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Test Bank for Psychology Themes and Variations, 6th Canadian Edition By Doug McCann 18,46 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Test Bank for Psychology Themes and Variations, 6th Canadian Edition By Doug McCann

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Test Bank for Psychology Themes and Variations, 6th Canadian Edition By Doug McCann Name: Class: Date: Chapter 1 - The Evolution of Psychology Copyright Cengage Learning. Powered by Cognero. Page 1 Multiple Choice 1. The term “psychology” comes from the Greek words psyche and logos. What does l...

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  • Psychology Themes and Variations

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Name: Class: Date:

Chapter 1 - The Evolution of Psychology
Multiple Choice

1. The term “psychology” comes from the Greek words psyche and logos. What does logos mean?
a. the study of a subject b. the soul
c. logic d. discipline

2. Psychological research is sometimes distorted or grossly simplified in media coverage, leading to
misinformation or misconceptions. Which of the following statements is NOT one of the popular myths or
misconceptions related to psychology, according to your textbook?
a. Most people use only 10 percent of their brain.
b. Hypnosis is useful for retrieving memories of forgotten events.
c. The polygraph (“lie detector”) test is an accurate means of detecting dishonesty.
d. The titles “psychologist” and “psychiatrist” refer to different professions.

3. According to historians, when and where did the “birth” of psychology occur?
a. 1859 in England b. 1879 in Germany
c. 1883 in the United States d. 1909 in Austria

4. Which of the following people is credited as being the “founder of psychology”?
a. Edward Titchener b. William James
c. Sigmund Freud d. Wilhelm Wundt

5. According to Wilhelm Wundt, what was the focus of psychology?
a. to understand functions of behaviour
b. to understand unconscious motivation
c. the scientific study of observable behaviour
d. the scientific study of conscious experience

6. What did Wilhelm Wundt believe the focus of psychology should be?
a. studying stimulus-response associations
b. questioning the nature of existence
c. examining people’s awareness of their immediate experience
d. determining people’s unconscious motivation for behaviour

7. Edward Titchener, who established one of the first psychological research laboratories in the United States, is
associated with which of the following schools of psychology?
a. functionalism b. behaviourism

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Chapter 1 - The Evolution of Psychology
c. humanism d. structuralism

8. What were the first two major schools of psychology?
a. functionalism and behaviourism b. behaviourism and psychoanalytic theory
c. behaviourism and Gestalt psychology d. structuralism and functionalism

9. Which of the following individuals would be most likely to use the technique of introspection in
psychological research?
a. Sigmund Freud b. Abraham Maslow
c. John Watson d. Edward Titchener

10. Which school of psychology focused on identifying and examining the fundamental components of
conscious experience, such as sensations, feelings, and images?
a. humanism b. structuralism
c. functionalism d. behaviourism

11. Which of the following types of psychologist was most likely to use the technique of introspection?
a. structuralist b. behaviourist
c. cognitive d. humanist

12. Mariska is participating in a study in which she is asked to carefully observe and report her conscious
reactions to several stimuli. Which type of psychologist is most likely to conduct a study like this?
a. structuralist b. humanist
c. behaviourist d. psychoanalytic

13. Isabel is listening to a piece of classical music and recording all her feelings and impressions as she
experiences them. Which school of psychology was most well-known for using this sort of technique?
a. humanism b. structuralism
c. functionalism d. behaviourism

14. To learn something about his conscious experience, William looked at an abstract painting and wrote down
all of his impressions as they came to him. What is the biggest limitation to this method?
a. It relies on sensation and perception. b. It is overly objective and empirical.
c. The experiences cannot be verified. d. There is no test-retest reliability.

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Name: Class: Date:

Chapter 1 - The Evolution of Psychology
15. Dr. Asgaard believes that to fully understand complex processes, such as auditory processing, it is first
necessary to understand all the separate component parts. Which psychologist would be most likely to share Dr.
Asgaard’s views?
a. Ivan Pavlov b. Carl Rogers
c. William James d. Edward Titchener

16. Which field in psychology is closest to the school of psychology known as structuralism?
a. sensation and perception b. evolutionary psychology
c. clinical psychology d. social psychology

17. Which school of psychology focused on understanding the purpose of behaviour?
a. structuralism b. functionalism
c. neodynamism d. behaviourism

18. Which of the following pioneers of psychology is most associated with the school of psychology known as
a. Margo Wilson b. Elizabeth Loftus
c. Mary Whiton Calkins d. Doreen Kimura

19. Which statement is most likely to be made by a researcher who studies pain perception from a functionalist
a. We can understand pain perception only if we understand the unconscious processes that initiate the
sensation of pain.
b. We can study pain only by observing the outward expression of pain in response to different stimuli.
c. We can study pain only if all the component parts that make up the experience of pain are
d. We can understand pain perception only if we understand the role of pain in human survival and

20. Which school of psychology stressed that psychology should study the purpose of consciousness rather than
the individual components of consciousness?
a. psychoanalysis b. structuralism
c. Gestalt psychology d. functionalism

21. Dr. Smythe believes that to fully understand complex processes, such as taste, it is necessary to understand
the role that taste plays in survival, not the elementary components that combine to produce taste sensations.
With which school of thought are Dr. Smythe’s views most consistent?

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