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NR511 / NR 511 Final Exam Q & A (Latest 2024 / 2025): Differential Diagnosis & Primary Care Practicum (Verified Answers) 20,10 €
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NR511 / NR 511 Final Exam Q & A (Latest 2024 / 2025): Differential Diagnosis & Primary Care Practicum (Verified Answers)

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  • NR511 / NR 511

NR511 / NR 511 Final Exam Q & A (Latest 2024 / 2025): Differential Diagnosis & Primary Care Practicum (Verified Answers) NR511 / NR 511 Final Exam Q & A (Latest 2024 / 2025): Differential Diagnosis & Primary Care Practicum (Verified Answers) nr 511 midterm exam quizlet Nr 511 midterm exam qu...

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  • 27. januar 2024
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  • Fragen & Antworten
  • NR511 / NR 511
  • NR511 / NR 511

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von: rjfinlay • 3 Monate vor


von: thomasjelonek • 2 Monate vor

NR511 / NR 511 Final Exam
Differential Diagnosis & Primary Care Practicum
Questions and Answers (Verified Answers)

1. Janet is a 30 year old woman who has been recently diagnosed with a
herniated disc at the level of L5-S1. She is currently in the emergency room
with suspician of cauda equna compression. Which of the following is a
sign or symptom of cauda equina compression?

a. gastrocnemius weakness
b. reduced or absent ankle refles
c. numbness of the lateral foot
d. paresthesia of the perineum and buttocks

ANS d. paresthesia of the perineum and buttocks

2. The patient has acute pancreatitis with 7 of the diagnostic criteria
from Ranson's Criteria. In order to plan care, the clinician understands
that this criteria score has which of the following meanings?

,a. a high mortality rate
b. an increased chance of recurrence
c. 7% chance of the disease becoming chronic
d. all of the above

ANS a. a high mortality rate

3. Reuben, age 24, has HIV and just had a routine viral load test done.
The results show a falling viral load What does this indicate

a. a favorable diagnostic trend
b. disease progression
c. the need to be more aggressive with Reuben's medications
d. the eradication of the HIV

ANS a. a favorable diagnostic trend

4. Which is the differentiating symptom mbetween labyrinthitis and
vestibular neuritis?

a. symptoms with vestibular neuritis are usually acute in onset, whereas
with labyrinthitis the onet is more gradual
b. hearing loss may be associated with vestibular neuritis, but not

,with labyrinthitis
c. symptoms with labyrinthitis are usually acute in onset, ,whereas with
ves- ticular neuritis the onset is more gradual
d. hearing loss may be associated with labyrinthitis ,but not with vestibular

ANS d. hearing loss may be associated with labyrinthitis ,but not with
vestibular neuritis
5. A 27 year old female presents with a chief complaint of burning and
pain on urination. She has no previous history of urinary tract infection.
what are

, some additional symptoms consistant with a diagnosis of lower UTI?

a. back and abdominal pain
b. fever, chills, costovertebral angle (CVA) tenderness
c. blood in urine and frequency
d. foul-smelling discharge, perineal itch

ANS c. blood in urine and frequency

6. The differential diagnosis for vertigo can be classified into which of
the following categories

a. peripheral vestibular disease
b. CNS disorders
c. Systemic disorders
d. all of the above

ANS d. all of the above

7. Sam is a 25-year-old man who has been diagnosed with low back strain
based on his history of localized low back pain and muscle spasm along
with a normal neurological examination. As the clinician, you explain to Sam
that low back pain is a diagnosis of exclusion. Which of the following
symptoms would alert the clinician to the more serious finding of a

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