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Test Bank for Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature, 8th Edition by Larsen 28,93 €
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Test Bank for Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature, 8th Edition by Larsen

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  • Personality Psychology
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  • Personality Psychology

Test Bank for Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature 8e 8th Edition by Randy Larsen and David Buss. Full Chapters test bank are included (Chap 1 to 20) with answers. Complete Guide Chapter 1: Introduction to Personality Psychology Chapter 2: Personality Assessment, Mea...

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vorschau 2 aus 370   Seiten

  • 15. märz 2024
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  • Fragen & Antworten
  • Personality Psychology
  • Personality Psychology
Personality Psychology: Domains of Knowledge About Human Nature, 8th Edition Larsen
All Chapters are included with answers - Chap 1 to 20 (Complete)

Chap 01 8e Larsen
1) Features of personality that make people different from one another and that can be used to
describe their characteristics are called ________.
A) differential pronouns
B) trait-descriptive adjectives
C) action-descriptive verbs
D) trait-differentiating adverbs

2) Which of the following sentences contain an example of a trait-descriptive adjective?
A) Anita is friendly.
B) Juan is 26 years old.
C) Thomas is a graduate.
D) Li is a bisexual.

3) How many trait-descriptive adjectives are there in the English language?
A) less than 500
B) around 10,000
C) around 20,000
D) more than 25,000

4) Which of the following is true of a high-talkative person?
A) The person always talks more than a low-talkative person.
B) The person always keeps talking.
C) The person talks more than a low-talkative person during lectures and funerals.
D) The person starts more conversations than a low-talkative person on average.

5) Which of the following is not an essential ingredient of most psychological mechanisms?
A) access codes
B) decision rules
C) inputs
D) outputs


, 6) The trait of courageousness is an especially good example of:
A) how all traits are activated in all individuals constantly.
B) how traits are consistent.
C) how traits are activated only under particular conditions.
D) how traits change over time.

7) Which of the following is true of personality?
A) It is outside an individual.
B) It is within an individual.
C) It is both outside and inside an individual.
D) It can be inside or outside an individual.

8) To say that an individual has the trait of happiness, one needs to know whether the individual
A) is happy at a given moment.
B) is frequently happy.
C) remembers being happy.
D) makes others happy.

9) Identify a true statement about personality traits.
A) They are a random collection of elements for a given person.
B) They cannot help predict differences among people.
C) They change radically from one situation to another.
D) They influence how individuals think and feel.

10) In the context of person–environment interaction, which of the following is not included in
interactions with situations?
A) serializations
B) perceptions
C) manipulations
D) selections


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