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Case of 17 pages for the course NURS292 at Akkon Hochschule Berlin (19-Test-B)

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Microbiology: An Introduction, 12e, (Tortora)
Chapter 19 Disorders Associated with the Immune System

19.1 Multiple-Choice Questions

1) All of the following are true of hypersensitivity EXCEPT
A) it occurs in the presence of an antigen.
B) it is synonymous with "allergy."
C) it occurs when an individual is exposed to an allergen for the first time.
D) it is due to an altered immune response.
E) it requires previous exposure to an antigen.
Answer: C
Section: 19.1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
Learning Outcome: 19.3

2) The chemical mediators of anaphylaxis are
A) found in basophils and mast cells.
B) antibodies.
C) antigens.
D) antigen-antibody complexes.
E) the proteins of the complement system.
Answer: A
Section: 19.1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
Learning Outcome: 19.3

3) Which of the following may result from systemic anaphylaxis?
A) hay fever
B) asthma
C) shock
D) hives
E) immunodeficiency
Answer: C
Section: 19.1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
Learning Outcome: 19.3

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd.

,4) Which antibodies will be in the serum of a person with blood type B, Rh+?
A) anti-A, anti-B, anti-Rh
B) anti-A, anti-Rh
C) anti-A
D) anti-B, anti-Rh
E) anti-B
Answer: C
Section: 19.1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
Learning Outcome: 19.8

5) Which of the following types of transplant is least compatible?
A) autograft
B) allograft
C) isograft
D) xenotransplant
E) All of these types of transplant are equally compatible.
Answer: D
Section: 19.3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
Learning Outcome: 19.17

6) When testing donated blood for compatibility you would find a person with O type blood
A) has O type antigens on their red blood cells.
B) will lack plasma antibodies to A and B type antigens.
C) will lack A and B red blood cell antigens.
D) lacks HLA and MHC antigens.
E) will have anti-O antibodies in their plasma.
Answer: C
Section: 19.1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
ASMcue Outcome: 8.5
Learning Outcome: 19.7

7) Graft-versus-host disease will most likely be a complication of a(n)
A) skin graft.
B) bone marrow transplant.
C) blood transfusion.
D) Rh incompatibility between mother and fetus.
E) corneal transplant.
Answer: B
Section: 19.3
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
Learning Outcome: 19.18

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd.

, 8) A positive tuberculin skin test is an example of
A) delayed cell-mediated immunity.
B) autoimmunity.
C) acute contact dermatitis.
D) psoriasis.
E) innate immunity.
Answer: A
Section: 19.1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Learning Outcome: 19.10

9) A healthy immune system destroys cancer cells with
A) tumor-specific antigens.
B) CTLs.
C) CTLs and activated macrophages.
D) activated macrophages.
E) CD+ T cells.
Answer: C
Section: 19.4
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Learning Outcome: 19.20

10) The symptoms of an immune complex reaction are due to
A) destruction of the antigen.
B) complement activation.
C) phagocytosis.
D) antibodies against self.
E) cytokines.
Answer: B
Section: 19.1
Bloom's Taxonomy: Comprehension
Learning Outcome: 19.9

11) Rheumatoid arthritis is due to deposition of
A) IgG and IgA complexes in joints.
B) IgA antibodies in joints.
C) IgD and IgE complexes in joints.
D) complement in joints.
E) complexes of IgM and IgG and also complement in joints.
Answer: E
Section: 19.2
Bloom's Taxonomy: Knowledge
Learning Outcome: 19.12

Copyright © 2016 Pearson Education, Ltd.

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