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BIOD 210 Genetics Final Exam Questions and Answers () (Verified Answers). 10,97 €   In den Einkaufswagen


BIOD 210 Genetics Final Exam Questions and Answers () (Verified Answers).

1 bewertung
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IOD 210 Genetics Final Exam Questions and Answers () (Verified Answers).

vorschau 3 aus 25   Seiten

  • 17. februar 2024
  • 25
  • 2023/2024
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • BIOD 121
  • BIOD 121

1  bewertung


von: Fordenken • 2 Monate vor


1. A lesion in the occipital lobe would result in ____ deficits

a. visual

b. auditory
c. motor speech
d. cognitive
e. none of the above: a. visual
2. A lesion to the structure indicated by the arrow would cause problems
with what function? (picture of colorful brain, pointing to pink) a. cognition
b. movement on the right side of the body
c. movement on the left side of the body
d. sensation on the right side of the body
. sensation on the left side of the body: b. movement on the right side of the
body 3. The largest commissural fiber tract is the:

a. internal capsule
b. corpus callosum
c. anterior commissure
d. posterior commissure
e. none of the above: b. corpus callosum
4. The cerebral cortex is ______ to the thalamus.

a. superficial
b. deep
c. rostral
d. caudal
e. anterior: a. superficial
5. The primary somatosensory area is in the:

a. frontal lobe
b. parietal lobe
c. occipital lobe
d. temporal lobe


e. limbic lobe: b. parietal lobe
6. The major sensory relay structure in the brain is the:

a. thalamus
b. hypothalamus
c. caudate nucleus
d. globus pallidus
e. cerebellum: a. thalamus
7. The part of the neuron that carries impulses away from the cell body is
called the:

a. Dendrite
b. Soma
c. Myelin
d. Synapse
e. Axon: e. axon
8. The sympathetic nervous system restores homeostasis to the body by
conserving energy:

a. true
b. false: FALSE
9. A group of cell bodies within the central nervous system is called a

a. true
b. false: FALSE
10. The sulcus limitans marks the division of the basal and alar plates in the
neural tube. Functionally, derivatives of the basal plate are ____________
while derivatives of the alar plate are ___________.

a. Cortex; spinal cord
b. Motor: sensory
c. Cortex; ventricles
d. Sensory; motor
e. Gray matter; white matter: b. Motor: sensory


11. The nervous system arises from which dermal layer?

a. Endoderm
b. Mesoderm
c. ectoderm
d. neuropores
e. neural crest cells: c. ectoderm
12. Failure of the rostral neuropore to close during development results in
what condition?

a. Hydrocephalus
b. Anencephaly
c. Craniofacial anomalies
d. Spina bifida
e. Nothing; neuropores do not close: anencephaly
13. The glial cells responsible for production of cerebral spinal fluid are

called: a. ependymal

b. astrocytes
c. oligodendrocytes
d. microglia
e. none of the above: Epndymal
14. The tearing of a meningeal artery would cause a:

a. subarachnoid hemorrhage
b. epidural hematoma
c. subdural hematoma
d. meningitis
e. none of the above: Epidural hematoma
15. The thickest meningeal layer that is apposed directly to skull tissue is:

a. dura mater

b. arachnoid mater

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