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Med-Surg Exam 2 jersey college Questions with Complete Solutions

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Med-Surg Exam 2 jersey college Questions with Complete Solutions

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Med-Surg Exam 2 jersey college Questions with Complete Solutions
angina could be triggered by ? CORRECT ANSWER eating a heavy meal
Exp: blood shunted to the GI area which decreases blood availability to the myocardium
locations of chest pain? CORRECT ANSWER typically felt behind the sternum and may radiate to:neck, jaw, shoulders, and along the inner aspect of the left arm.
what is the classic finding of angina? CORRECT ANSWER it is relieved with rest or nitroglycerine
Pt. education for nitroglycerin? CORRECT ANSWER 1. keep in a dark bottle
2.renew every 6 months
3.place under tongue, never swallowed
4. can take every 5 minutes x 3 doses
5. call 911 after the first dose if pain is not relieved
decrease in cardiac output, expect the pulse to be? CORRECT ANSWER weak, thready pulse
signs of hypokalemia? CORRECT ANSWER muscle weakness fatigue
muscle cramps
inverted T waves and a U wave on ekg
metabolic syndrome increases the risk of? CORRECT ANSWER heart disease
spironolactone is a potassium sparing diuretic that could? CORRECT ANSWER potentiate fluid and electrolyte imbalances ( if given with potassium supplements, hyperkalemia can occur)
how do bet-blockers work? end in -olol CORRECT ANSWER decreases
heart rate and blood pressure. mask the signs of hypoglycemia or worsen
asthma because of bronchoconstriction
why should you avoid discontinuing anti-hypertensives medications abruptly? CORRECT ANSWER increase risk for rebound hypertension
ACE inhibitors and Angiotensin 2 receptor blockers (ARBs) increase the
risk of? CORRECT ANSWER hyperkalemia
ACE inhibitors, how do they work? ends in -pril CORRECT ANSWER stop angiotensin 1 from converting to angiotensin 2 (powerful vasoconstrictor) thereby lowering total peripheral vascular resistance and blood pressure How to take a proper blood pressure reading? CORRECT ANSWER instruct pt. to not eat or drink for 30 mins
support arm at heart level
make sure both feet are flat on the floor
the target organs affected by long standing hypertension? CORRECT ANSWER retinopathy
decrease in output could cause what? CORRECT ANSWER decrease in tissue perfusion which results in organ failure
Following a pulmonary artery pressure reading you should deflate the balloon. Why? CORRECT ANSWER to restore the blood flow through the pulmonary artery
Straining with bowel movements is not good because? CORRECT ANSWER it triggers the valsalva maneuver which increases intrathoracic pressure decreasing the venous blood flow to the heart and results in decrease cardiac output.
change patients position slowly to prebent? CORRECT ANSWER orthostatic hypotension Low central venous pressure levels could suggests? CORRECT ANSWER could suggest dehydration or overdiuresis
increase central venous pressure could suggest? CORRECT ANSWER heart failure
increase central venous pressure provides a measurement of what? CORRECT ANSWER measurement of the volume of blood that returned to the right side of the heart (2-6 mm Hg)
Hemodynamic monitoring is performed where? CORRECT ANSWER in ICU and allows for direct cardiac monitoring
homocysteine CORRECT ANSWER damage the endothelial lining of the arteries
increase risk for thrombus formation and lead to stroke, CAD, and peripheral artery disease
the radiology procedure ECHOCARDIOGRAM shows what about the heart? CORRECT ANSWER direction of blood flow
heart shape and size
ventricular function
ejection fraction
the purpose of a cardiac stress test? CORRECT ANSWER to determine the hearts ability to respond to increase oxygen demand

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