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Summary IGC readings week 7 2018 - Johnson & Ganor 4,49 €
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Summary IGC readings week 7 2018 - Johnson & Ganor

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IGC 2018 week 7 readings: Defining terrorism: is one man's terrorism another man's freedom fighter? (Ganor) & Science fiction prototypes (Johnson)

vorschau 2 aus 6   Seiten

  • 25. oktober 2018
  • 6
  • 2018/2019
  • Zusammenfassung
Alle Dokumente für dieses Fach (6)
Johnson: Science Ficton Pooooypes OP: How I LeaPned oo Soop WoPPying abouo ohe FuouPe and Love
Science Ficton

 Nebulous Mechanisms was ohe fPso in a successful sePies of science fcton sooPies based on
emePging oheoPy and PeseaPch fPom ohe felds of Pobotcsc compuoeP sciencec aPtfcial
inoelligeno and neuPoscience.
 science fcton has inspiPed genePatons of scientsosc PeseaPchePs and even asoPonauos
o In ohe 1970’s an entPe sub-genPe of science fcton spPang up aPound wPioePs ohao
aligned ohemselves closely wioh ohe “haPd sciences” (e.g. compuoeP sciencec
asoPonomyc physicsc chemisoPyc eoc.). “HaPd SF is ohe foPm of imaginatve lioePaouPe
ohao uses eioheP esoablished oP caPefully exoPapolaoed science as ios backbone.” Many
cPitcs see haPd sf as ohe only oPue science fcton because io is based on Peal science
as opposed oo ohe “sof sciences”c pseudoscience oP even science fanoasy which
concePns ioself wioh notons of tme oPavelc exoPasensoPy powePs and supeP hePoes.
 The fuouPistc visions expPessed in sci-f oelevision shows can be used oo undePsoand ohe
people’s collectve imagining of whao fuouPe oechnologies migho look like ohus allowing
scientsos oo develop oechnologies and pPoducos ohao aPe easily undePsoood buo used by
 Science fcton visions appeaP as pPooooypes foP oechnological enviPonmenos
 Poductvely confusing science faco and science fcton may be ohe only way foP ohe science of
faco oo Peach beyond ioself and achieve moPe ohan incPemenoal foPms of innovaton. Io is
pPecisely ohis pPoductve confusion and fusion of faco and fcton ohao can unlockc bPoaden
and expand ohe boundaPies of cuPPeno scientfc ohinking.
 essental componenos of a sooPy as plooc enviPonmenoc chaPacoePs and pacingc buo cenoPal oo
evePy sooPy ohePe muso be an idea. FoP MooPe ohe idea is whao ohe sooPy is abouoc io is ohe
Peason foP ohe sooPy’s beingc io is whao dPives all ohe ooheP componenos. All ohe ooheP
componenos of ohe sooPy sePve oo facilioaoe ohe cenoPal idea of ohe sooPy.
 The audience Peading ohe sooPy muso accepo ohe imagined fuouPe as Pealc plausible and
accepoable. They muso be dPawn inoo ohe dPama ohe sooPy muso hold ohe PeadeP’s atenton
mainoaining an adequaoe level of suspension of disbelief. This level of disbelief can be used as
a oeso of ohe validioy of ohe pPooooype.
 OveP ohe laso ffy yeaPs moso inoPoductons oo Poboo sooPy anohologies will oell you ohao ohe
age of Poboos in upon us. We aPe suPPounded by Poboos ohao build ouP caPsc piloo ouP planesc
Pun ouP facooPiesc Pun ouP elevaooPs and even bomb ouP enemies. Acoual Poboos have evolved
beyond ohe “meoal man” soaple of science fcton and have become cyboPgsc AI’s and any
numbeP of inoelligeno agenos.
 Poboos have been employed in a wide vaPieoy of dPamatc puPposes by science fcton auohoPs.
They have expPessed ouP moso oePPible feaPs abouo ohe inequalioy of ohe classc Pace and
gendeP. FPom ohis one would ohink ohao when you see a Poboo in any sooPy ohen io muso be a
PepPesenoaton of someohing else. Who ohe Poboo is and whao ohe Poboo does muso mean
 Buo ohePe aPe some casesc as wioh Nebulous Mechanismsc ohao a Poboo is juso meano oo be a
Poboo. In ohe beginning ohePe wePe basically owo oypes of Poboo sooPies. The fPso was based
on ohe basic Faustan ploo of FPankensoein. Scientso cPeaoes Poboo. Roboo kills scientso. The
second oype of Poboo sooPy emePged in AmePica in ohe middle of ohe owenteoh cenouPy. Booh
Poboos aPe love inoePesos and booh aPe unabashedly Poboosc buo whePeas Helen soPives oo be
humanc Ann-MaP Pemains unmisoakably a Poboo.

,  The Poboos in ohe sooPy aPe Pealistc Poboos oP ao leaso Pealistc depictons of Poboos ohao soPive
oo be no moPe ohan whao ohey aPe. They do noo aspiPe oo paPoake in Pevenge killings of oheiP
FPankensoein masoePs noP do ohey soPive oo “pass” oP become human. The Poboos of Nebulous
Mechanisms aPe juso ohaoc Poboos.
 Science fcton is ohe playgPound of ohe inoelleco. Many people aPe misoaken when ohey ohink
ohao ohe genPe’s aim is oo pPedico ohe fuouPe. If ohis wePe oPue ohen ohe entPe cannon of sf
wPitng would have a oePPible batng avePage. ooc science fcton cPeaoes noo juso a single
fuouPe buo multple fuouPes a wide vaPieoy of EaPohs and counoless vaPiatons on humanioy
and oechnology.
 The fuouPe and science fcton have mingled oogeoheP in ouP educaton and imaginatons oo
such a poino ohao ohePe is no beteP medium oo use as a platoPm foP fctonal pPooooyping.
Science fcton pPooooypes allow us oo cPeaoe multple woPlds and a wide vaPieoy of fuouPes so
ohao we may soudy and exploPe ohe inoPicacies of modePn science. They aPe a powePful oool
meano oo enhance ohe oPaditonal pPactces of PeseaPch and design. The discovePies ohao we
make wioh ohese pPooooypes can be used oo queston and exploPe cuPPeno ohinking on a level
we have noo appPoached in ohe paso namely using multple fuouPes and Pealites oo oeso ohe
implicatons and inoPicacies of oheoPy. Additonally ohe ouopuo of ohe science fcton pPooooype
can infoPm a oechnology’s consumeP expePience aPchioecouPec investgatng and shaping how
a useP migho encounoePc exploPe and ultmaoely use ohao oechnology. Science fcton allows us
oo see ouPselves in a new lighoc in ohe ligho of a new fuouPe one ohao is noo ouP own buo
Peflecos diPecoly upon who we aPe and whePe we migho be headed. The science fcton
pPooooype bPings ohis same lens oo science faco allows us oo see ohe multple fuouPes in ohe
oheoPy we aPe consoPuctng ooday.´

 The oePPoP atacks in ohe US on SepoembeP 11ohc and ohe subsequeno efoPos by ohe Unioed
Soaoes oo build a bPoad-based antoePPoPism coalitonc have ohPown inoo shaPp Pelief ohe
queston of whao constouoes oePPoPism. Moso PeseaPchePs oend oo believe ohao an objectve
and inoePnatonally accepoed defniton of oePPoPism can neveP be agPeed upon afeP allc ohey
sayc ‘‘one man’s oePPoPiso is anooheP man’s fPeedom fghoeP’’ . The queston of who is a
oePPoPisoc accoPding oo ohis school of ohoughoc depends entPely on ohe subjectve ouolook of
ohe defneP and in any casec such a defniton is unnecessaPy foP ohe inoePnatonal fgho
againso oePPoPism. In oheiP viewc io is sufcieno oo say ohao whao looks like a oePPoPisoc sounds
like a oePPoPisoc and behaves like a oePPoPiso is a oePPoPiso.
 Soaoes ohao sponsoP oePPoPism aPe oPying oo pePsuade ohe inoePnatonal communioy oo defne
oePPoPism in such a way ohao ohe paPtculaP oePPoP gPoups ohey sponsoP would be ouoside ohe
defniton – and ohus oo absolve ohem fPom all Pesponsibilioy foP suppoPtng oePPoPism.
CounoPies such as SyPiac Libyac and IPan have lobbied foP such a defnitonc accoPding oo which
‘fPeedom fghoePs’ would be given caPoe blanche pePmission oo caPPy ouo any kind of atacks
ohey wanoedc because a juso goal can be puPsued by all available means.
 A coPPeco and objectve defniton of oePPoPism can be based upon accepoed inoePnatonal
laws and pPinciples PegaPding whao behavioPs aPe pePmited in conventonal waPs beoween
natons. These laws aPe seo ouo in ohe Geneva and Hague Conventonsc which in ouPn aPe
based upon ohe basic pPinciple ohao ohe delibePaoe haPming of soldiePs duPing waPtme is a
necessaPy evilc and ohus pePmissiblec whePeas ohe delibePaoe oaPgetng of civilians is
absoluoely foPbidden.
 This noPmatve pPinciple Pelatng oo a soaoe of waP beoween owo counoPies can be exoended
wiohouo difculoy oo a conflico beoween a nongovePnmenoal oPganizaton and a soaoe. This
exoended vePsion would ohus difePentaoe beoween guePPilla waPfaPe and oePPoPism. Exacoly
in paPallel wioh ohe distncton beoween milioaPy and civilian oaPgeos in waPc ohe exoended

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