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ISC3701 Assignment 2 Answers | 14th May 2024 In-depth, Researched answers using the latest prescribed Book! 2,64 €   In den Einkaufswagen


ISC3701 Assignment 2 Answers | 14th May 2024 In-depth, Researched answers using the latest prescribed Book!

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ISC3701 Assignment 2 Answers. Due: 14th May 2024 In-depth, Researched answers using the latest prescribed Book! #DISTINCTION #ISC3701

vorschau 3 aus 22   Seiten

  • 8. april 2024
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von: nontsikelelomaphungu • 4 Monate vor


von: tgntswelengwe8 • 4 Monate vor

14TH MAY 2024
Contact me if you have any concerns
084 829 4765

, ISC3701 Assignment 2 Answers | 14th May 2024
In-depth, Researched answers using the latest prescribed Book!
Contact me if you have any concerns: 084 829 4765

Questions Covered (Extra Notes at the end)
1. In your own words, use literature/studies to describe the concept of ‘pedagogical
content knowledge (PCK)’. Please incorporate the PCK diagram to provide more
clarity to your description. Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). .......................... 2
2. Explain the basic approach you would use to apply the principles of constructivism
in your specialised teaching area. .............................................................................. 4
3. What principles can guide your approach to the integration of technology into
instruction? Student-Centered Approach: Technology should be used to empower
students to take ownership of their learning. Encourage exploration, inquiry, and
discovery by providing access to resources and tools that allow students to construct
their understanding of the content. ............................................................................. 5
4. Critically describe your view on this statement: Mobile devices have the potential
to support learning...................................................................................................... 6
5. Design a mind map of your educational technology resources that you use when
teaching the subject of your specialization. ................................................................ 7
6. Based on what you have learned so far this year, describe your understanding of
‘technology integration’?........................................................................................... 11
7. List and describe the roles of teachers. Please consult your study guide and the
prescribed book and cite accordingly. ...................................................................... 12
8. Defining minimum acceptable performance criteria is challenging because defining
competence itself is complex and varies across different fields of study.
Competence, as explored by Eraut (1998), has multiple interpretations and is not
easily defined, especially concerning outcomes of significance, as noted by Spady
(1994). For instance, determining the competence benchmark for skills like critical
and creative thinking poses difficulties because some learners may excel beyond
others, leading to subjective judgments about competence levels. .......................... 14
References ............................................................................................................... 15
EXTRA ..................................................................................................................... 18


, 1. In your own words, use literature/studies to describe the concept of
‘pedagogical content knowledge (PCK)’. Please incorporate the PCK diagram
to provide more clarity to your description. Pedagogical Content Knowledge
Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK) is a key idea in education that outlines the
unique understanding required for teachers to teach their subjects effectively. It goes
beyond simply knowing the subject or teaching methods on their own, highlighting
the combination of profound knowledge of the subject with the ability to teach it
effectively. This concept underscores the importance of teachers not just being
experts in their subject area but also possessing the skills to convey that knowledge
in ways that resonate with students.……………………………………………………


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