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ECS2601 Prescribed book

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This is the Prescribed book for ECS2601. For use 2024 Microeconomics ninth edition Global edition

vorschau 4 aus 787   Seiten

  • 27. februar 2024
  • 787
  • 2018/2019
  • Andere
  • Unbekannt
,Practice, Engage, and Assess with MyLab Economics®

• Pearson eText—The Pearson eText gives students access to their textbook
anytime, anywhere. In addition to note-taking, highlighting, and bookmarking,
the Pearson eText offers interactive and sharing features. Instructors can share
comments or highlights, and students can add their own, for a tight community
of learners in any class.

• Practice—Algorithmically generated homework and study plan exercises with instant
feedback ensure varied and productive practice, helping students improve their
understanding and prepare for quizzes and tests. Draw-graph exercises encourage
students to practice the language of economics.

• Learning Resources—Personalized learning aids such as Help Me Solve This
problem walkthroughs and Figure Animations provide on-demand help when
students need it most.

• Personalized Study Plan—Assists students in monitoring their own progress
by offering them a customized study plan based on Homework, Quiz, and
Test results. Includes regenerated exercises with unlimited practice, as
well as the opportunity to earn mastery points by completing quizzes on
recommended learning objectives.

• Digital Interactives—Engaging assessment activities that promote critical thinking and
application of key economic principles. Each Digital Interactive has progressive levels
where students can explore, apply, compare, and analyze economic principles. Many
Digital Interactives include real time data from FRED® that displays, in graph and table
form, up-to-the-minute data on key macro variables. Digital Interactives can be assigned
and graded within MyEconLab, or used as a lecture tool to encourage engagement,
classroom conversation, and group work.

• NEW: Math Review Exercises in MyEconLab—MyEconLab now offers an array of
assignable and auto-graded exercises that cover fundamental math concepts. Geared
specifically toward principles and intermediate economics students, these exercises aim
to increase student confidence and success in these courses. Our new Math Review is
accessible from the assignment manager and contains over 150 graphing, algebra, and
calculus exercises for homework, quiz, and test use.


ninth edition

GLoBAL edition

, The Pearson series in economics
Abel/Bernanke/Croushore† Froyen Klein Perloff/Brander
Macroeconomics* Macroeconomics: Theories Mathematical Methods for Managerial Economics
and Policies Economics and Strategy*
Economics* Fusfeld Krugman/Obstfeld/Melitz† Pindyck/Rubinfeld†
The Age of the Economist International Economics: Microeconomics*
Bade/Parkin† Theory & Policy*
Foundations of Economics* Gerber† Riddell/Shackelford/Stamos/
International Economics* Laidler Schneider
Berck/Helfand The Demand for Money Economics: A Tool for Critically
The Economics of the Gordon Understanding Society
Environment Macroeconomics* Lynn
† Economic Development: Roberts
Bierman/Fernandez Greene Theory and Practice for The Choice: A Fable of Free
Game Theory with Economic Econometric Analysis a Divided World Trade and Protection
Gregory/Stuart Miller Scherer
Blanchard† Russian and Soviet Economic Economics Today* Industry Structure, Strategy,
Macroeconomics* Performance and Structure and Public Policy
Boyer Hartwick/Olewiler The Economics of Macro Issues Schiller
Principles of Transportation The Economics of Natural The Economics of Poverty and
Economics Resource Use Miller/Benjamin/North Discrimination
The Economics of Public Issues
Branson Heilbroner/Milberg Sherman
Macroeconomic Theory The Making of the Economic Mishkin† Market Regulation
and Policy Society The Economics of Money,
Banking, and Financial Stock/Watson†
Bruce Heyne/Boettke/Prychitko Markets* Introduction to Econometrics
Public Finance and the The Economic Way of Thinking
The Economics of Money,
American Economy Studenmund†
Hubbard/O’Brien† Banking, and Financial Using Econometrics:
Carlton/Perloff† Economics* Markets, Business School A Practical Guide
Modern Industrial Organization InEcon Edition*
Macroeconomics: Policy Todaro/Smith
Case/Fair/Oster† Money, Banking, and the
and Practice* Economic Development
Principles of Economics* Financial System*
Murray Walters/Walters/Appel/
Chapman Hubbard/O’Brien/Rafferty
Econometrics: A Modern Callahan/Centanni/Maex/
Environmental Economics: Macroeconomics*
Introduction O’Neill
Theory, Application, and Policy Hughes/Cain Econversations:
American Economic History O’Sullivan/Sheffrin/Perez Today’s Students Discuss
Economics: Principles, Today’s Issues
International Monetary & Husted/Melvin Applications and Tools*
Financial Economics International Economics Williamson†
Parkin† Macroeconomics
Downs Jehle/Reny Economics*
An Economic Theory Advanced Microeconomic
of Democracy Perloff†
† Microeconomics*
Farnham Keat/Young/Erfle
Economics for Managers Microeconomics: Theory and
Managerial Economics Applications with Calculus*

*denotes Pearson MyLab Economics titles

denotes availability of Global Edition titles Visit www.myeconlab.com to learn more.

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