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ALTA Competency Exam (Flashcards created with the study guide provided by Dyslexia Center of Austin) 2024 12,98 €   In den Einkaufswagen


ALTA Competency Exam (Flashcards created with the study guide provided by Dyslexia Center of Austin) 2024

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ALTA Competency Exam (Flashcards created with the study guide provided by Dyslexia Center of Austin) 2024

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  • 25. februar 2024
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ALTA Competency Exam (Flashcards created with the study guide provided by Dyslexia Center of Austin ) 2024 affix Answer - prefix or suffix added to a base word. ex. unhelpful
active learning Answer - learning in which the learner mentally searches for connections between new and already known information
allophone Answer - a variation of a speech sound (/t/ in top, stop, spits, swift)
analytic Answer - pertaining to instruction or a process that separates WHOLE into its PARTS. Analytic phonics separates a whole word into its parts so students can deduce the phonics relationships of the separate orthographic patterns
angular gyrus Answer - an area of the brain for visual-verbal associations
anomaly Answer - irregularity; deviation from the common notion of fitness or order
ARD Answer - advanced reading deck; shows only the letter
auditory discrimination Answer - Necessary to "break the code" for reading. It involves being able to perceive the differences between speech sounds and to sequence these sounds into meaningful words.
base word Answer - the simplest form of an English word; a word without affixes, such as spell
benchmark measures Answer - progress measurement administered at the end of each schedule, when students have had enough practice
breve Answer - a diacritical marking that indicates a short vowel sound
Broca's area Answer - posterior portion of the frontal lobe that is in charge of phonological processing and semantics of language. This are in the front left of the brain is responsible for EXPRESSIVE language - articulating spoken words and analyzing words Broca's aphasia Answer - person cannot get the words out but understands
cedilla Answer - a diacritical mark (,) placed below the letter c to indicate that it is pronounced as an s
chameleon prefix Answer - a prefix whose final consonant changes based on the initial letter of the root (in- changes to ir- before regular, irregular); done for euphony
circumflex Answer - a diacritical mark (^) placed above a vowel in a combination to indicate accented syllable
coarticulation Answer - adjacent sounds often are spoken in such a way that one phoneme seems to overlap, is changed by, and/or modifies another. Coarticulation is
the way the brain organizes sequences of vowels and consonants, interweaving the individual movements necessary for each into one smooth whole. In fact, the process applies to all body movement, not just speech, and is part of how homo sapiens work.
combination Answer - two letters in a single syllable when one makes an unexpected
sound or stand in an unexpected sequence: ar, er, ir, or, ur, qu, wh
co-morbidity Answer - More than one deficiency such as dysgraphia/ disorder of reading comprehension; phonological processing speed/ written expression.
consonant Answer - a class of speech sounds with airflow that is constricted or obstructed
decoding Answer - reading; blending letters to read
derivative Answer - a word made from another by adding a suffix or prefix
diacritical markings Answer - a dictionary mark indicating pronunciation
dieresis Answer - A technical name of two dots placed over the letter a to indicate it's
short o pronunciation or on the a before r.
digraph Answer - two letters that make one sound
diphthong Answer - two vowels standing adjacent in the same syllable whose sounds blend smoothly together in one syllable. Only 4 in the English language: oi, oy, ou, ow
direct instruction Answer - explicitly teaching a concept
discovery teaching Answer - therapist allows students to discover information by asking them questions rather than by telling
double-deficit hypothesis Answer - Deficiency in both phoneme awareness and naming speed

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