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Summary AQA A Level Psychology: Attachment Essay Plans 7,31 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary AQA A Level Psychology: Attachment Essay Plans

4 rezensionen
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Essay plans of every possible 16 marker from the AQA A Level Psychology course, in the Attachment section.

vorschau 1 aus 11   Seiten

  • Nein
  • Attachment
  • 20. juni 2018
  • 11
  • 2017/2018
  • Zusammenfassung

4  rezensionen


von: nandraka2109 • 4 Monate vor


von: schanas111 • 1 Jahr vor


von: robertjohnmathieson • 2 Jahr vor

Really helpful as it meant I didn't have to spend study time making these.


von: serenalky • 2 Jahr vor

Thanks so much for your kind words. Best of luck with your exams!


von: mahuliniinavabharathy • 3 Jahr vor

Describe and evaluate research into caregiver-infant interactions in humans.

Reciprocity Reciprocity (cont) Interactional Synchrony Interactional Synchrony (cont)
● Caregiver responds to ● Brazelton describes it as a ‘dance’, ● When caregiver and infant react ● Meltzoff + Moore looked at IS in
baby’s actions with partner responds to each other. ‘in time’ with each other, mirror 2 week old infants.
similar action. ● Traditionally baby seen as passive, facial/body movements. ● Adult displayed 1 of 3 facial
● Moving in rhythm when although now baby has active role. ● Babies have alert phases which expressions/gestures, & child’s
interacting with adult, ● Mother and child initiated mothers respond to. response was filmed.
turn-taking. interactions, appear to take turns ● ‘Coordination of micro behaviour’ ● Association found between
● Reciprocity more doing so. ● Actions + emotions mirror. expression + action of child.
frequent after 3 months, ● Regularity of infant’s signals allows ● Provides necessary foundation ● Isabella found high IS w/ more
elicits response. caregiver to anticipate behaviour + for mother + infant connection for strongly attached caregiver-infant
● Involves close attention respond appropriately. later years. relationships.
to facial expressions. ● Children respond differently via IS

Difficult to test reliability Well controlled, high validity Socially Sensitive Research Murray + Trevarthen, Research
● Mouths always moving, ● Mother-infant interactions filmed, ● Suggests children could be ● Study with 2 month old infants.
expressions like smiling from multiple angles. Fine details disadvantaged because of ● Infants first reacted via video in
occur frequently. recorded + analysed later. particular child-rearing practices. real time to mother.
● Different to distinguish ● Babies don’t know they are being ● Mothers who return to work short ● Recording of mother replayed to
between general activity observed, no change in behaviour in after child is born restricts infants, image on screen did not
+ specific imitated response to observation, mainly SDB interactional synchrony. respond to infant’s facial/body
behaviours. ● Studies have good validity, well ● Suggests mother should not gestures. Infants became
● Are they conscious or controlled procedures. return to work so soon - has distressed, tried to attract
deliberate? social sensitive implications and mother’s attention.
● No certainty. can affect economy. ● Shows infants actively interacting

Findings not replicated Real World Application Holistic Behaviourist Approach
● Koepke failed to ● Interactional synchrony used as ● Holistic, considers both mother ● Belief children and caregiver are
replicate findings of foundation of high-quality and child interaction as active taught and reinforced behaviour,
Meltzoff + Moore. attachments to benefit society. objects in childhood particularly in reciprocity.
● Counter: M&M argue ● 10 min parent-child therapy development. ● Considers behaviour of both
their research was less improved IS in 20 low-income ● Qualitative methods to individuals as active objects.
controlled. mothers, compared to control. investigate all aspects of the
● Findings may lack ● Valuable in developing mother-infant individual, as well as the
reliability. attachments, particularly in groups at interactions between people.
Describe and evaluate the role of the father in attachment.

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