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Test Bank for Precalculus 7th Edition Blitzer

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Test Bank for Precalculus 7th Edition Blitzer Complete and Comprehensive

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Test Bank for Precalculus 7th Edition Blitzer



Robert Blitzer
Miami Dade College

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ISBN-13: 978-0-13-732190-2
ISBN-10: 0-13-732190-2

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Blitzer Precalculus 7e
Chapter P Test Item File

MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

Evaluate the algebraic expression for the given value or values of the variable(s).
1) 8x + 5; x=7
A) 51 B) 13 C) 61 D) 112
Objective: (0.1) Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

2) -5x - 9; x = -1
A) 14 B) 4 C) -4 D) -14
Objective: (0.1) Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

3) 3(x + 2) + 8; x = -9
A) 13 B) -40 C) -13 D) 56
Objective: (0.1) Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

4) 6x2 + 8y; x = 4 and y = 7
A) 632 B) 1,008 C) 152 D) 326
Objective: (0.1) Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

5) (x + 2y)2; x = 3 and y = 4
A) 22 B) 11 C) 25 D) 121
Objective: (0.1) Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

6) 6 + 6(x - 5)3; x=7
A) 96 B) 54 C) -42 D) 18
Objective: (0.1) Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

7) x2 - 3(x - y); x = 8 and y = 2
A) -82 B) 38 C) 42 D) 46
Objective: (0.1) Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

9(x - 7)
8) ; x=5
2x + 8
A) - 1 B) -2 C) 6 D) -
Objective: (0.1) Evaluate Algebraic Expressions

y - 6x
9) ; x = -2 and y = 1
4x + xy
1 11 13 11
A) - B) 6 C) - D) 10
2 10
Objective: (0.1) Evaluate Algebraic Expressions



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10) The formula C = (F - 32) expresses the relationship between Fahrenheit temperature, F, and Celsius
temperature, C. Use the formula to convert 104°F to its equivalent temperature on the Celsius scale.
A) 76°C B) 40°C C) 8°C D) 130°C
Objective: (0.1) Use Mathematical Models

11) A stone is dropped from a tower that is 760 feet high. The formula h = 760 - 16t2 describes the stone's height
above the ground, h, in feet, t seconds after it was dropped. What is the stone's height 5 seconds after it is
A) 370 ft B) 360 ft C) 335 ft D) 385 ft
Objective: (0.1) Use Mathematical Models

12) If a rock falls from a height of 60 meters above the ground, the height H (in meters) after x seconds can be
approximated using the formula H = 60 - 4.9x2. What is the height of the rock after 2 seconds?
A) -36.04 m B) 50.2 m C) 40.4 m D) 220.4 m
Objective: (0.1) Use Mathematical Models

13) As the relative humidity increases, the temperature seems higher than it is. The formula T = 0.118x + 77.98
approximates the apparent temperature for an actual temperature of 85°F, where x is the relative humidity. What
is the apparent temperature (to the nearest degree) for a relative humidity of 60%?
A) 78°F B) 85°F C) 138°F D) 552°F
Objective: (0.1) Use Mathematical Models

14) The winning times (in seconds) in a speed-skating event for men can be represented by the formula
T = 46.92 - 0.098x, where x represents the year, with x = 0 corresponding to 1920. (For example in 1992, x would
be 1992 - 1920 = 72.) According to the formula, what was the winning time in 1963? Round to the nearest
A) 42.71 sec B) 44.67 sec C) 43.69 sec D) 2,013.35 sec
Objective: (0.1) Use Mathematical Models

15) It is estimated that y, the number of items of a particular commodity (in millions) sold in the United States in year
x, where x represents the number of years since 1990, is given by the formula y = 1.66x + 3.92. That is, x = 0
represents 1990, x = 1 represents 1991, and so on. According to the formula, how many items sold in 1999?
A) 3.92 millions B) 50.22 millions C) 20.52 millions D) 18.86 millions
Objective: (0.1) Use Mathematical Models

Find the intersection of the two sets.
16) {1, 10, 4, 9} {4, 11, 1}
A) {1} B) {1, 4} C) {1, 4, 9, 10, 11} D)
Objective: (0.1) Find the Intersection of Two Sets

17) {1, 3, 8} {4, 11}
A) {1, 8} B) {3, 8} C) D) {1, 4, 8, 3, 11}
Objective: (0.1) Find the Intersection of Two Sets

18) {4, 6, 7, 9}
A) {4, 6, 7, 9} B) {7, 9} C) D) {4, 6}
Objective: (0.1) Find the Intersection of Two Sets


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