? - ✔✔A VPC spans all of the Availability Zones in the Region whereas a subnet spans only one
Availability Zone in the Region

An organization has a complex IT architecture involving a lot of system dependencies and it wants to
track the history of changes to each resource. Which AWS service will help the organization track the
history of configuration changes for all the resources? - ✔✔AWS Config

Which AWS service can be used to store, manage, and deploy Docker container images? - ✔✔Amazon
Container Registry (ECR)

Multi AZ (Availability Zone) deployment is an example of which of the following? - ✔✔High Availability

Which of the following statement is correct for a Security Group and a Network Access Control List? -
✔✔Security Group acts as a firewall at the instance level whereas Network Access Control List acts as a
firewall at the subnet level

As per the AWS shared responsibility model, which of the following is a responsibility of AWS from a
security and compliance point of view? - ✔✔Edge Location Management

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