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CDE3701 EXAM PACK 2025 2,67 €
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CDE3701 EXAM PACK 2025

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CDE3701 Latest exam pack questions and answers and summarized notes for exam preparation. Updated for 2025 exams . For assistance Whats-App.0.6.7..1.7.1.. . All the best on your exams!!

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  • 1. februar 2024
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October/November 2023


Child Development (0-9)

100 Marks
Duration: 3 Hours

QR CODE: 432d58c4


This paper consists of SIX (6) pages.



This examination paper consists of FOUR (4) compulsory questions:

Question 1: (25 marks)
Question 2: (25 marks)
Question 3: (25 marks)
Question 4: (25 marks)
TOTAL: [100 marks]

• Answer ALL the questions.
• Answer all the questions in English.
• Make sure that your answers are numbered correctly, as indicated in the examination
paper, for example Question 1.
• When typing your answers, use Arial 12 pt.
• When writing instead of typing, please write neatly and legibly in pen.
• Please use a pen when adding illustrations.
• Handwritten, paper-based answer sheets must be scanned and converted into a single PDF
document. Ensure that you scan all the pages in the correct order.
• Ensure that you save your PDF as: module code, examination and student number, for
instance, CDE3701 Oct/Nov 123456. Please ensure that you do not upload a read-only file,
as our online marking application cannot mark read-only documents.
• Ensure that you upload within the prescribed time frame of SIX hours.
• To upload your answer file, access the myExams portal and log in with your myUnisa
username and password. Find the module and click on eAssessment. Scroll down to find
the Submission button. Click on "Submission" to browse and upload your answer file from
your device.
• Remember to read and accept the Declaration of Honesty before uploading your answers.
• Click on “Continue" to finalise your submission.


,QR CODE: 432d58c4 2 CDE3701
OCT/NOV 2023


[QR code: 432d58c4]

Instructions on the day of assessment

• Log into The Invigilator. Your cell phone has to be
connected to the internet in order for you to log in and to
scan the QR code.
• Scan the QR code provided above as soon as you have
downloaded the question paper during the 15-minute
download window. Note that you can only scan the QR
code for a limited time and you should therefore scan it
as soon as possible to start the invigilation.
• If you encounter difficulty in scanning the QR code, you can enter the QR access code that
appears at the bottom of the QR code in order to start with the assessment.
• Once you have scanned the QR code, you can place your cell phone next to you. The
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cell phone is turned up.
• You can access myExams in the application if you only have one device by pressing the
“Access LMS” button.
• Keep your cell phone on charge for the duration of the assessment.
• Keep The Invigilator open on your cell phone during the assessment. You are not allowed
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You must then action the request.
• Ensure that your cell phone is connected to the internet when you start with the
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during the assessment.
• It is important to upload your answer script onto myExams before you upload the app data.
Since the uploading of app data is not time sensitive, you can do that after you have
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• You must adhere to the time limit in the myExams assessment since the invigilation time in
the app could exceed the time allocated for completing the assessment.
• You can click on the "Finish Assessment" button in the app if you finish early.
• If you encounter any technical difficulties, send a WhatsApp to The Invigilator Helpdesk on
073 505 8273.


, QR CODE: 432d58c4 3 CDE3701
OCT/NOV 2023

QUESTION 1: (25)

Carefully read the statement below and then answer the questions that follow:

“Child development is both situated in, and influenced by cultural context. Teachers
need to be able to understand and be sensitive to the unique abilities and the needs
of children from various cultures. This is especially crucial in a culturally diverse
country such as South Africa. The cultural context a child grows up in has a complex
array of influences, which can be either positive or negative, on his/her
development” (Study Guide, 2023, p. 15).

1.1 List FOUR (4) risk factors that may have an impact on children's development
in their early years. (4)

1.2 Briefly explain the positive effects that learners may experience due to
teachers creating a protective teaching and learning environment in the
following TWO (2) areas: (7)

1.2.1 in the classroom

1.2.2 on the playground

1.3 Write a ONE (1) page letter to PARENTS in which you discuss the importance
of protective factors, and highlight the following protective factor
characteristics: (14)

• personal characteristics
• family characteristics
• community characteristics

QUESTION 2: (25)

2.1 Critically discuss the implications for learning when learners have a positive
sense of belonging in your classroom. Keep in mind how you want your
learners to feel when they come to school every day. (4)

2.2 Explain FIVE (5) aspects that demonstrate the importance of children having
a sense of belonging in their early years. Use FIVE (5) classroom-related
examples to support your answer. (10)

2.3 Design a mind map, demonstrating FIVE (5) strategies that promote a sense
of belonging in young children in this generation. (11)


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