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Summary AQA A Level Psychology: Approaches Essay Plans 7,30 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary AQA A Level Psychology: Approaches Essay Plans

6 rezensionen
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Essay plans of every possible 16 marker from the AQA A Level Psychology course, in the Approaches section.

vorschau 1 aus 7   Seiten

  • Nein
  • Approaches
  • 20. juni 2018
  • 7
  • 2017/2018
  • Zusammenfassung

6  rezensionen


von: hollierm21 • 3 Monate vor


von: esmoo • 1 Jahr vor


von: schanas111 • 1 Jahr vor


von: isabella_wijsman • 3 Jahr vor


von: mahuliniinavabharathy • 3 Jahr vor


von: neilmukoro • 4 Jahr vor

Discuss the emergence of psychology as a science.

Wundt + Introspection Wundt + Introspection (cont) Emergence of Psychology Emergence of Psychology (cont)
● Wundt established first ● Structuralism: isolating structure of ● 1900s: behaviourists reject ● 1950s: Cognitive revolution, study
psychology lab, aimed to consciousness to images & thoughts introspection eg Watson, saw it of mental processes seen as legit
describe human ● Standardised procedures given to as subjective, much variation in psychology.
consciousness (ie mind) in all Ps, so procedures replicated. Eg ● Saw ‘scientific’ psychology ● They remain ‘private’ but cognitive
controlled lab enviro. given metronome to pace response, should only study phenomena to psychologists make inferences
● Pioneered method of & asked to report thoughts/images be observed & measured about how these work using tests
introspection: systematic ● Wundt’s early attempt to study mind ● 1930s: Skinner brought rigor of in labs.
experimental attempt to seen as naive, work significant as natural sciences to psychology, ● 1990s: Biological psychologists
study mind, breaking marked separation of modern focus on learning & controlled take advantage of technology
conscious awareness to scientific psychology from lab studies to dominate advances, eg fMRI + EEG in
basic structures, thoughts philosophical roots. psychology. advanced genetic research

Wundt, Scientific Some aspects of research are unscientific Modern is Scientific Not all approaches are objective
● Recorded introspections ● Relied on self-report to review ● Psychology has same aims as ● Humanistic is anti-scientific, does
in controlled lab enviro, ‘private’ mental processes, which is natural science, to describe, not aim to formulate general laws
standardised procedures subjective. Participant may not want predict & control world. of behaviour, instead aims to
so all Ps received same to reveal some thoughts they have. ● Learning, cognitive & biological document unique scientific
info & tested in same way ● Ps do not have exactly the same approach rely on science, eg lab experience.
● Considered forerunner to thoughts each time, so establishing studies investigate theories in ● Psychodynamic uses case
scientific approaches to general principles + procedures are controlled + unbiased way. study, eg interview techniques are
come. not possible. General laws used to ● Psychology has established itself open to bias, no attempt to get
● Counter: Not reliably predict future behaviour. as scientific discipline. representative sample of pop
reproducible by others ● Wundt doesn’t meet scientific criteria ● Important diff between psy + sci

Empiricism Real World Application Nomothetic Example
● Knowledge derived from ● Biological approach uses ● Theory is nomothetic as it ● Darwin’s evolutionary theory
observation + experience developments of methodology, such creates general laws on all states that human behaviour has
alone, rather than being as use of brain scans psychology being derived from changed over successive
innate. Evidence only ● Adds more scientific methodology to Wundt’s creation of psychology generations, individuals with more
● Introspection: study study of psychology. being a science. adaptive genes survive +
functions of the mind by ● Investigate physiological processes ● Some approaches eg humanistic reproduce.
asking people to describe in real time. use idiographic approach. ● Weaker genes do not reproduce;
own thoughts + feelings assumption that human behaviour
evolved = deep rooted in psycho
Describe and evaluate the behaviourist approach in psychology.

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