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Test Bank For The Unfinished Nation A Concise History of the American People 10th Edition By Alan Brinkley, Giggie, Huebner 29,43 €
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Test Bank For The Unfinished Nation A Concise History of the American People 10th Edition By Alan Brinkley, Giggie, Huebner

1 bewertung
 7 mal verkauft
  • Kurs
  • History
  • Hochschule
  • History

Test Bank The Unfinished Nation A Concise History of the American People 10th Edition By Alan Brinkley, Giggie, Huebner ISBN: 9781260726831. The Unfinished Nation A Concise History of the American People 10e test bank.

vorschau 4 aus 938   Seiten

  • 18. märz 2024
  • 938
  • 2023/2024
  • Prüfung
  • Fragen & Antworten
  • History
  • History

1  bewertung


von: sguttikonda75 • 6 Monate vor


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TEST BANK The Unfinished Nation A Concise History

of the American People 10th Edition Brinkley

1) Compare the indigenous civilizations north of Mexico
with those in Central and South America.

2) Describe significant exchanges between European and
American societies after 1500.

3) What crucial changes in Europe by the late fifteenth
century spurred overseas exploration?

4) Describe how the growing sixteenth-century European
demand for sugar affected the African slave trade.


,5) Identify the economic factors critical to English colonization.

6) The Clovis people began their existence in North

D) long after the
A) with migrations across an ancient land bridge over last ice age ended.
the Bering Strait. E) from the
B) with the explorations of Christopher Columbus. southern tip of South
C) as a result of the development of the wheel. America.

7) Scholars estimate that human migration into the
Americas over the Bering Strait occurred approximately

D) 11,000 years
A) 2,000 years ago. ago.
B) 5,000 years ago. E) 18,000 years
C) 9,000 years ago. ago.

8) The first truly complex society in Mesoamerica was
that of the

C) Inca.
A) Maya. D) Pueblo peoples.
B) Aztecs. E) Olmecs.


,9) The pre-Columbian North American peoples in the Pacific Northwest

rivers running from the
A) did not have permanent settlements. Cascade mountains.
B) developed political systems as sophisticated as E) were known as
those of the Maya and Aztecs. the Inuit.
C) fished salmon as their principal occupation.
D) built permanent communities at the sources of

10) The pre-Columbian North American peoples in the

E) primarily
A) were primarily hunters of small game. pursued moose and caribou
B) were largely agricultural. for sustenance.
C) lived in small, nomadic groups.
D) created an economy exclusively based on trade.

11) Pre-Columbian peoples of the northern forests of
North America

D) used horses.
A) were nomadic big-game hunters. E) developed a
B) lived in small sedentary communities. harsh religion that required
C) relied primarily on fishing for survival. human sacrifice.

12) Prior to European contact, the eastern third of what is
today the United States

B) contained no
A) was politically controlled by the Cahokia people. permanent settlements.


, C) had the most abundant food resources of any region E) remained mostly
of the continent. uninhabited.
D) was populated by people who engaged in hunting
and gathering but did not yet farm.

13) Cahokia was a large trading center located near what
present-day city?

C) New Orleans
A) St. Louis D) Baton Rouge
B) Memphis E) Detroit

14) Many pre-Columbian nations east of the Mississippi
River were loosely linked by

D) religious
A) the shared use of a series of forts. festivals.
B) common linguistic roots. E) the Iroquois
C) economic compacts. Confederacy.

15) Among most indigenous Americans in the eastern part
of North America, family association and clan membership
were determined by

D) religious
A) hunting and/or gathering superiority. affiliation.
B) patrilineal line. E) matrilineal line.
C) geographic location.


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