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Summary Energy Transition and Innovation (ET&I) (all lectures & articles) 10,99 €   In den Einkaufswagen


Summary Energy Transition and Innovation (ET&I) (all lectures & articles)

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Summary of week 1-6 of the lectures and articles of ET&I. Including the following articles: Week 1 - Geels, F. (2019). Socio-technical transitions to sustainability: a review of criticisms and elaborations of the Multi-Level Perspective. Current Opinion in Environmental Sustainability. - Stok...

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vorschau 3 aus 25   Seiten

  • 23. märz 2024
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  • Zusammenfassung

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von: martkroeze2810 • 6 Monate vor

ET&I summary all lectures & articles – overview
Week Lecture topic Articles
1 Introduction 1. Geels (2019). Socio-technical transitions to
- Why energy transition? sustainability: a review of criticisms and
elaborations of the Multi-Level Perspective.
2. Stokes & Breetz (2018). Politics in the US
energy transition: Case studies of solar,
wind, biofuels and electric vehicles policy.
2 Business Challenges 1. Prahalad & Hamel Gary (1990). The Core
- Opportunities for Competence Of The Corporation.
incumbents 2. Richter (2013). Buiness model innovation
- BM innovation for sustainable energy: German utilities and
renewable energy.
3. Steen & Weaver(2017). Incumbents’
diversification and cross-sectorial energy
industry dynamics.
3 Social Challenges 1. Wüstenhagen, Wolsink, & Bürer
- Social acceptance (2007). Social acceptance of renewable
- NIMBY energy innovation.
2. Van der Horst (2007). NIMBY or not?
Exploring the relevance of location and the
politics of voiced opinions in renewable
energy siting controversies.
3. D’Oca, Hong & Langevin (2018). The
human dimensions of energy use in
4 Policy Challenges 1. Kivimaa & Kern (2016). Creative destruction
- Efficiency of improvements or mere niche support? Innovation policy
mixes for sustainability transitions.
2. Noseleit (2018). Renewable energy
innovations and sustainability transition:
How relevant are spatial spillovers?
3. Fagerberg (2018). Mobilizing innovation for
sustainability transitions: A comment on
transformative innovation policy.
5 Role of Markets 1. Jaffe, Newell, & Stavins (2005). A tale of two
- Support of innovation by market failures: Technology and
markets environmental policy.
- Barriers for diffusion of REI 2. Kim, Heo & Kim (2017). Dynamic Policy
Impacts on a Technological-Change System
of Renewable Energy.
6 Role of Competition 1. Hockerts & Wüstenhagen (2010). Greening
- Incumbent & entrants Goliaths versus emerging Davids—
Theorizing about the role of incumbents and
new entrants in sustainable
2. Mäkitie (2020). Corporate entrepreneurship
and sustainability transitions: resource
redeployment of oil and gas industry firms in
floating wind power.
3. York, O’Neil & Sarasvathy (2016). Exploring
environmental entrepreneurship: identity
coupling, venture goals, and stakeholder


, Week 1 – Why Energy Transition? - Geels (2019) / Stokes & Breetz (2018)
Energy transition = structural change in an energy stem
First (2) transitions where technology led (technology push), later push [see more in
lecture 5; Jaffe et al. 2005].
Ø Wood > coal > petrol > diesel > kerosene > methane > LPD
Need to change because of damaging environment. Can be solved, but problems
(related to e.g. transportation, storage & non-existent grids).

1) Business Challenges à [lecture 2]
2) Social Acceptance à [lecture 3]
3) Policy Challenges à [lecture 4]
Policy example: In past, KPN had a monopoly à government interfered à more
companies emerged with a lot more innovation. Incumbent monopoly firms tend
not to innovate, because it only costs them money.

Electric grid= natural monopoly (uniform product)
• Would be ‘economic nonsense’ to build different (uniform) grids next to each other.
• However, allow competition: 1 highly regulated owner, competition in who’s
feeding it in the grid.
• Microgrid could be solution for (local) business(es)

Art. 1.1 – Geels (2019). Socio-technical transitions to sustainability: review of
criticism and elaborations on the Multi-Level Perspective
Discusses Multi-Level Perspective (MLP) framework to understand socio-technical
transition towards sustainability in the Dutch electricity system à 3 levels:
1) Niche innovations
2) Socio-technical regimes
3) Broader socio-technical landscape

• There is an interplay between technological & social factors à multi-level analysis
needed to understand the dynamics of the energy transition.
à Align socio-technical with sustainable goals for successful transition.
• Long-term planning, flexible structures, set of diverse actors to drive change
MLP criticism Elaborations (to limit critics)
- Oversimplifies complex transactions Integrates other theories in MLP:
- Focuses on technological aspects - Institutional theory
- Neglects social, cultural & political - Network theory
dimension - Actor-network theory


, Art. 1.2 – Stokes & Breetz (2018). Politics in US energy transition: Case studies
of solar, wind, biofuels & electric vehicles
• Political dynamics in development & implementation of energy policies in US,
focusing on 1) solar, 2) wind, 3) biofuels, and 4) electric vehicles (EVs).
• Political landscape in US, different levels: federal, state & local policies.
o Which is influenced/shaped by various stakeholders: 1) industry actors, 2)
environmental advocates, 3) policymakers, and 4) consumers.

Overview case studies
RE Drivers Challenges
Solar - Federal: tax incentives, net metering Political controversies: solar
policies tariffs & trade disputes
- State renewable portfolio standards
Wind - Federal: production tax credits (PTCs) Opposition from fossil fuels &
- State renewable energy mandates environmental impact
- Local: zoning regulations concerns
Biofuel - Federal: renewable fuel standard Agricultural interest &
technological challenges
EV - Federal: tax credits Government incentives,
- State: zero-emission vehicle (ZEV) infrastructure investments &
mandates consumer acceptance
Utility-led EV programs
Authors identify common drivers & barriers across these case studies:
1) Economic incentives
2) Public opinion
3) Technological innovation
4) Industry lobbying
5) Regulatory frameworks


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