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Final Exam: NR606/ NR 606 (NEW Update 2024/ 2025) Diagnosis & Management in Psychiatric Mental Health II Practicum Review |Weeks 5-8 | Questions and Verified Answers| 100% Correct| A Grade- Chamberlain 12,75 €
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Final Exam: NR606/ NR 606 (NEW Update 2024/ 2025) Diagnosis & Management in Psychiatric Mental Health II Practicum Review |Weeks 5-8 | Questions and Verified Answers| 100% Correct| A Grade- Chamberlain

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Final Exam: NR606/ NR 606 (NEW Update 2024/ 2025) Diagnosis & Management in Psychiatric Mental Health II Practicum Review |Weeks 5-8 | Questions and Verified Answers| 100% Correct| A Grade- Chamberlain QUESTION disruptive behavioral disorders Answer: -Disruptive, impulse-cont...

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von: ollisonb • 3 Monate vor


von: emefaat40 • 6 Monate vor


von: florainevillarson13 • 6 Monate vor

Final Exam: NR 606/ NR 606 (NEW Update 2024/ 2025) Diagnosis & Management in Psychiatric Mental Health II Practicum Review |Weeks 5-8 | Questions and Verified Answers| 100% Correct | A Grade - Chamberlain QUESTION disruptive behavioral disorders Answer: -Disruptive, impulse -control, & conduct disorders -problems with emotional & behavioral regulation -often violate others' rights -bring ind. into conflict with social norms & authority figures -Behaviors often severe, frequent, occur in varied settings, can have serious consequences -more common in boys than girls -first onset in childhood or adolescence -Common diagnosis: • oppositional defiant disorder • conduct disorder • intermittent explosive disorder QUESTION Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD) Answer: -hallmark: persistent angry & irritable mood, argumentative & defiant behavior, & vindictiveness -behavioral features may present with or without ( -) mood -symptom expression in one setting • commonly the home • severe cases symptoms may present in various settings -symptom expression impairs social functioning of the ind. • more evident, interactions with peers or adults they know -Onset: early childhood • symptoms commonly persist into adulthood -frequently occurs comorbidly with ADHD & often precedes development of conduct disorder -high co -occurrence rates with anxiety & MDDs -associated with increased risk for suicide ideation -Prevalence rates: 1% -11%, more prevalent in boys than girls QUESTION ODD diagnosis Answer: -behaviors must have ( -) consequences & must not be associated exclusively with a psychotic, substance use, depressive, or bipolar disorder. • must also not meet diagnostic criteria for DMDD -First, 4 or more of the following symptoms must have occurred during an interaction with one or more individuals that are not siblings within the last 6 months: • Angry/Irritable Mood ➣often loses temper ➣is often easily annoyed ➣is often angry and resentful • Argumentative/Defiant Behavior ➣argues with authority figures or adults ➣actively defies or refuses to follow rules or requests from authority figures ➣deliberately annoys others ➣blames others for their mistakes or misbehavior • Vindictiveness ➣has been spiteful or vindictive at least twice within the past 6 months -Second, symptom persistence & frequency must exceed typical developmental behaviors r/t the child's age, gender, & culture. • For children under age 5, behaviors must occur on most days for at least six months. • For people 5 and older, the behaviors must occur at least once per week for at least six months. QUESTION The severity of ODD is determined by: Answer: the number of settings in which the behaviors occurred. QUESTION ODD and DMDD Diagnosis Considerations Answer: -DMDD shares many symptoms with ODD, many individuals meet diagnostic criteria for both disorders • ODD cannot be diagnosed if criteria are also met for DMDD. ➣These circumstances, should receive a diagnosis of DMDD QUESTION ODD stigma Answer: -reactive behavior & trauma responses are mischaracterized as self -control issues -Some mental health providers are calling for a revision of the DSM -5-TR ODD • use neutral terminology, behavior (reactive) or state (dysregulated) rather than a disposition (oppositional and defiant) QUESTION Conduct disorder Answer: -severe behaviors that violate societal norms or the rights of others, may involve aggression towards others, animals, theft, &/or the destruction of property -developmental relationship between ODD & conduct disorder -Behaviors may present as early as pre -school, though more serious symptoms tend to appear later in childhood or adolescence before age 16 • occur in multiple settings, freq cause significant dysfunction -increased risk of: • criminal behaviors & substance -related disorders ➣especially those with childhood -onset type • mood & anxiety disorders • impulse -control disorders • psychotic disorders • PTSD -prevalence: 1.5% -3.4% in the U.S., occurs more in males QUESTION risk factors for conduct disorder Answer: -Temperamental • Difficult infant temperament • lower -than-average intelligence -Environmental: Family -Level • caregiver abuse and neglect • varying caregivers or child -rearing practices • harsh discipline • family criminality • substance -related disorders -Environmental: Community -Level • rejection by peers • participation in a delinquent peer group • poverty • exposure to violence -Genetic or Physiological • Family members with conduct disorder • depressive & bipolar disorders • schizophrenia • ADHD • substance use disorders QUESTION Conduct Disorder DSM -5-TR Diagnosis Answer: 3 or more of the following symptoms in the past 12 months with one symptom occurring within the last 6 months: -Aggression to People and Animals • Bullies, threatens, or intimidates others

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